The real life is like this, many people need to see the purpose, see the result, see the return, and some people will take the whole effort as a habit.

Just like Sun Xiaojing, she did not say that she would deal with such performance to prove the Chinese cow bi) or how, she is just simply, since a military training, then try to treat this thing. To challenge your limit.

When Sun Xiaomi went down the mountain, she got the most controversy applause, Borg's front eye gods firmly praised Sun Xiaojing as a hero.

As for Song Zhen Luo and Siya, they finally did not win the two foreigners. The two old fellows were really just just, but their two also got the applause of everyone, and they got the two. The appreciation of foreigners, of course, there is also the consuls of Borg's whiskers.

But in the near, Bogie said that Hou Kaize is an East Asian, as if there is a racial discrimination.

Seeing these reactions Hou Kai and others, further realize something.

The next link is an obstacle, and the teaching is demonstrated. When you use it, you will run again twenty seconds, and Bogie asked, "Do you want to come first?"

"I am coming!" Hou Kaize first rushed out.

Borg looked at Hou Kaze, and there was no need to bring anything in the eyes, "prepared, three two, start."

I saw Hou Kaize tied to the motor. As a result, because of the evening of the night, I cried the first obstacle. She was scared by Sun Xiaojing and others. I was prepared to see the situation. I saw Hou Kaize and nothing. The like is turned, jumping again.

In the process of completing the entire obstacle, everyone consciously wrinkled, because his feelings giving people a feeling, obviously only a business arrangement training, and the life was played with Hou Kaize a feeling of death. Let the people behind you don't know how you should get it.

"Two minutes and forty seconds." Borg reported Hou Kaize's achievements, just when Hou Kaize felt some lost, Boh followed a sentence, "Although you have no skills, this grade is very good."

Hou Kaize has a little unexpected look, and finally said.

In the training process of the next day, Hou Kai was kept to the end. When IBM employee saw Hou Kaize, she would protect some of them, for fear that he gave himself a few punches.

In the evening, Hou Kaize is lying directly in the river. Bogue suddenly came to Hou Kaize before leaving, "I don't know if East Asian is so sensitive to you."

Hou Kaizhu's consciousness, one side of IBM explained many Chinese talents, including Hou Kaize, knowing that many rice people don't know what East Asia must mean, because they don't understand Huaxia, and I haven't worry about China. But someone on the Internet will call this, everyone is called.

Just like Huaxia habit called A San, it is a truth. Although I know that it is certainly derogatory, it is more sensitive. Many rice people don't know, they even thought This is a folk saying in rice.

Like Bog has always thought that East Asian is very poor in Huaxia's body quality, but the human body quality in China is indeed objective reality.

As a soldier's Bogo said that it is straight. Seeing Hou Kaize insisted that he did not stick to him, he didn't look down on him, and it was exported.

Kaikai, who understood the situation, expressed its understanding and man-in handing with Bache.

"It seems that they did not malicious." The employee of a big wind group looked at Borg and others said.

Hou Kaizhi nodded, "I may really understand the problem, but people are willing to explain this sentence, it is our own for it."

On the evening, Sun Xiaojing looks at the summary of today in the room.

Every day in IBM, everyone has to make a summary, talk about what I have learned, talk about what I have in today, this is the rule of Sun Xiaojing.

When she opened her letter, she saw such a few words.

"Unhaffined anger is cheap, more shameful."

"Respect is made by your own efforts."

"Excellent is to make efforts to get habits."

"Don't wait for others to give yourself a goal. Since I always say that people are living for themselves, why is it always waiting for others to give them a goal."

"It's it, it's just that the end is talented!"

"Qin Mo is still accurate." After reading the summary of everyone, Sun Xiaomi sighed.

At the beginning of April to early May, Sun Xiaojing and others were studying in IBM. Meng Qian was busy taking some previous cooperation intentions.

On April 21, the first overseas R & D center of the wind group, the Russian R & D center officially listed, as long as the money is in place, the country with a very low efficiency of Russia can also take the affairs.

In order to save time, Meng Qian did not build a building in the Russian building, but through the Russian policy benefits rented the site. The first batch settled in R & D staff, of which 50 people went to 50 people, and Russia settled 70 people.

Many of these people have worked in Russia, because the R & D center belongs to a multinational cooperation project, so the Russian Ministry of Science and Technology has pulled people from the Academy of Sciences.

On April 26, the wind group and Kaspersky signed a deep cooperation agreement and announced that the Kaspersky Huaxia Lab will be situated in the Hangzhou, at the same time, the wind group A Kaspersky talent library will also fall after falling in Hangzhou city.

May 5, the wind group and Toshiba announced the strategic partnership, but it did not mention the details in the outside, just to say that it is cooperative research and development, and the research and development is also revealed.

In fact, first develop the main control design. As for the acquisition of the graphics research and development team, it is temporarily for the time being because the price problem has not talked, and the wind group will take Toshiba's cooperative brand in the neon country.

But because Meng Qian, who is the development of the Shoutian Shanzhi's development, two points in the contract, the first is not forced binding, if the customer has its own server brand demand, then the customer's needs are mainly demand.

This is also the same in domestic and Huawei. After all, Huawei's server is not very good. Many enterprises have the name of HP or IBM. Meng Qian is not to force people to use Huawei.

The second point is to cooperate for a year, need to be assessing each other's market feedback, and the specific market feedback standard has a score sheet. If the market feedback scores too low, the other can endlessly terminate the cooperative relationship.

Toshiba still can't think of his future situation, so I still think this is a treaty that is good for him, and it is very refreshing.

Another partnership reached by both parties is the industrial software. Toshiba will start using the wind group industrial software in the design of some products.

However, Toshiba is in advance with Meng Qian, and the previous period will only try to do at the middle and low-end products. Meng Qian said.

On May 7, the wind group began in Thailand, and the company officially put it up. In order to attract the wind group, Thailand provides a lot of preferential policies, but Meng Qian needs to agree to one thing, that is, it is preferred Use local employees.

On May 12, Sun Xiaoyi took a team to study for three months of learning and returned to the company.

On the same day, two things happened in Huaxia will be loaded into the history.

The first thing, a website that was established in May 10, in this May 12 officially met with netizens, and its name is called Taobao.

Another thing, May 12 AM, Meng Qian appeared in the microelectrics in Shanghai.

At this time, he stood in the sideline of Huaxia semiconductor device, the semiconductor integrated circuit, Mr. Wang Jue, Huaxia Semiconductor Physics Headrothasia, Mr. Chen Xing, China Power Device, Mr. Chen Xing, Mr. Liang Jun, Huaxian Semiconductor Materials Mr. Tang Ding, Founder of Huaxia Semiconductor Discipline

There is also the prior to mentioned Wang Da Yan, Xue Ming, white, Niu Ben, Wang Jiangdong and others.

In addition, there is an energy-trial team that Canon sent, in which the team is the first technician of Canon light, called the ancient island of the top ten industrial traits in Neon.

When Canon determine that it is difficult to steal the technology from the wind group, they will decide to help Meng Qian, because this is the opportunity they turn over.

In the Canon team, it is a delegation of Sony.

Meng Qian walked to the head of the head of the person, and signed the word on a document.

When Meng Qian signed the word cover, the thunderous applause sounded on the spot.

The future history book will be written: the first immersion photolithography in the world is born in China.

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