Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 301 counterattack

On March 1st, China, China's major media began to forward two messages.

The first message: "The Great Breeze Group has hired a lawyer to sue N maliciously infringement."

The second message: "The Great Breeze Group has made negotiations to Oracle on the technical infringement."

In the second message, the wind group took out the true evidence, and some of the patents and the patent description of the application are still in the application.

Because of the time limit for patent applications, many patents on the database have not yet, this is also the reason for Meng Qian, waiting for Herman's 6 months, because of another six months, many patents Down, in the original plan, Meng Qian is to wait for 6 months to move out of the patent weapon.

The patent in the statement is still confidential in the patent office, so it is a bit troublesome as a certificate to the public, but if you really want to fight the law, the patent office can provide relevant information as evidence, but the legal significance is also There will be a certain gap. After all, your patents are still not really true, you can't tell people in the law.

But for competitors, it is enough to threaten the effect. I can't do it now. I am not waiting for you for half a year, but what can you do this for half a year? You go to apply, I definitely can't drive, and according to patent application, It is also easy to reject now.

And it is unfortunately, the wind group releases these patents almost all the technologies hit by two companies.

In fact, after the launch conference, Oracle found a problem. After all, Oracle is a patented enterprise. The core technologies of their own will apply for patents in time, but they find that most of the technologies that have been hit by Oracle's new innovation technology. And those Oracle had already approved old core technologies that have already got patent authorized, and the wind group actually avoided, or the corresponding open source technology is used.

However, Ellison was in anger, and many of the people below did not specially reminding this thing, because in everyone's opinion, it should only be coincidental, the wind group can never know what is going to do with Oracle and target These innovations have been developed and applied for patents unless Oracle has a ghost in the wind group at least a year, and this ghost can determine the company's product development.

Everyone feels impossible, although the external propaganda Herman is the biggest suspect in technology, but the Oracle staff is in their hearts. In fact, Herman is not such a person. Herman is no matter how no people, but he treats technology Everyone is watching in the eyes.

Just like some people are very stinking but very kind, everyone doesn't like to make friends with him, but do not mean that everyone will deny his kindness,

So even if the oracle is really inner ghost, the people in the company are also more willing to believe that there are other people rather than Herman, but now this, can only give Herman in the case.

After all, who can think of Meng Qian is a rebirth, it is really necessary to refine the specific innovation of racle10g, Meng Qian must not remember, but some of the main core advantages of Oracle, and Racle10g began to use grid to calculate this thing or remember Some.

Many of the Oracle has indeed starting from racle10g, so this is a meaningful version.

So Meng Qian has made many technological research and development in the development of Oracle early morning. As for what technologies, which techniques are specifically highlighted, which techniques are involved, which techniques are indeed, and no one knows Racle10G.

However, this thing Herman didn't feel that the strength of the wind group was indeed developed by the wind group. It is not the result of the Herman's private wind group. This is the strength of the wind group. Helping the wind group avoids some patents that may appear later.

Now, as the staff of the wind group, Herman feels that he does not have problems, just like the player is traded to the old east, I am often sold, I have been sold, I am now a new east. Ah, I shouldn't sell my life for the new east, and when I fans, the fans didn't think that the old east is not good for me?

The contest agreement is Ellison promised to revoke. Ellison feels that there will be no one in the same development with Oracle, and even Microsoft does not feel impossible. I think I am inserted in Microsoft's eyeliner very reliable. I underestimate it. His opponent, who is blamed.

After the news slowly passed, the Oracle's office was dead, compared to the public opinion measures taken here, the wind group took out the truthful thing that can be used as evidence, but the oraclebone is not taken out of the true evidence. It is completely a picture, which makes it clean, which makes Oracle lose public opinion high.

"First make a public relationship, first press the news of the wind group, don't let the news spread." I haven't thought about how the next step of the next counterattack, the people below the next one step, "The Operation Department from R & D time, R & D investment, etc., first find the angle, the wind group can now take a patent, try to fight him this point. "

"Good boss."

"John, you go to the patent office, contact Hansen, let him help us investigate the patent status of the wind group database, and find out if there is any way to reject the patent application of the wind group, the specific negotiation yourself, as long as the situation Xu, you can consider the price. "Ellison's eyes were spicy, it was obvious that Meng Qian was really angered by Herman.

"Well." John was going out, and Ellison's assistant came to the office.

The assistant God looks a little anxiety, "The boss, I just got a new news. You see a look, and an interview report in Herman is coming out."

"Herman? What did he say?"

"I mentioned a lot of things in an interview, which mentioned three points. First, Herman said in an interview that our company's database research and development has not been promoted for so long, this time we hit the wind group, many technologies from really The research and development time is in fact, in fact, it is late from the wind group.

The second thing is to respond to why he will leave Oracle. He is attributed to the attraction of the R & D capabilities of the wind group and the humanistic charm of Meng Qian. He said in an interview that Oracle is a ... it is a no human Place, and from our attitude towards his attitude, he felt that he left Oracle is a particularly correct thing.

One thing is that Herman said that the wind group was forced to take out patent evidence to prove that his innocence is a very passive and dangerous thing, because he believes that our Oracle is likely to seek unfair intervention of the patent office, But in order to see the truth of everyone, the wind group has to do this.

In addition to these three points, Herman in the interview also promised God, he did not betray Oracle, his attitude, got a lot of people on the Internet. "

Ellison's anger is full of his eyes, there is a red blood, "Her! ! Man!"


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