On February 15th, when the Chinese people spend the Lantern Festival, the world outside, the same is very lively, this day, is a famous global anti-war parade, 6 million people in more than 600 cities in more than 600 cities have created human history. The largest anti-war parade recorded.

And this anti-war emotions and anti-war activities have lasteded for a few months.

Three days later, when the streets of the rice still flooded with anti-war parade, a company in the Silicon Valley of Migra Valley broke out.

"Ellison, why do you refuse to let me host a conference!" Herman's eyes were full of dissatisfaction and anger.

"Herman, from tomorrow, you will no longer be the Oracle staff!" Ellusen Torn looked at Herman, "Do I have to give my post conference?"

"Before we agreed that the launch of the new database as the deadline, do you want to talk to me now?"

"Three months, this is what you are coming out." Ellison is completely not in Mealeman's anger. "To the moment, we agree that you have a new generation of databases to complete the new generation of databases, but there is no promise will Let you go hosted the conference.

Herman, as a person who is about to leave Oracle, do you think you think soon? "

"I have made so many years, it doesn't come to a last decent. Is Ellison?" Herman revealed her hard laugh.

"If you really have feelings about Oracle, will you leave the company so? You call your own feelings, you don't think it is very laugh!" Herman is a self-employee. Ellison does not give face, not to mention I'm going to go now.

"Ellison, Oracle10g is my heart!" Herman's anger made him have already impulsive to play people.

"I hope you understand that oracle10g is the hard work of hundreds of employees of Oracle, not your Herman's heart!"

Herman has a long breath, and the long-lasting silence reveals a tired expression. "Good Ellison, I don't owe your company, don't owe you, my last request, revoke my competitive agreement."

Can the competitive agreement be revoked? Of course, it is an agreement to undo, in commercial competition and business activities, because various reasons will be revoked or shortened the contest agreement is a fairly common thing.

Especially this era, because most of this agricultural agreement is 3 to 6 months, it is not 2 years. Many times the company has analyzed what it will not be limited to this time, or because of each other. I know that the employee can't go to the competitors, and use the revocation of the competitive agreement to exchange other interests.

Ellison frowned silence, giving a few other people in the office to eat melon, tone, and finally eased a bit, "I consider it."

"Then I will go to the form." Herman turned to leave, did not especially persistent, his tone is helpless, expressing it is also you willing to leave a point, if you are not willing Give it, I am too lazy to say more.

"Where is Herman's home?" Herman just came out of the office Ellison asked the office.

But everyone shook his head, and Oracle said, "said many people have come into contact with Herman, but there is no news about Herman's decision."

"I think the big probability should be SAP." Some people put forward their own guess, "SAP has been planning the business of the independent database in order to get rid of the database, and they need a person like Herman to dominate the database project. This should do not hesitate at price. "

"In fact, Microsoft's possibility is not small." There is another person's statement. "Herman suddenly proposed to revoke the competitive agreement before leaving, it must be reasonable. Microsoft has recently stared at our database technology, they in a hurry.

And we have signed all other major competitors, and only Microsoft didn't tell us at the same time. "

"But whether it is Microsoft or SAP, to be honest, if Herman's home is really their words, 6 months of competition agreement will not be limited, they all understand how to avoid the competitive agreement, and they are Hold a batch of rogue lawyers, let Herman put forward the unus of competitive agreements, just want to have more troublesome. "

"So is it possible that Herman's home is a small business." Ellison put forward his own ideas.

"Herman is so proud, this possibility is too small." I have seen a lot of people don't agree, "and even if he is willing to succeed, small businesses can use the value of Herman."

"If, is it a Chinese company?" Ellison suddenly thought of what.

"Great Wind Group?" Someone immediately followed the association.

"This is even more impossible." John's first negation, "Herman is very unpleasant to Meng Qian in Huaxia, and when the World Mathematician Conference, Herman questioned Meng Qi's thing The attention of the global media, they have such past, how can Meng Qian may hire Herman? How can Herman? "

"This is." Ellison was convinced by John. After all, he did him, it was absolutely impossible to dig a person who once insulted himself.

"I think I have to revoke the competitive agreement may have no relationship with Herman. It may be just a personal demand for Herman. After all, he must not want to stay in the house for six months, he is mad."

"In any case, Herman's industry influence is still quite big, and resigning this matter will certainly have media tracking reports these days. I think that since Herman does not continue to be stubborn, we may wish to give him this. The last sentiment. "

Ellison squinted and then defended for a long time, "Al, Herman stayed in the company for so many years, when I sent him a gift, but as a exchange, Herman left him to take the technology taken away. under."

The office is conscious of seeing, strongly holding the emotions that you want to sigh, this is Ellison.

On the evening of the Time, the Herman's face moved several cartons to the parking lot.

"Mr. Herman."

Hermann, who is going to the back box, is like a few seconds like it, "Meng Qian."

Meng Qian smiled at Mr. Herman, "Do you want to help."

"How can you here?" Herman still reacted.

"I heard that Mr. Herman may have to leave Oracle today, so they are specially rushing, afraid of being robbed." Meng Qian face is sincere.

However, Herman is not very trustworthy, "Mr. Meng came to us, there should be something else."

"Other things ..." Meng Qian made a expression that made me try to think about a, "I heard people say that the air of the rice is sweet and I want to feel it."

"Sink?" Herman gave Meng Qian's surprising response.

Meng Qian's mouth, "is a bit disgusting."

Herman is some slow, nor does it ask more, after all, Meng Qian is not completely coming, this kind of thing does not ask for an answer, "Mr. Meng eat?"

"I have eaten on the plane at noon, and I have never been eaten yet."

"Mr. Meng does not dislike, go to my house to sit?"


Meng Qian took the hand to help Herman move, and Herman was closed after the trunk. He looked at the more than a dozen burly men reacted for a while. "Mr. Meng is a bit big. "

"There is no way, I am afraid of the country."

Hermann Demon Meng Qian got on the bus, Meng Qian found a dozen bodyguards opened four cars and followed Hermann.


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