Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 288 to the chance

Since January 19, the Great Breeze Group started a so-called seminar for 500 students for three days.

The wind group found a qualified college professor, the academician of the Huacai Institute help, the company's technology is also all horses, divided into 12 groups according to the fields of 500 students, and each group can get a high treatment. Confusion and seminar.

At the same time, Sun Xiaomi took the lead to prepare free consultation and popularization sciences on employment, postgraduate research, Koobo, study abroad.

In the last day, I also arranged a built-in activity. Everyone is elite from different schools. Meng Qian provides a platform for each other.

Of course, in the whole process, the company has been entraining private goods, according to the needs and preferences of these students, the group can subtly, the things they provide, and printed in the brain.

Therefore, everyone left the front wind group also gave them an internship invitation.

This kind of company finds a number of activities that are gathered by the head of university elites. The actual purpose is to promote your company's practices, it is not a lot in China, but it is very common in Silicon Valley, mainly because the University's university is larger, from the world Students from all over the world.

Especially Silicon Valley companies like Asian students, although they rarely deliver executives to Asians, they like the traits of Asians smart and willing, so they often learn from each school. Etienale students have come over to gain some messy activities.

In fact, it is in order to dig talents. After all, there will be a lot of real elites. More importantly, these Asian students are likely to return to China. At this time, they will take the initiative.

But in China's universities, there are many foreign people from Africa and Southeast Asia. The Chinese entrepreneur is not willing to do this. It is really not necessary to do this.

However, the foreign students invited by the Great Breeze Group come to neon and Singapore, Meng Qian is clear, and now the wind group and the current Huaxia want to attract the West's student is more difficult, invite some to precipitate some word of mouth.

On January 21, after the three-day centralized activities, the wind group began to arrange students to go home, this evening, Shen Lin sat in Meng Qian, and Meng Qian patientfully reviewed the resume of Shen Lin himself prepared. Several papers issued during his university, "Basic work is very solid."

"Okay." Shen Lin accidentally found that there would be some uncontrollable nervous when he was alone with Meng Qian.

"Artificial intelligence, cloud computing, information security, you are interested in more content." Meng Qian's attitude is still very followed.

"The school is a stage of doing addition."

Meng Qian's nodded, "It is true, when you are young, do you find your own direction now?"

"I am most interested in myself is artificial intelligence, but I think I haven't done subtraction." Shen Lin stopped for a few seconds, "But no matter how to set it, I want to put my eyes in the future."

"It is convenient to talk about your opinion on the future?" Meng Qian looked at Shen Lin.

Shen Lin quickly adjusted his state, "I firmly believe in technology's indexing development is inevitable, looking at human history, 200 years ago, scientific and technological development beyond the development of science and technology in the past 1900, and starting from 2000, future 50 years of technology development is very likely to transcend the process of science and technology development in the past 5,000 years.

Therefore, when we look at technology development, our eye width is needed, we can't see the future technology development trend with a constant eye.

Why do I have a great interest in artificial intelligence, that is, because of the current horizontal width, it is true that there is a high intelligent artificial intelligence technology, and may have a few hundred years, but we will change the width of the eye. This matter may only be achieved in three or five decades.

When I look at the problem like this, I will realize that artificial intelligence is very likely to be an important technology in the next three or fifth year, so now start layout, time is just right.

I always think that I want to challenge the existing technology height of Silicon Valley. It is very difficult to stare at existing technology itself, but if we look more accurate than they, if we do it far from the layout of future technology, If we can master the foundation of that era in the next technology era, it is completely different. "

"Since you are interested in artificial intelligence, then you should be very clear, artificially intelligent development is not open to the common progress of algorithms and integrity, now the semiconductor industry has encountered a bottleneck, and the breakthrough of power has been stuck, you What should I do next? "

"Although I don't know how to break the bottleneck of the semiconductor industry, I am very determined that the bottleneck in the semiconductor industry will be broken."

Meng Qian looked at Shen Linyi's firm and couldn't help but feel curious. "Why? How do you be sure?"

"Because we have entered the era of technology practices, many people say that Newton's physics seems to have not developed in 100 years. This is obviously a mistake. The era of Newton is the theoretical era. They are discovered rules, prove the rules. , Make a theoretical basis.

In the next 100 years, everyone is doing practice. After knowing the world's physical rules, we have produced a lot of practical results and practical data on these rules. The results of this practice will inevitably guide our technology. The continued development of the industry, because as long as the physical rules itself do not have a mistake, then experience will become a driving force.

In the case of the current development of science and technology, human science should be in a level of low-end, and the real bottleneck should not appear at this time. "

Meng Qian has made a sure to look at Shen Lin's look, but did not show it, "So why do you want to come to our wind group? Tell me your true idea."

"To be honest, I am now curious about the biggest emotions of the wind group, but I believe that these achievements have been in the past three years, at least from the perspective, the wind group has been in front of the times. So I want to internship. "

"This is true." Meng Qian handed back to him, "as the rules, you as this year's mathematics winners, as long as you want us to provide you with internships."

Meng Qian called Sun Xiaojing, "Specific arrival time, you communicate with the manager Sun Sister."

"Well." Shen Lin also said nothing else, he did very curious about the wind group, just like Yun Wei, some things need himself, only their true feelings can tell themselves.

Before leaving the office, Meng Qian said with Sun Xiaojing. "When you arrange the Shen Lin, you will come to my office."

After half an hour, Sun Xiaomi came to Meng Qian's office. "Shen Lin also went to school next year. His family is in Shanghai, so he wants to start internship tomorrow, I will arrange it according to his needs."

"Yes, you can arrange it." Meng Qian put down, "Sun Jie, the final content of this year has been confirmed, I want you to do the lecturer of this year."

"The Lord ... is it a host?" Sun Xiaomi has an accident.

Meng Qiao smiled, "You don't listen clearly."

Sun Xiaomi quickly thought about it. "This thing is still a matter of making Xiao, I am just a personnel manager."

"Yes, because Sun Jie is still a manager, some things must make you do it."

Sun Xiaojing is not a fool, listening to the sound outside the string, but suddenly I don't know how to pick it up, "Meng Zhong ..."

Meng Qian turned a little more, "I have talked with IBM, I will send a team to IBM learning, the study cycle is about three months, will stay in Xiangjiang, then go to IBM Mi State Headquarters After a while, I will continue to talk about in-depth cooperation with IBM, and I hope you will come to the leader. "

"Well, I will bring the team." Sun Xiaomi will have a little chaotic.

"I don't want you to bring the team, and some money I have already spend it. I hope you can truly learn something from them and use these advanced management awareness and management models."

"Meng Zheng, I know ..." Sun Xiaomi, which has always been a stable, tangled it for a while, did not dare to ask.

However, Meng Qian took the initiative to ask. "What do you know?"

Sun Xiaoyi looked at Meng Qian's eyes, finally got courage, "Meng always gave me opportunities."

"What do you think?"

"From the company's internal qualifications, no one can win more than me, this is also a steady root cause I can do at the seat of the Personnel Manager, but if you want to go up, my age is hard to serve the public. "

Meng Qian does not help the corner, "age?"

Sun Xiaoyi looked at Meng Qian, he was laughed, and this chairman who sat opposite himself, "So the root cause is still in myself."

Seeing Sun Xiaoyi looked at it until it was so stiff, Meng Qian said, "The company's personnel director and the administrator's position have been empty, and the social recruitment, internal training, your three years of performance Everyone looks in the eyes, including me.

As for the public, I don't know, I really don't know, I can give you only a chance, can you understand what I mean? "

"I understand." Sun Xiaojing is really a bit nervous, now slack some, with Meng Qian so long, naturally can understand Meng Qian's idea, "Meng always gives me a promotion opportunity, but give me a The opportunity for striving, can eventually be competent, all in myself. "

"Sun Sister is good, now there are more people in the personnel, many new employees are a bit strange to you, and they will communicate with you. At least let everyone be familiar with you.

Some things are natural, really can't, continue to work hard, but I am willing to give you the opportunity, it is indeed a certainty of my three years. "

"I will do myself."

Meng Qian watched Sun Xiaomi, "I believe you."


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