Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 293 Visit the University of Moscow

On February 6th, Russia At 9:00 on the morning of February, Porina is waiting for him downstairs in Meng Qian.

Today, Porina wearing a white shirt with jeans, a piece of beige coat, is simple but difficult to cover the proud figure, "Mr. Meng has a place to go?"

"We are not partnership, you call my name directly, I want to go to your school to turn, convenient?"

"Okay." I don't know if Balna is not a habitual enthusiasm. It seems that she seems to be happy to take Meng Qian to school.

Meng Qian settled in the hotel very close to the University of Moscow. The two were chatted with the five major landmarks of Moscow after a while. Moscow University.

On both sides of the middle road of the university square, there is a statue of twelve stone carved characters.

"This is Zukovsky, aviation air dynamologist, this is the evil spirits of Jimiria, biologists." Polymina introduced Meng Qian.

"For Poly, what major do you read?"

"I am a mathematics department."

"Mathematics?" Meng Qian had some accidents, couldn't help but ask. "Is this your own major?"

"Of course." Bolin is very affirmation, "My father will happen to intervene in my thoughts in my life."

"I remember that the University of Moscow has five Fiferz awards."


Meng Qian used Yu Guang to pay attention to the expression of Poly, "But I heard that your Russian mathematician seems to be good, is it good?"

The Belle is moving. Updated the equipment. "

"15 years?" This figure really makes Meng Qian feel incredible, this is the oldest Moscow University in Russia. What is the situation of other schools, "Even if the above funds are not coming, the school itself has income, no Go this point? "

"There is too much place for schools need to spend money. This money is not enough to be allocated. In addition, it is competitive in international colleges and universities. For the so-called international rankings, schools are also engaged in face projects." Poenna facing Helpless, "There are still many business donations in the past year, and the company donation is less and less."

"This is why?"

"Because the purpose of corporate donations is for students, but these Western companies have arranged so-called universities in our Russia. For the elites in the school, they started to OFFER from the big two or even one, and give high money Salary, in advance, the school's elite is booked, domestic enterprises competition, but naturally reduce donations. "

This is clear, because it is not secret in the later generations. In the treatment of college talents, the company is really good. It is worth learning. They are not only in the future, they often invite college talents, and will Always pay attention to the competitions and activities between major colleges and universities, and discover talents.

Once the talent is found, even the other party is only big, it will hire directly, and the most embarrassing of this is to do Google. He almost a dozen years World Computer Contest, the gathering, a large number of two third elite In the early days, I got Google's Offer, other companies were still waiting for graduation, Google had already shot.

This is also an important reason why Google has suddenly chased IBM Microsoft. Google's talent layout policy is the world's top.

"Can I go to see the laboratory of your school?" Although Borna said this, Meng Qian still wants to take a look.

"Some labs are not open to the outside."

"I will see the open laboratory."


Under the leadership of Poly, Meng Qian has visited several physics laboratory and chemistry laboratories in the University of Moscow. When I saw the appearance of the Emperor's appearance, I had this kind of old and defeated, let Meng Qian sonded many.

"In fact, if the school can spend money to practice, it will not be in this way." Borna is also sigh.

After the exchange of Poly, Meng Qian noticed that she was a very dare to say a problem, and his father would consider maintaining the face in front of the outside, Porinnai likes to point out the country's problems, school problem.

This may be a common difference between young people and adults.

"You think your school's leaders ... is it?"

Po Linna shakes his head. "That is not, donating the money to the school can come down, at least my father is used by the school's money, but the school is too intended to be the so-called balance, a lot of money is there. On the meaning of the meaning. "

"Is your father donated money every year?"

"Yes, even when he is just a researcher, he began to donate to school. These years gradually gradually, although the company has not started to make money, but he has been adding donations to school." Bolina When you say this, the expression looks at some don't recognize your father.

"Since you know that the school doesn't spend these money to practice, your father should be very clear, why should he do this?"

"Because education is the future of the country." Bolin didn't know what was recalled, "he always said."

The Answer of Poena can not help but let Meng Qian recalls the performance of Fernoldti last night. "Your father has a strong dream."

"Yes." Bolina responded very simply. "He always tells us that Russia will definitely reappear. Every time we put forward the country's problems, he will always say it."

"You don't recognize it?" Meng Qian heard a trace of Polygonum.

"I just think he is too ideal."

Meng Qian was silent for a few seconds, "Bolina, if you have a hole in your clothes, what do you do?"

"Change it."

"But someone will choose to make up, depending on the degree of attention to this dress and whether you can buy another dress."

Polle suddenly stopped.

"what happened?"

"My father also told me a similar thing." Polyna seems to have hesitated, "Meng Qian, in fact, my father respects you.

He often mentioned you in front of me. In the past few years, my father has been touching another Chinese company, a company called Huawei, but my father said that he is not very like that company. "

"Why?" Meng Qian is indeed curious.

"My father said that although Huawei attaches importance to R & D, this company is too powerful, but since he began to understand the wind group, he always told me that the wind group is likely to be one of the greatest enterprises in China.

This time, my father's company is found, there is a lot of choices, but he chose your big wind group, it is really for your respect, it is a selfish decision. "

Dawn, basically let Meng Qian can determine what Fisototti wants to say yesterday. "I hope that you can transfer to Mr. Phone Hotti for me, I also have sincere and respect for him. Also believe that yandex will become one of the greatest companies in Russia. "

Pornna nodded and didn't say anything more, but it was deeply thoughtful.

After the laboratory has reached noon, Bolin took Meng Qian to the school cafeteria to eat, Meng Qian saw a lot of students in the cafeteria.

"There are so many students during the holiday."

"Moscow University has a lot of hard work." Polyna looked up and glanced, "But everyone works hard,"

"What about you? What is going on after graduation?"

"I should go out for a few years, but I will definitely come back."

"Because your father?"

"Not, I don't have a confidence like my father, but I hope that the country is getting better and better."

"You live very real." Meng Qian showed warm smile, then transferred the topic, "How is your Russian young people impression on us?"

"The previous impression is very poor." Bolin is blunt, "But since I contacted my letter, everyone began to change the Chinese, now more feelings, probably curious."

"Next time your father came to Huaxia, let him bring you, I will take you."

"Okay." At least from the morning contact, Porinna's impression of Meng Qian is very good.

After the meal, Meng Qian first called Xiao Bo to dock the situation on both sides. After the phone was hung, Meng Qian took the temptation to ask Polyna, "I have said that the funds you said to you. The mathematician has a relatively small impact, then you feel that the mathematics of your college, what is the most lacun in the field of education and research? "

Poena almost seconds, "respect."

See Meng Qian, Poena thought that he was not clear enough. High and low, but they care about their respect. "

Meng Qian did not help the corner, "Bolina, you really helped me very busy."


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