Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 295 Lantern Festival

Pan Yun did his heart, and he began to understand the situation the next day.

And the wind group just over the end of the year quickly entered a busy working condition.

On February 10, Meng Qian received a good news. The application for entering W3C has passed. Meng Qian arranged a 15-person first team to go to W3C headquarters to work, W3C arranged strong wind group to HTML5 Working Group .

In 2003, as a Chinese company entered W3C, this has already taken a very important step. The next thing to do is how to improve the strength of the wind group in W3C.

On February 11th, Xiao Bo hit a thick piece of information raised from Russia, Meng Qian handed the information to He Yaxing, let her make a form.

On February 12th, a 18th team of Sun Xiaodian leaned to Xiangjiang from the company, opened a trip for three months.

The work of the Personnel Department is temporarily handed over to a woman called Qi Meixue. Ji Mei Xue is 32 years old this year. It is an employee that Sun Xiaomi has been cultivated. This time, Sun Xiaomi has recommended this person to Meng Qian, Meng Qian should .

The company manager is willing to cultivate and promote the following people. This is the most desirable that Meng Qiao, he is afraid that the manager is worried about the development of the following people, especially those who have the ability to suppress, this is a common enterprise. The phenomenon.

On February 14, Valentine's Day, the wind group jointly broke a few hospitals in Hangzhou, and several companies have worked together a blind date. There are more than 500 lives, and the wind group went to 150 people.

From the on-site feedback, the staff of the Great Breeze Group still very popular, like Wei Peng's genius to get dozens of girl contact information, now walking a bit.

At the scene, I can hear a similar discussion around the scene. "The salary of the tennis employee is so high, really fake?"

"That is to say, the few men will also say that there are five or six thousand wages a year, which does not include the shares they bought, and our nurses have not so high salary."

"The New Year will not say that the average annual salary last year has just been 10,000, and their fundamental annual salary is too high."

"I also heard that the wind group has the employee family benefits, and the child has educational fund."

"This is true, I am really good to find a big wind group. I heard that one is working every day for 15 or six hours, and it is quite self-hearted."

"And people look very honest, there are several stupids, sorrow, see that the man is, what is the sky, a lot of girls look, saying is a second, but stupid."

"It's stupid and make money, this is good! I also want to contact us."

February 15th, the Lantern Festival. Meng Qian came to Pan Yun again again. Today, Pan Yun invited him to eat together.

"What about Pan Tong?" Pan Tong is the son of Pan Yun, which is one year older than Meng Qian.

"In Australia, I can't come back." Pan Yun stimulated Meng Qian.

"Master is not there." Meng Qian watched a circle.

"She returned to my hometown, I didn't go back here, so I came to come over the whole two glasses." Pan Yun took the apron to hang it on the wall, then took a bucket of Yangmei wine to the table, "I Self-brewed, taste it. "

"Good ." Meng Qian grabbed the cup to help Pan Yun, then gave him a cup, then he took a wine glass, "I respect you."

The two did a cup.

"Well, the craftsman of Pan President."

"Don't bring it to me on the mall." Pan Yun deliberately glanced at Meng Qian, "Today, I have to come to two things, one is to create a college, two is a festival, use Can't let you flatter me. "

"But ... is really delicious." Meng Qian's face was awarded, and he did not pay attention to the change of Pan Yun.

Pan Yun did not pick up, direct the topic, "I also learned about the founding of the college, the Central Science and Technology University is really true, I also contact the school management in the first two days, your guy, is it I have found everyone. "

"No." Meng Qian is innocent, he did not find other leadership of the school.

Pan Yun actually said, "When I mentioned that when I mentioned the school, everyone opposed, when I mentioned the things of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, most people still opposed, but when mentioned this When the company's wind group, everyone's attitude has changed. "

"Perhaps ... is because I didn't pay less than the school two years?" Meng Qian said with a laugh.

However, Pan Yun's eyes are a bit complicated. There is a gratitude in the eyes, "I have a trust in you," I have established yourself, you are affected. "

Meng Qian understood that Pan Yun as the principal, his responsibility is the greatest, what is the countless of the reading, because Meng Qian is the three years of performance, I believe Meng Qian?

It is impossible, and it can be said that people in this position will protect their careers, no one can believe.

Understand that Pan Yun's mentality is also serious, "If this is really a success, I suggest that we will sign a detailed agreement with the school. We recommend that it is recommended by the river, and in education model You can try to make a complementary, as for education resources, our wind group is willing to share with Jiang University unconditionally.

In the publicity of the college, consider all kinds of situations that may encounter in the development process of the college, I consider preparing a donated name, this money, our strong wind group will provide, leave a post-road, it is also from another The angle helps to the river. "

Pan Yun frowned, "This is not very fair to the wind group."

Meng Qian revealed a smile, "When the state issued an education reform pioneer trophy, Pan President remembered that he mentioned my name when I said the award-winning."

I said this, I didn't say some words I want to say, "I sent a team to the school to divert the application."

Meng Qian took the wine glass and pushed the desktop to Pan Yun, and touched his wine glass, "Thank you Pan President."

Pan Yun did not talk about this after drinking, "I heard that Yun Yu and Shen Lin are in your company?"

"Yes, Pan principal knows them?"

"Of course, I also grabbed Yun Wei with Yan Da," Pan Yun showed a uncomfortable, "as for the child of Shen Lin, he is good with my son."

After that, Pan Yun took the initiative to touched Meng Qian's cup. "Shen Lin's uncle is good in Microsoft, I remember that Shen Lin has always planned to graduate to Microsoft. How did he go to your company?"

"Shen Lin is very big, Microsoft can't install it." Meng Qian explained a sentence.

"How is he doing your company?"

"Very good, I will give him a very important job in the future."

"That's good, this child is very smart, not bad." Pan Yun suddenly drunk a cup, Meng Qian did not pay attention to Pan Yun's expression has some weird.

After the brain rapidly rotated, Meng Qian realized what, "For Pan President, what is the planning after Pan Tong?"

Pan Yun did not consciously hesitated for two seconds. "He said before, I want to go to Microsoft with Shen Lin."

"This ... But now Shen Lin's ten eight-nine may stay in our strong wind group, I plan to talk to him to let Offer directly before he goes back to school.

Pan President, did Pan Tong have to mention the wind group in front of you? He is not interested in the wind group. "

"Because Shen Lin's things he asked me about the wind group, I probably told him, and there were not many people." Pan Yun put a piece of meat in a bowl.

Meng Qian seems to be smiling, but the eyes are like the eagle. I have always observed the changes of Pan Yun's expression. I tried to determine my guess. After you have a probably answer, Meng Qian asked the tone of jokes, "Pan President, I want to put Pan Tong digs to the wind group, you will not mind? "

"I don't have the job of children," Pan Yun said that when this is said, "I believe he is a primary child."

"That's good, I will let Shen Lin to explore the wind, if you can take Pan Tong out, you can go through the Lantern Festival."

The hand of Pan Yunci is slightly shaking, and this fine action makes Meng Qian, he guessed, the parents of the world hoped that the child had good development, but at the same time, the parents of the world also hope that the children can With your own side, "Pan President, I respect you, Yuanxiao."

"Happy Lantern Festival."


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