
After the event, in addition to the five hundred student wind groups have a special arrangement, others are scattered, and the wind group does not have dinner.

Of course, leaders, academicians, college principals, Meng Qian has to come to come to meet with them, this world is so real.

Many people want to have the opportunity to communicate with Meng Qian, Meng Qian let He Yuting and Sun Xiaojing arrangement, first make a round of screening, so many people can't see anyone, some people can let Xiao Bo know them to dock it.

Meng Qiao continued to seek more national policies to the leaders on the night of the night, and when Meng Qian found that there were too many Huaxia companies that would like this will like to follow policies.

On the other hand, the five hundred students were arranged to have a relatively high business hotel near the company. After eating a fresh meal, I made everyone freely event. On the evening, the wind group did not have any arrangements for students. Five students started to go shopping at the streets of Hangzhou after eating.

In this era, young people often travel together in the evening of three or two, and there is no longer the marginal thing (love Qing), sometimes everyone will take a bottle of beer, and a chat is a whole night. .

"Yun Yu, are you still in the wind group?" This time the mathematics prize winner Shen Lin station asked him (body shēn).

"Well, the internship of the school is in December. I feel that I have nothing to do with Zhuoliang, I have nothing to do, and I will continue to stay."

"How do you feel at the Great Breeze Group?" Qiu Ming in the side and asked.

Yun Zhen, I may have some patients who have a bit of the mouth, but finally give a simple word, "cool."

"Shuang?" Three people who have not been in the wind group don't (forbidden jin) to see a eye, Qiu Mingcheng laughed, "Yun Yu, do you go to work in the massage shop or in the massage shop?"

A few people followed, but there were no people to pick up Qiu Mingcheng, and Zhule was standing on the other side of Yunyi and turned to the eye of the bead. "This summary is good, it is really cool."

Shen Lin looked at the two people, I took the words, "Yun Wei, when you give me the email last time, you feel that the wind group is very interesting, can you tell us more."

Yun Wei once again thoughtfully, "Some things (love qing) can only rely on themselves, I can only say that I can do a lot of interesting things (love qing), contacting a lot of interesting people."

"So you graduated in the wind group?"

Yun Wei shook his head. "Meng Qian suggested that I have abroad, he said that our education level has a gap between foreign countries. We have to face this gap, go abroad to learn more advanced knowledge, and return to yourself, Also, I think he said or (very ting) is reasonable. "

"Will you return to China after you learn?"

"Of course, I didn't think about the abroad (love qing) now."

"Because of the wind group?"

Yun Yu shook his head again, "Meng Qian said that the most brilliant dynasty will die, let alone the wind group is just a company, the only belief that can be long."

"What is your belief?"

"I want to live in this life." Yunyi's eyes were light.

The words of Yunyi, let a few people's looks differently differently changed.

"What do you want to do after you think?" Qiu Ming asked Yunyi.

"To tell the truth, it is still a bit confused, but Meng Qian let me see two things (love qing)."


Yun Wei's table (love qing) is full of affirmation, "Technology can change the world, our Huaxia has huge potential."

Shen Lin's consciousness asked, "Do you think our gap between China and the rice country may be chased?"

On the side of Yun Wei, I looked at Shen Lin's eyes. "Do you think it is all interested in the world and playing the world?"

The two people smiled tacit, "Of course, it's a game."

"It can be more difficult to fight the world." Standing at the most satellite, Cao Xiao, said.

Shen Lin smiled and stressed, "But it is born to play the world (sex xing), I have nothing."

Qiu Mingcheng heard the meaning, "Shen Lin, so do you really plan to return to China? What should you do with your uncle?"

Shen Lin suddenly laughed. "I have learned two summer vacations, bloated, bureaucrats in Microsoft, but the result is leading the development of world science and technology. Do you say not funny?"

"Your uncle does not promise to let you go to Microsoft's artificial intelligence team, you didn't say that it was Microsoft's most struggle."

"Well, before my uncle said that Microsoft's artificial intelligence team, I did have ideas, but I now feel more interesting with Microsoft competition." Shen Lin looked at Zhuoliang Tale, "Zhuo Guo, you will this year." Graduated, how do you plan? "

"I am the same as Yun Yu, first go abroad," Zhuoliang is more determined, "then returned to China."

"You are so familiar with Meng Qian, should you return to the country, stay in the wind group?"

"It is so planned." Zhule Liang looked up at the star empty, "But I said with Meng Qian, I won't stay in the wind group in my life. The country is not only Microsoft, but also IBM, and Apple, Huaxia is impossible. Only the wind group.

I have my own company sooner or later, I will have my own career sooner or later. "

"Hey, now you are not small."

Zhuleliang's words of Qiu Mingcheng, "What is your boy?"

"You have to go down Microsoft, a big boss, one wants to change the world, then I will silently see you ((forcing Bi) Bi)."

"Your uncle!"

I was "group", Qiu Mingcheng exposed a serious table (love qing), "Shen Lin knows that Ms. Xiede has always been my idol. Today, I listen to Wang Teacher, I want to return to China. Engaged in educational work, I hope that I can inherit the principal of Yan, inheriting some things. "

"I beg you to leave the Huaxia education, you will be a woman's education in this kind of people."

"Your uncle ..."

Shen Lin directly ignored Qiu Mingcheng, "Cao Xiao, talk about your plan?"

"My family two generations soldiers, I have no other ideas from small, learning this professional purpose is to return to China for graduation, I only hope that I can have the opportunity to participate in the aircraft carrier construction.

Waiting for us to have their own aircraft carrier, see those grandson dare to provoke us like this now.

And you are so big ambition, then I will be the person responsible for protecting you. "

"This guy is still so (meat Rou) hemp." Zhuoliang did a movement of chicken bumps.

"Zhuoliang, you are a dog!"

Five young people play in the street.

On January, the Hangzhou night is only two or three degrees. But the face of a few young people is full of vigil, like a warm sun, a aunt in the roadside community is smart, and there is no intention to sweep away these young people, no Forbidden JIN) Stop with both eyes.

At that time, the years were quiet, I would like to be safe.

At that time, there were fewer madness, and Hui Hui Zhi.


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