Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 290 has no deaths

This year's annual meeting is pleased, so it has reduced a lot of work arrangements. Wait until the company's company level gives a more detiling development goal in 2003.

Including sales objectives of each product and several key development projects in 2003, including computer, video websites, digital media software, etc.

Continuity items include systems, cameras, 4G technology, 3D games, etc.

And the first 3D game Meng Qian, the first 3D game Meng Qian, has experienced such a long temper. Everyone has their own understandings and opinions on this industry. What should I do for 3D games, Meng Qian Give the bigger decision to them.

All items are almost separate from the Development Department and the R & D department, such as computer projects, CPU design, motherboard changes, and graphics card revolution require R & D department to undertake a large number of work, digital media software and video website development requires R & D department. In-depth exploration of the algorithm.

As for some projects, such as databases, sensors, etc., continue to maintain normal maintenance and.

After the release of the New Year's goal on January 24, the staff of the Great Breeze Group began to go home for the New Year, and the company's last week was constantly reducing workload, so that more people can live with peace of mind.

On January 31, Meng Qiao came with his parents for the New Year.

At the same time, he also has a thick newspaper, "Dad, mother, look at your son, the top ten scientific and technological characters, Huaxia's youngest billionaire, China's most legendary young entrepreneur, there is this Big pile, ask you 6 no 6. "

Before the grave to the parents, Meng Qian can always put down all the camouflage. He is a child. Whether it is 20 years old or 40 years old, it is a child in his parents, "Dad, this is the Mout Tong President, send me shortly. , You will drink the second pot of a lifetime, the son is developed, and the taste is good. "

Meng Qian fell into the wine in three cups, and touched the next two cups with his own cup, and he dreamed, "Shu Tan."

"The company is now developing very well, it is a bit big, insomnia is always normal, you see my hair, according to this trend, I am afraid that I will be bare.

But you can rest assured, I have to live, and these things are still very happy, you both take care of yourself. "

"Mom, you must say let me find a girlfriend to take care of me. I told you that your son is really a woman, this princess of this day, I can't see it.

As for the favorite girl, maybe there is one, I like her? Well, I may be her body. Hahaha, I am joke, she is really beautiful, but more important is that it is very real, simple, will worry, will be anxious, will be afraid, will sprinkling, it is a smoke.

But I am too busy now, I don't want people to follow, I am like a widow every day, not suitable, do you say a mother? You give me an analysis of the idea of ​​analyzing women, you also know that your son is a straight man. "

"Oh, yes, there is something to say to you, I secretly built a department, specializing in studying the problem of time and space shuttle, I have never believed this thing, but I can't do it now.

Since I can cross, then prove that this world must have a way to realize crossing, you give me some time, I want to wear it again, and I will wear two years.

Although it is possible to re-come again, but at least I can talk. "

Time quietly went to the morning, Meng Qian, who was born, was swaying home, this night, he dreamed of being chased by his father.

New Year's Day, Meng Qian is rare to sleep at home, take a good day, on February 5th, the New Year, Meng Qian stepped to the plane to Moscow.

The peers also have Xiao Bo and other six company employees.

The plane is noon, and the two receptionists bring Meng Qi and a person to a hotel.

"Meng Tong!" The representative of the Russian Federal Education and the Ministry of Sciences greeted Meng Qian.

"Mr. Anatolley, you."

After entering the seat, the Anatoli's simple coldness, Meng saw the other party suggesting that he took the initiative, fell, "Mr. Anatolley, about our wind group wants to submit a detailed documentation of the Russian Development R & D center has been submitted, A Should Mr. Natolley? "

"Of course." Anetoli nodded, "The Great Breeze Group is indeed unexpected in industrial automation and artificial intelligence field, and the wind group did not expect the Great Breeze Group."

"Intelligent integrated automation is an inevitable trend of industrial development. Now the automation development is still in a starting stage. I think there is a big investment, and in the field of precision machinery, basic disciplines, Russia's strength is a visible, and Our wind group also has its own advantage, so I want to create a research and development center that intelligently integrates automation industries in your country. "

"Well, the description of the wind group is very detailed, driving automation is really good for the Chinese and our Russia, so we are very welcome for the proposal of the wind group. I don't know how much the R & D budget of the wind group is? "

Meng Qian is a bit uncomfortable. It is so smoothly in these years, "If you can start the R & D center, we can start the R & D center, our first year of research is about 2 billion."

"Mijin? Or soft girl currency?"

"Soft sister coins."

"2 billion." Anatolley did a strange thinking, "What channels have been made by the research and development funds of the wind group?"

"Well?" Meng Qian suddenly died, what kind of channel coming in, what channel can I come in by research and development funds.

"Meng always is this." Anatolley looked like Meng Qian's expression seems to be determined that he is not true. "The reason why your company contact us to communicate in the research and development center, want to consider talent problems. ? "

Meng Qian nodd, this matter is nothing to cover, if it is not for the elite talents in Russia, he is like Fairo Hoteti, and it is more convenient.

"So, since we really work together, we are willing to recommend the right talent for the wind group, but in order to protect the interests of our domestic talents, we need to ensure that the research and development funds are sent in place through some interventions." Anatolley suddenly A deep expression, "Hope Meng Prime Minister."

Meng Qian couldn't help but look at Xiao Bo, and the action of this and Anetoli said this. The two finally understood, this is the benefit.

Although Meng Qian knows that Before Meng Qian knows that there must be less than a point, after all, Russia's corruption issues are famous worldwide, in 2008 International Clean Index list, Russia ranked 147th, this list ● App Download address XBZS ● only 180 countries and regions .

But Meng Qian really didn't expect that the other party would be so straightforward, although it is half a half-half private occasion, it can be opened by entrepreneurs, and the other party is not a bit too anxious.

After this, it is more likely that the detailed thinking is more likely to have no fear. It can be seen that this situation has been generally usually in Russia. It is no wonder that the Russians have long been numb.

But the saying goes well, it is good to enter the country. This matter is not good in the country. Meng Qian can do anything, it is difficult to do this as a saints, that is, it is a research and development center in your country. That is naturally to do things in accordance with your country. "

Listening to Meng Qian said that Anatoli's face revealed a straight-white smile, "Then it is good, as long as everyone does not have the contradiction, things are good."

"That don't know how to do it, please also ask Mr. Anatoli to enlighten me."

"The operation is very simple. When we signed a cooperation agreement, we do a guarantee to the R & D center of the Great Breeze Group. The funds of R & D personnel will transfer more from our research funds, so that the R & D staff is in the heart. , Of course, the management rights, operation rights, and subsequent intellectual property rights of the R & D center are both wind groups. "

Meng Qian has been very passive, "Mr. Anatolley," Mr. Anatolley, "I have a little other idea."

"Meng always said."

"Salary this thing is actually unfained from management independence, it is better to give you a sense of security, we can press a margin in your organization, in order to thank you for your work, our Great Breeze Group is willing to provide some scientific research funds. "

Anatolley touched his beard and thought for a while, "Meng Gong's sincerely I have seen it, will we talk about the details of cooperation?"

Meng Qiaoqi is strong, "Okay, I respect Mr. Artolley, I wish us a happy cooperation, I wish Hua Russian friendship long."

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