Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 294 fox is not a demon

When Meng Qian came to the campus, Xiao Bo saw the management of Moscow University. The management attitude of Moscow University is still more positive. After all, they will not welcome the wind group, will welcome research funds from the wind group. As the exchange, the school is not only willing to send teachers to Huaxia to teach, but also will provide more students' quotas for the Great Breeze Group.

That is to say that once the wind group own private schools have worked, the school students can have more opportunities for Moscow universities during the university, and they can also get an opportunity to read and study the University of Moscow.

As for the docking, some information obtained from the side of Porinna will basically have confirmed. For example, Poly, the special funds donated by his father to the school, such as donating 1 million to a mathematics project. Funds, schools can take 500,000 to buy information, and then say that these materials buy it for the project, in fact, these materials have nothing to do with this project.

Xiao Bo is also said that the school has always requested the greatest control on the problem of funds, but for this kind of hosaka in Moscow does not matter, he is not for teachers' resources, not to develop the University of Moscow, how did they love? How to toss.

A big question mentioned by the school is that the teachers of other colleges are all good, but they are the mathematics department of the University of Moscow. This college is a difficult to serve the social status of the Russian mathematician. The people have gradually despised mathematicians to make these older mathematicians in their hearts.

I have seen a strike before listening to school leaders. Now the whole mathematics is a bit meant from school. It is difficult to cooperate with these people.

However, Polymna gave Meng Qian an answer, they wanted to respect, and Meng Qian gave them respect, after all, Meng Qi has always respectful sincerity to researchers.

Meng Qian and other Xiao Bo will contact yourself again to let him collect the personal information of the Mathematics Teacher in the next few days. To personally go to individual.

In addition, the other thing that Xiao Bo continued to stay in Russia is to promote the R & D center as soon as possible.

After the arrangement is completed, Meng Qian has returned to China on the 6th, and the company will start red envelopes from the morning.

I have been busy approaching at noon, Meng Qian let He Yutai went to buy some food, I took the mailbox before sitting in the computer, but I opened the latest email.

Application for applying for private universities has been dismissed.

If you want to apply for private universities, it is more difficult to apply for a national recognized private university, business capabilities, teacher reserves, related experience, etc., there are too many things that need to be reviewed.

Therefore, if you want to create a private university recognized by the country, there is a way to find public universities, first run a certain college a certain college, and then do it independently.

But all things in the world have two-sided sex. Meng Qian has consulted a lot of related situations from Liu Ji, but also through Liu Ji Ren, so I learned that there is a disadvantage of hanging, such as scale problems, such as the birth problem, For example, management issues, there is also a special form of assessment that has to be facing.

Easoft is because it is in order to cultivate operators, so don't mind these things.

But Meng Qian wants to do college, I want to cultivate more research talents, and everyone's goals are different. If they are limited by the strip box, Meng Qian will be very uncomfortable.

If you must do it, then you must find it, find 985, find 211, find a double-first-class university, but usually this kind of university will not let the company do, after all, we must consider the school reputation. Just like Jiang Dafa, Meng Qian has long said that there is a matter of incisive, and it has not been below.

Although there are also, such as the famous Wenhua University, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, which is also included in the United States Real Estate Co., Ltd.

"Wait! Wenhua University!" Meng Qian suddenly thought of what, immediately went online.

On the evening, Meng Qian appeared in Pan Yun's home.

"Pan President, my private university application was rejected." Meng Qian cried in Pan Yun.

The Pan Yunyi Union is of course like course. "I told you last time, don't worry about the national recognition, first put the school, do it, and don't delay for a few years."

"That hangs on Jiang Da, how is Pan President?" Meng Qian took the tea cup directly from Pan Yun's hand.

Pan Yun's hand is taught, "I don't say this, it is impossible."

"Why is it impossible, it's not that the school can't do it. It's still going to do it?" Meng Qian's eyes looked hotly.

Pan Yun is not frowning, "You don't chase this matter."

"Our country has built a burst of private universities in 1999, and private universities have increased 10 points more than once."

"That's because the 99-year college students expanded." Pan Yun calmed tea, "just the number of increases."

"President Pan may be so confirmed that the state is relatively negative to the private university?" Meng Qian asked Pan Yun and did not speak, "" Western uses decades to prove the advantages of private universities, What is the serious thinking of westernization ideas, is it true to the private university? "

"The private university does have an advantage, but a premise is the accumulation of time." Pan Yun was excited by Meng Qian. He as the principal of Jiang Da, is not as good as Meng Qian, a businessman, "We" The deposition of public universities is generally insufficient. The experience of running schools in private universities is almost zero. If the country wants to support, how to support? How to support?

We lack a set of effective experience and models for our private universities in our Huaxia. "

"How come this experience?"

"Let the time to give the answer." Pan Yun stigrated Meng Qian tea, don't think too much.

"But if you always face private universities with a conservative attitude, it's enough to give a good answer.

I understand that it is really inconvenient to support private universities in the top now, but will there be some people to take the initiative? "

"You mean that I am too conservative." Pan Yun gave Meng Qian one you know the little eyes.

"Don't do it, good, good, our Chinese people's trendy." Meng Qian said with a smile, "Everyone is used to the above clear voice, but sometimes, these clear voice need the following practice. Feedback. "

Pan Yun suddenly looked at Meng Qian, "You are a bit abnormal today."

"Because what I want to say today is really not normal." Meng Qian took a folder from the bag, "Pan President see this."

Pan Yun took a document clip to see that there is no change, "Huazhong University of Science and Technology? Is this news to live?"

"I have learned through multiple channels. Dong Soft's Liu also helped me to inquire, this matter can basically be determined, it is the National Ministry of Education." Meng Qian did not remember when Wenhua College was founded But today, I went to discover, it was really skillful, and I have already had news that Huazhong University of Science and Technology should cooperate with the company.

Then I immediately went through the people, I knew that this is basically settled, and now it is a process, and I will announce it in the past two or three months.

In fact, Wenhua University is also true in May 2003.

"Huazhong University of Science and Technology ..." Pan Yun couldn't help but think about it, "Why do you have to have heard of this Menren Real Estate Co., Ltd.?"

"It is to engage in real estate." Meng Qian shrugged, "and this company was established in 1999, which is more than a year than the wind group."

Pan Yun put the teacup that has been in his hand in the table, began to seriously flip the information provided by Meng Qian, "Do you think this is the above attitude?"

"I am a chairman of a company, so I know that in fact, I am looking forward to what the employee tells me how to do it, but I will tell them how to do it.

Regardless of the environment and soil of private universities, at least the country has no denying civilian universities, at least we should see the problems in public universities, if the development of private universities is not a good thing, I think of our public university Existing problems want to resolve the time that might need will be longer.

Since the country is willing to make marketization to disturb the planned economy, I can't think of why the country will refuse to disturb the traditional education?

If you want to have a big change, you need a big revolution, and you want a big revolution, you need to appear on the characters.

How come this appeal? "

Meng Qian pointed to the folder in Pan Yun's hand, "Pan President, do you say that the country will stand out?"

"But once this is not handled, it will face huge reputation losses on Jiang Da. I as a principal, I need to be responsible for the school." Pan Yun began to throw problems. If you throw the problem, you will show him. .

"I understand that from the study started from the college, Jiang Da will definitely be affected by public opinion, but if it has passed? If it is successful?

President Pan, you know me, why do I want to do private universities, what attitude towards enterprises, what attitude towards research, what attitude towards the country, I believe you are in the eyes. "

Then Meng Qian said he went to the University of Moscow and Pan Yun. "The light of Moscow University's education resources, our wind group can share with Jiang University, this is not a good thing for Jiang University?

And in the scientific research fund, I never never. What's more, only from the social influence and social reputation of the company, the wind group is better than the US Real Estate Co., Ltd.? "

Pan Yun put down the folder, his expression appeared more obviously.

Meng Qian is busy plus fire, "Pan Shu, you think about the advancement of Huaxia Higher Education Reform, the extension of the development of Huaxia Publicity University, these titles, is there attractive?"

Pan Yun hired and wants to be the impulse of Ba Meng, "I feel that your kid is flicking me."

"I don't let you buy it." Spring 2001 Spring Festival "Sell" Terrier is full of fire, "said again, I don't let you two feet, your legs are good, I don't follow it. What is mirror? "

Pan Yun's consciousness refers to Meng Qian, "No wonder they all call your little fox."

"Hey, the fox is a fox, and the saying goes well, the fox is not a demon ... Implement is also a fairy.

Can you make a good thing, right? "


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