Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 300 Technology Stealing

Not long after the news, a keyword became a hot spot that everyone discussed, that is, the technical stealing.

In fact, as the development of the incident, everyone realized that the truly overlapping technology is not a lot. If it is hard to quantify, the most accounting for about 20% of the main core technology of the database, but because overlapping technology is almost innovative, so let Everyone has an illusion that seems to be particularly like two companies.

From the entire database technology, the gap between the two sides is quite large.

But this does not affect everyone to eat melon, and eat melon people don't need to deduct such fine.

And even if you know so deeply, the probability of two independent companies appear in such an innovative coincidence is also very low.

Especially in consideration of the factors of Herman, this is very bizarre. Everyone can't help but think of technology to steal.

So who is plagiarized?

This became a curious place, and therefore, the last reporter question and answer session on both sides has mentioned this issue, hoping to make a statement on the technical overlap of both sides.

The wind group, first, Herman's statement, "When I came to the wind group a week, I also had a strong shock on the technical overlap of the two sides, but I can determine two things, first, the first, wind group technology It must be independently developed.

Second, Oracle is also very clear, oracle10g is my original colleague, Ilija led. As for Oracle, there is no plagiarism, you should ask Elija, of course, I have also participated in Oracle10g. jobs.

I personally can promise is that the technology I am responsible is absolutely no copying of the wind group, just a coincidence. "

After Herman state, Meng Qian also expressed his own view. "I just saw Oracle's post conference, first, the technical overlap rate on both sides did not seem to be as high as I thought, is some technical overlap, I hope everyone Don't explain over, as for this part of the overlap, I personally think that I don't rule out the possibility of coincidence without evidence.

Secondly, for this part of the technology overlap I hope to communicate with Oracle, and I hope that the media friends should not have any conclusions. "

Compared to the gentle attitude of the Great Breeze Group, Ellison, which looks very angry, and directly points the spear to the wind group, "Our Oracle will never tolerate the technology to steal! We will give the wind group Let's have an account! "

"If the wind group really has the behavior of technical stealing, is this thing about Herman?" There is a reporter asked.

"About this problem, we will definitely check it. If it is Herman, we will definitely accept the sanctions of the law!" However, Herman's status makes people feel that this is already determined that the problem of the wind group.

Within a few hours after the press conference, online is in various guessions and discussion.

On the evening of China, a news began to spread globally.

CNN released a report, "Great wind group steals Oracle technology, showing Chinese man in humans." The report that the Great Wind Group stolen the technology of Oracle through commercial espionage.

In the article, there have been some evidence. For example, some technical Oracle began research and development a few years ago. At that time, the wind group was still established. For example, it is difficult to interpret the development of the database, and it is impossible to have this ability, then the article starts "Shenghua" pointed out that this is the inferiority of the Chinese people.

The report has made almost no personal attacks on the people.

It is coming out with this report, it is the oracle prosecution news, and Oracle said that it is necessary to sue the wind group and strictly investigate the technology theft.

"I'm really said." In the president of the wind group, Meng Qian looked at the online news, he sat opposite Herman.

"This is Ellison, he is absolutely will not allow the company to be ashamed. After he went back, it will be able to understand that this thing is that there is no evidence, since it is a dead bureau, since there is no evidence, then He can use the media to give yourself an advantage. "

"How did Ellison let CNN talk for him? Do they have interests?" Meng Qian asked.

"Three reasons." Herman explained that "CNN is the Warner's era."

"Warner era? So?" In this regard, Meng Qi still did not understand.

"The Warner Times has just merged with Mi State online. The ICQ of Mi State Online is almost no market. Ellison will find a person who is contradictory."

"Different two reasons?"

"Ellison is consistent with CNN, or is consistent with Warner's era. The last reason is that Ellison has maintained the resources of the media channel, as long as he gives the price, not only CNN will Talk for him. "

Meng Qian nodded, CNN is a dog's gating, and later the Chinese people look clear, "Since Oracle is shot, we should also have a hand."

"Well, I am going to interview now."

"Herman." When Herman got up, Meng Qian couldn't help but screamed, although she started using him from digging Herman, but Herman's attitude made Meng Qian apologized to him. "This time you can't come out,"

"Ellison didn't make it simple as you think." Herman expressed his attitude. "I still have the sentence, I am worried, I will not care how others look at me."

When Herman walked out of the office, Meng Qian told himself that Herman is a pure man, and it is not good to be, be kind to him.

"How do I say online?" Packed up the emotions, Meng Qian asked He Yuting on the side.

"Many people support us online."

Meng Qian is collecting files without stagnation, "support?"

"Yeah." He Yuting stigrated Meng Qian's computer.

Meng Qian opened the news in China, he saw that under the relevant topics, there were indeed comments, similar to the wind group affirmed that there was no washing, or the people cnn would not report it, the wind group did not copy How can I be silent now, the group is thinking about how to edit the reason.

Victims have sinners, not responding to sinners, are common in later generations.

But below these comments ...

"You are definitely not washing, otherwise everyone will not yell you."

"If you are not a beast, so many people, you don't respond."

Of course, the comments of quarrel are still relatively small, more netizens are too lazy to take care of those who accuse the wind group, but leaving the most direct support.

"Believe in the wind group!"

"There is no evidence in the true sense of the report of CNN, which is also a mainstream medium?"

"Discrimination is too obvious, not discussing problems, not to pursue the truth."

"From the last mathematical conference incident, we will find foreign media true garbage, only to talk about their correctness, the media is just a gun in the interest."

"Although my girlfriend runs because of the dance group, it is a code, I still support the wind group on this matter!"

Meng Qian suddenly couldn't help but brush a comment, and he couldn't help but rose.

Some things are changing in the event of subtle.


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