Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 292 against Russia's strategy

Moscow University, the most historic, largest university in Russia, and Meng Qian is going to Moscow University. This matter needs to be told from a meeting a few days ago.

"For all the information obtained from Russia, everyone combines the company's current situation, talk about what we need to deeply cultivate this market, talk about what we can get from Russia?" Meng Qian asked at the meeting.

"The biggest advantages of Russia are still in the field of military and aerospace, and most of the existing talents are also concentrated in the fields of military aerospace, this is not the area of ​​our company will involve." Ding Mingyuan's first talk, "and in other fields, Russia The current high-end talent stock has already rarely, coupled with some of the measures taken in the stage, simply dig elite, may have missed the best time. "

"I heard that our country has dug a lot of military and aerospace talents from Russia?" I asked about the consciousness of Gu Junhui on him.

"Yes, in the past ten years, in the Russian grabbed people, our country's allocation is basically the talents in military and aerospace."

Meng Qian did a hand to express not to start on this issue, Ding Mingyuan continued, "And from the point of view, the early days of the early days of Russia also sold the sale, and now I want to go. These are inextricably unlikely.

So if you want to find an existing value from Russia, I have two suggestions, one is the transformation of the Russian elite talent strategy to the labor strategy, and the other is a deep dig of basic science talents. "


"Russia in similar software, civil hardware and other fields is obviously less than that is not as good as Neon, but we have to admit that their overall level is above our Chinese.

So I think since the background of the big era has changed, our talent strategy should also change, from the past to Russian excavation talents to transform to Russia to use their labor market.

With the temperature rise of the relationship between the two countries and the rapid development of the overall economy of China, the Russians have made us work, and have become a possibility.

Everyone is considering the cost of labor costs, it is not recommended to settle in Russia so early, but we have seen the per capita income trend of the two countries, and Russia now not only rose, and even the trend of falling, and the Russian technology industry. Employees' wages are particularly serious.

Confused our Chinese, the national economy is entering the rapid development stage, although the overall per capita income is not very high, but we have to consider that we have a lot of low-end manufacturing companies always pressing artificial cost, if only from the IT industry, we Two years of per capita salary increased by 60%.

Coupled with the expansion of IT employees, the labor costs will continue to rise, especially our big wind groups have been in general salary. From the trend, our salary level is sufficient to cope with Russia's labor costs.

But the experience and ability of Russian practitioners are above us, which becomes a point that can be utilized. "

Meng Qiao has no statement on this issue, "said another idea."

"Russian except military and aerospace fields, the other is the basic science, which is always in the world. These years of mathematics physics awards are still the main stage of Russia. So in the elite talents, Russia's basic science talents Let's talk about a good entry point. "

"I agree with this matter." Xiao Bo lifted his hand, "Russia obviously reluctantly wishes to take the military strong country hat, now in fact, even if we want to go to the military aviation field, it is difficult.

However, the total reserves of the large number of basic science talents in Russia are in colleges and universities. They are mostly responsible for education, but they can see from the data. Russia's investment in the education industry is not as good as one year, and teachers will decrease year by year. Teachers' welfare is almost deprived. "

"Since the treatment of the Russian education worker is so low, why is so many teachers still stay in Russia?" Meng Qian looked at the data related to the eyes, and the loss rate of the Russian college teacher was relatively low.

"Because everyone's understanding of basic science is very short." Ding Mingyuan gave explanation. "For a long time, most people have never understood the value of basic science in the application, and even the basic science and application science put on the opposite side.

Many people have proposed that basic science has become an application of science. The time takes a few years, decades, or even hundreds of years.

Therefore, there are few people with a large number of reserve basic science talents, and even the national institutions will rarely reserve such talents, including our Huaxia, which is also very despised by basic science, and the main retaining points of basic science talents are always colleges. .

But if we are in the long run, we should realize that the value of basic science will continue to reflect with the process of technology development, and now you can't see the value of basic science, not because of the lack of value of basic science, but because application science The development is also early. "

Meng Qian nodded agreed that as rebirth, he was too clear that Ding Mingyuan is correct. It is indeed unusual to understand basic science in the early stage, but with the concept of the fourth industrial revolution began, quantum is scientific and intelligent. The research and development investment in the field has begun to increase, and everyone is finally aware of how important basic science is.

Just as an example of future generations, Newtoni does not teach you how to make a house, but if there is no Newtonian, this discipline of civil engineering can't make it.

Everyone gradually realized that every industrial revolution is actually the breakthrough of basic science. This is also a thing that is very regretful in China, which is too important to pay attention to basic science.

"Why didn't the Western universities don't dig these talents in Russia?" Meng Qian once again throwing a problem.

"From the information to analyze, there are two reasons, on the one hand, because of the basic scientific needs environment, although the comprehensive ranking is not high, academic atmosphere and academic foundation in the field of basic science are more than the Western universities, the other Aspect is the most realistic salary problem.

When Western companies dig talents in Russia, they often give three to five times salary. They dig out the most elite people. Most of these people have a big age, and they have deep feelings of the country. The front of the country is not easy to leave the familiar land and even need to leave the family.

Unlike young people, you can't want to go.

Even private universities, it is not very high in salary, and the college teacher of Miki is still good. "

"If these two reasons are really important, then in the problem of research environments, our Huaxia is more attractive." Meng Qian pointed out the weakness of his own.

"It's so, so I suggest that we don't directly dig the teacher of Russia."

Meng Qian looked up at Ding Mingyuan, "Ding Director's idea is?"

"We talk to Russia's colleges and universities, these years, Russian colleges and universities urgent research funds, and the large number of equipment is old behind, and if we provide research funds, I believe they will welcome us.

As a exchange, we apply for some teaching cooperation, he believes that they will not refuse. Since our quality of our own private schools have been in the road, we can cooperate with school to introduce basic science talents in Russia.

And our goal is from the long run, it is not that they can provide us with how much research results, but they can train our students in the basic science field. "

Meng Qian is finely understood by Ding Mingyuan, "If they cooperate, they can't sell their lives for the wind group, but they can cultivate talents for us. Our wind group can harvest more, is the talent training opportunity brought by educational resources. "

"Yes, on this basis, supplemented with heavy gold talents."

Meng Qian looked around and other people nodded to express the idea of ​​recognizing Ding Mingyuan.

Meng Qian's inner is still more supporting this idea. "That is, the proposal of Ding Dynasty is as a main direction, go to Russian universities to communicate and understand, after coming back, we will fight for the ultimate program."

"Good Meng Gong."


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