
With the counterattack of the wind group, everyone pays that the attitude of the wind group is actually more soft than the softness of Oracle. Oracle accuses the wind machine to steal the core technology, but the wind group only does not mention the technology this thing (emotional Qing), but It is more inclined to express this is a coincidence.

However, the coincidence is broken. Since this problem, the wind group has indeed applied for the patent, then the wind group needs to talk to Oracle to talk about this matter (love Qing), everyone always wants to solve the way.

In contrast, the external state of the Great Breeze Group appears a lot.

However, this kind of thing (love qing) is difficult to become a coincidence in the eyes of eating melon, when the wind group took out the evidence, even some people began to guess, is it a struggle group?

Who stipulates that only small businesses are plagiarging big companies?

Online public opinion slowly started to turn, at least the wind group can take out patents, some patents have come out that the wind group has developed these technologies at least a year ago (love Qing), before the oracle hint Herman It is to start anti-water three months ago, then this statement obviously can't stand up.

( q) 's (hot rè), with the warning of the wind group, and Ellison gradually realized that he was placed in an extremely embarrassing situation after calm.

If Oracle continues to force, the wind group will continue to resist the evidence of patents, and Oracle propaganda has used the latest database for a long time, I can't use it, the intervention of this kind of thing (love qing) Many patents in the wind group have arrived at the time, and it is really easy to achieve.

Another point is that if you want to continue with the wind group, it seems that only the words of the front of Herman will be reversed by the wind group a year ago. With the things (love Qing), more Big, this thing (love qing) will be known to people, the company's executives have been in the case of only billions of valuations, which is a good play, is it very proud?

Does the world strongly condemned the wind group?

Perhaps this article will be used to condemn the wind group, but for more people, this world is not right, especially for many entrepreneurs. Said that Oracle will not only get everyone's compassion, but only a joke of Silicon Valley is even a questioned goal, and the oracle will make the executive to do this (love qing)?

But if the reconcil is solved, this is weak, it is the weakness of Oracle to the wind group.

The calm Ellison first called Elija and others asked a very important question. "Is there a way to avoid the patents of the wind group?"

"Yes, it takes time." Elija is not eating dry rice, I have long thought of this layer, I have opened a small meeting before Ellison.

"how long?"

"The fastest three months, Oracle 10g needs to postpone listing, and you need to do some public relations work."

"Can you determine that we can avoid the technical patents of the wind group?"

"I confirm."

Ellison nodded, he already had a tendency.

It is relatively easy to revealed that this is relatively easy.

If the oracle is going to make things (love qing), Meng Qian will accompany him, from intended to dig Herman, it is planned to have a good intention. Anyway, the truth of "Love Qing) does not have the private link to the wind group, so how can you check that you can't find evidence? It can only be consumed with the wind group.

What's more, the reason why the wind group's counterattack came out online, there is a new situation immediately. There is a reason is that this thing (love Qing) this (body shēn) has many doubts, everyone is not a fool.

Just like someone is chatting from yesterday, if Meng Qian really privately passed Herman, why did the Great Wind Group be stupid to Herman to host a conference? Waiting for the squeezing? A person who can make anti-methyl bones can do such a low IQ (love qing)?

Normal people must give Herman's money to let him enjoy, and the relationship is not too late. Even if the Herman's low-key in the wind group R & D center stays than letting him host the wind group at this time. Good release, unless the wind group has no ghosts at all.

However, for Meng Qian, he is more hope that Oracle can continue to do with himself. Although it is necessary to pay a bigger price for this big wind group, everything is favorable.

For Meng Qian, the Database of the Great Breeze Group wants to enter the international competition, the light is not good, this thing is the same as the system, you are doing it, it is not used by a market inspection. You, you said your product is good, first let the market inspection for three years, three years later, it is a new era.

What's more, there are also alliances from the rice country, etc., some products should enter the international market, only two roads, or no trouble.

Because of the trouble, you can really make a market concern, and you will have a concern, you will know, it is like Herman who is, the database in this circle knows, but there are very few people who know this circle.

It is like the world asks who everyone is the chief technology officer of the Silicon Valley. Who knows, the boss is not recognized.

Some things that the Great Wind Group rely on himself, and the influence of promotion is limited, but things (love qing) are not the same. Just just the current event (hot rè), some of the world's corners have already discussions.

China March 1 (Ri Ri) Night, Thailand Central Bank.

"Do you know this company this company?"

"The wind group is to do the business company, it is always doing the company software last year, the market reputation is good."

"Have you heard of their home database?"


"Now the wind group is with the oracle thing (love qing), what do you have?"

"The patent is not possible, the technology must be developed to apply for a patent, let alone the wind group is a Chinese company, and they apply for patents in the rice country to make a fake, at least from this matter (love qing), big wind The group's technology should not be stealing.

If the Oracle's technology is really in the wind group, how can they not apply for a patent? Even from the current (love Qing), it feels that Oracle may steal the technique of the wind group. Big enterprises steal the technology of small businesses and then press small businesses, which is actually a very common thing (love qing). "

"Oracle is not said that their technical director is opposed by the wind group?"

"How to listen to this matter is impossible."

"This way, you will go to the wind group first, learn more about this company, after 911, the man's hand begins to go to us, we can't be infiltrated too complete."



Russia, Kascass Basis.

"Before the wind group to promote their database?"

"Yes, it will soon."

"How did you not report?"

"We didn't set IBM before. Although the database of the Great Breeze Group has some innovative points, but the whole is not very highlight, there is almost no market inspection, I didn't consider their products at the time, but they had price and service. Advantage."

"This Herman mentioned that he is because of the R & D capability of the Great Breeze Group, which allows Oracle's technical director to hop, this company is absolutely not simple. And Herman's interview also mentioned some technical Oracle and Not many years ago, it began to R & D, although it has been left, the people in Herman will not feel free to say that they are unfavorable, actively contact the wind group. "



Neon Toshiba Headquarters.


"OK, the Great Breeze Group's database has reached a league with Huadian server."

"The Great Breeze Group seems to have been looking for allies in our neon country."

"This is a very smart practice. The success of the Great Breeze Group will ink any help from our neon companies."

"But he chose Huawei and slightly Sony, which is very interesting."

"This is the Chinese people."


"I am arranged immediately."


Germany SAP headquarters.

"I have been paying attention to this Herman very early, I have been considering digging him to us SAP, he is definitely not a person who will be reversed by Meng Qi."

"That is to say, this wind group does have a unpretty research and development capability."

"I think this time, if it is really in the wind group, we may also consider the direction of changing the direction."

"Do you think Oracle will plant heels? Ellison's strength is still not shown."

"Although the size of the wind group is still not the international giant, the wind group is already a giant company in China. Compared to the strength of everyone behind Ellison, it is the back of Meng Qian, let me feel expectant. (Sex xing) very big. "

"Then let's take a good look."


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