On January 23, 2003, the Great Wind Group was another year.

This year, it is still a hotel in the suburbs. It is really that the company is too much, and there are few hotels in the city. There are few people to eat so many people in one place.

On the basis of last year, more than 1,000 people, of course, one of the reasons is that many companies have been acquired this year, and they will expand hundreds of people through acquisition.

This year's agent conference is in advance, so at this time, the hotel is company employee, full of nearly 2,300 people. Although it is not the size of the international giants, it has been a three-year-old company, but has such a high elimination rate, and the expansion is very fast.

It is still the old tradition, and it is a summary before eating. The only difference is that this year's speaker has become Sun Xiaojing from Meng Qian.

"This year, I will not take too much time." Sun Xiaoyi took the folder in his hand, and everyone knows that this is implied by the 168 sheet of paper in Meng Qian, who last year, later became the company's internal A stalk, and this year, Sun Xiaojing only has a thin ten sheet of paper in his hand. "For the current management system and generous development goals, the company will not have too much adjustment.

We are mainly summarized today. In the past year, the total business of our strength group is: 13.6 billion. "

"Hey," Sun Xiaomi deliberately paused, the applause of the applause, this is 13.6 billion in 2002. There are still many people who can reach the wind group in private enterprises in 2002.

"Compared with last year, our income accounts have changed, and the main revenue of our Great Breeze Group is still coming from games, especially the performance of" The Battle of the Gods "last year is very eye-catching, but this year our game revenue is It fell by 43% from 52% last year, and the revenue of hymths decreased slightly from 17% last year, the decline in the revenue of the momentary momentum was the largest, from 20% last year to 5% this year.

This year, our turnover has increased the fastest, which is our commercial software, sales accounting from 9% last year, the 16% of this year, the turnover increased more than 10 times! "

The employees of the US Department of Commercial Software and the employees involved in the database are not applaud. The sadness behind this data is only clear, how many nights can't hold, only sleep in the company holding a cold keyboard.

"In addition, the chip design center provides a total of 6% of the group company, cooperative sales, including cooperative sales with Sony, Da Jiguang, and Hainwei, reached the group business. 5% of the amount, the sales of industrial software is 5%, the application software turnover accounts for 1%,

Another thing to pay attention is that the company has a rapid increase in income, and it has created more than 100 million income in just less than three months, which is our company's intellectual property. "

Big enterprises are only selling only property rights. This is a few people listened, but this era knows very little person, and the wind group in Meng Qian is definitely going to this direction.

There are almost 1 point, the proportion of some scattered industries, Sun Xiaomi's simple brush, then the time is turned, "Although the overall data is very good, we still have some place to do well.

Last year, Meng Gong has done the decomposition of the company's several major departments, the game, and hyacinth, the commercial software is over-completed, but the sales target of the industrial software and the sales target of the application software is not done. "

There are some low pressure under the stage.

"Specific reasons do not discuss today, but I hope that the leadership of the relevant departments will be a summary after going back." Sun Xiaoyi looked at the leadership of the department, and several people nodded.

"Finally, I have to mention a data, last year, Meng Gong said that the 2002 Great Wind Group's R & D funding budget is 1 billion, and our actual annual R & D investment is 1.6 billion."

The scene was another applause. This applause mainly came from the R & D center. For the people of the R & D center, they love this company because of this company's attitude towards R & D.

"Well, I have finished the summary of the data. Let us have a summary of the 2002 work. If you want a word to give us a summary of our 2002 wind group work, what do you think?"

"Niu Jun!" Some people shouted a scorpion to laugh at the scene, and then there were some words.

Two words appear on the screen: confidence.

"I am the first to enter the wind group." Sun Xiaomi said that there is a halopellar, because she is really the first employee, because she really has feelings, "from me to the company At the moment, I never guess the development speed of the company.

I have ever thought about it, I have a crazy boss, or just consider it. In the past few years, I don't remember how many times I went to persuade Meng always slow down, reminding his company's development too fast, and put forward my inner worries and uneasiness.

However, it has proved that I have underestimated the company every time, but the employees in Today, especially the old employees, how many people have the same hearts? I believe that everyone has already questioned, worried, but in 2002 I found a big change, that is, this suspicious voice is getting smaller and smaller, whether it is old employee or new employee, we start full of confidence in the company. .

So the company decided, in 2003, our sales target was adjusted to 20 billion. "

"I am going, the routine is so deep!"

"Laozi's tears come out soon, and I will return it back!"

"Yes, this is a big wind group."

The following is aunt, but no one really has some opinions to 20 billion. It is like Sun Xiaojing. Everyone really begins to have confidence. "Well, the specific goal is refined to send it to everyone, it will not affect everyone. The mood is, then we entered the benefits. "

Since the 2003 annual meeting, the Great Wind Group began a variety of awards, including excellent employees, excellent newcomers, sales champions, ace logistics and other awards, winning employees can not only get practical money rewards, but also get it in the back. A little additional points.

After the prize, the year-end award will be issued directly.

Because I have a chaotic phenomenon, I have a chaotic phenomenon last year. Under Sun Xiaomi, I will send money in Sun Xiaojing.

Under the charm of money, the audience entered the boiling state, Sun Xiaomi also announced at this time, the annual meeting begins!

On the scene of the annual meeting, the song danced and dancing is extraordinary. Meng Qian is still a table toast, and has been staying at the scene to leave.

"Meng Zheng, everyone has got on the bus." After all of the people arranged in the company, Sun Xiaoyi came over to report.

"Well, you will go back."

"What about Meng Have you?"

"I let the driver drive over, I will send me back in a while."

"Well, then let's go first."

"Well, take a break early."

After the arrival of Sun Xiaodu, Meng Qian sat on the stage and looked at the quiet and empty hall. After a long time, he got up.

after an hour.

"How are you here?" Meng Qian, just returned to the company, saw that there were nearly 100 people sitting in the company.

"Meng Zheng." Everyone got up and said by Song Zhen Luo after the eyes. "We don't want to go home, just want to find a place to be a melon seed."

" ??"

Wei Peng Tiantiao said, "It's so cold outside, you can't go on the road ..."

Meng Qian looked at everyone, "What?"

"Just talking about Why do Meng always gave a girlfriend." Li Fei smiled.

Meng Qian sat down a gesture that everyone sat down, "Since this is so idle, talk to next year's work."

"Not a head of Meng!"

Meng Qi wants to hold back, but still laugh.

This company is more than just a company.


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