Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 297 Herman's decision

Herman's family is not at home, listening to him, Herman personally kitchen got Meng Qian fried steak and opened a bottle of red wine.

"I rarely kitchen, Mr. Meng does not disappear."

"It is much better than I do." Meng Qian swayed the wine in the wine glass, "Mr. Herman, for our long time."

Herman did not speak, drinked with Meng Qian.

"I heard that Oracle's next-generation database has been developed under leading Mr. Herman." Meng Qian put down the wine glass.

"Mr. Meng is inserting an eyeliner in Oracle." Herman asked with a calm tone.

"I bought a little hurting and elegant," Meng Qian is also very calm tone, while the steak is said.

"The next generation database is indeed developed."

"That is a bit looking forward."

"I will develop a conference soon, Mr. Meng will soon see."

"Is Mr. Herman attended the conference?"

Herman is taking a bullish hand, then picking up the wine glass alone, "I am not an Oracle staff."

"It is also." Meng Qian nodded, "Is Mr. Herman want to accept the invitation of our wind group, attend the last six months after the launch?"

"The conference after six months?" Herman looked up in Meng Qian, there was a doubt on his face.

"Mr. Herman's competitive agreement is not six months?"

Herman converges the expression, "Mr. Meng ... is really waiting for me?"

"I said before, I am looking forward to Mr. Herman to host the database conference of our Great Breeze Group, Mr. Herman has not given a clear response, so I can only wait." Meng Qian said a piece of just Sliced ​​beef.

"What is Men Mr. Meng? Your database is you developed, why do you want me to host? This is unfair to the core developers of the Great Wind Group Database."

"Mr. Herman is just the opposite, because I hope that the efforts of the Employees of the Great Breeze Group can get a bigger return, so I want Mr. Herman to host our database conference.

Because I seem to be Mr. Herman, but also Herman's industry influence.

Mr. Herman should be the legend in this industry. I pushed Mr. Herman, Mr. Herman pushed the wind group, and everyone is good. "

"Mr. Meng speaks directly."

"I want to tell you that I invite your reason because of private feelings, do you believe?"

Herman couldn't help but laugh, "Mr. Meng, at the World Mathemist Conference, I really don't want to be difficult, but really question you."

Meng Qian also couldn't help but laughed, and the wine glass was indicated. "Mr. Herman is also straightforward."

After the two drank a bite, Herman took the smile, "Mr. Meng estimates that in the face of Oracle next-generation database, do you have advantages?"

"Mr. Herman should still remember the plan I gave you this time?" Meng Qian asked.

"Of course, remember." Herman's conscious uses of course, after all, the planning overlap rate of Herman is too high.

"Although there is no chance to invite Mr. Herman in these months, the last time Herman's conversation with our employees at the R & D center, gave everyone a big inspiration, on Mr. Herman's suggestion, our The database also made a large-scale optimization. "

Herman is looking at Meng Qian, and I saw a inexplicable confidence in his eyes. "When did Mr. Meng return home?"

"This should first look at Mr. Herman's arrangements and attitude."

"I hope to see the Great Wind Group's database conference at the end of the month, not 6 months."

"What do you mean by Mr. Herman?" Meng Qian naturally confused.

Herman finds a protocol to put it in front of Meng Qian, "I am very clear, your product is really good, your product is really good, but I want to remind you, Oracle10g, will More perfect than you think. "

Meng Qian looked at Herman's revocation of the competitive agreement, couldn't help but feel interesting, "Mr. Herman also underestimates the database of the wind group.

But if the event will be awarded at the end of the month, Mr. Herman may be a bit troublesome. "

"How to say? The competitive agreement has been revoked, I am now free."

Meng Qian wants to think, "Mr. Herman is convenient for two days, and I will understand it."

"Okay." Herman did not ink, only packed up one night, followed Meng Qian back to China next day, as for the visa, it is really a good fortune.

Meng Qian has basically determined Herman Club. If he is just from Oracle to the company, it is really meaningful, but Meng Qian should come to Miki, and the rituals of Li Qian have always attached One thing, if you don't respect the talent, you can respect you, with your light.

Not anyone is full of eyes is money.

The two people talked to the salary benefits and positions on the plane. After the company, Herman was directly to the Personnel Department to sign the contract.

Hermann Great Breeze Group is the location of the technical director, with Ding Mingyuan, but Herman's work will be more focused more than Ding Mingyuan, at least in short-term, his work is the database, will not let him do something else.

After signing the contract officially became the staff of the wind group, Meng Qian and Hermann R & D Center, with Herman to learn about the status quo of the Great Wind Group Database.

After the R & D center stayed in a night, Herman had understood what is going on what Meng Qian said.

"In fact, I have been a protection for you." Meng Qian said with Herman, "I can use this six months of time with Oracle, if you now If you develop, some things may inevitably. "

"It doesn't matter." Herman has decided after his thinking, "I have a fortune, I don't care about it. Since I am now the staff of the wind group, I care about how to develop the Database of the Great Breeze Group."


On February 20, some media have begun to create, Oracle's latest database is called next-generation application infrastructure software integration kits when publicity is just an update of the Oracle database, but a time change of the database.

In the media's publicity, Oracle means that new data will break the limitations of traditional databases, push the database to a new height. According to the publicity, the Oracle new generation database will completely change everyone's usage habits and create a new The era.

At the same time, cooperate with the top ten, thousands of employees jointly developed, and then announce some data slightly, and finally add all kinds of rice version of the earthquake.

The entire propaganda gives people Oracle to guide the development of the industry.

In fact, the so-called revolution of Oracle10g is to join the grid computing function, which has indeed improved performance, but it is not to talk about what database revolution, but Oracle is to say that, once the one of the world is also promoted.

The two major builders of rice, Oracle and Google are not the worm, and the two goods will be a small achievement to promote into the human revolution. Most users don't understand.

Just like Google has blown three times to realize quantum hegemony, there is a letter from three times. The propaganda strategy of these two companies is simple to say:

On February 26th, Mi Province, Herman to the Conference Hotel check the effect.

"Boss, just confirmed a message." When resting in the middle, John plaque came to Ellison.

"what's up?"

"Herman really went to the wind group."

Ellison couldn't help but frown, "I am really disappointed, which is the pride of this guy?"

John didn't know how to respond to this sentence, it will not respond, "There is another thing."


"The Great Wind Group will open a database conference on the 28th of China."

"Database posting? At the morning of the 28th?" Ellison slowed half-shot to react, "Isn't it the 9 o'clock in the evening of the rice?"

"Yes, that is, ... I will hold a conference with me."


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