Because Meng Qian did not propose to make Toshiba as a difficult demand, the next thing is relatively smooth, and after reaching the initial cooperation, the two parties have a very tacit understanding of one thing, lightning machine.

Toshiba is the largest semiconductor company at this time, naturally, it will be interested in the momentum of the wind group. Two years ago, the wind group could make the best illuminating machine in the world, but there will be no one. letter.

Toshiba is very interesting. After all, as an experimental user of the momentary moment, if the product is really good, that is, it is not to delete the file to test the player. Toshiba does not want to have a few billion or even hundreds of billions of markets in the next few billions.

However, Meng Qian greeted Toshiba. They are now able to queue, with the current production capacity of microelectrics in Shanghai, and later estimated a submerged photolithography machine to have a month.

At the time, I got to Sony, which was very early before, and the second will give Huaqi International and the third platform can give Toshiba.

With the cooperation of the photolithography, the cooperation of industrial software will become a natural thing, so Meng Qian did not take the initiative this time, waiting for the time to mention it.

Now there are two major semiconductor companies in Toshiba and Sony to help themselves, and Meng Qian is more.

On April 1st, Meng Qian personally sent Xidian Hou Cong to the airport. In these days, the contact made Xiyutian's first day's performance.

Back to the company is nearly eight o'clock in the evening, Meng Qian pays attention to the company or old, many people are working overtime, but I can feel that the atmosphere is very wrong, inexplicable low pressure.

"What's going on? How many people do people feel that the state is not right?" After the office closed the door, Meng Qian asked He Yiping.

He Yuting stresses Meng Qian to read the news, "My brother has died."

"Brother?" Meng Qian has only responded for two seconds. On April 1, 2003, a King left this world.

Meng Qian immediately opened the letter and saw that the event has been hot, and there have been many repetitive and similar comments.

"What happened in 2003? Australian fire, African disaster disaster, the Middle East War, the plane crashed, the superstar passed, is this the end of the world?"

"The old man gave the enclosure, it was too difficult to 2003."

"Can you restart 2003, this is not our expectation 2003."

"African disaster relief is about China, it is terrible, this only in April, what happened to this year."

"Listen to experts say this year will be the hottest year."

"Maybe human beings really have to end this year."

"If the 2003 is released, I hope that humans can also let our planet."

"After 2003, I must cherish life."

The online emotions are more depressed than the company. In 2003, I brought too much bad news, and even everyone had to finish.

But as a rebirth, Meng Qian knows that in 2003, it is obviously not the end of the world. Humans will not extinct. In 2003, human beings did not be kind to the planet, and even did not treat themselves.


In the morning of April 10, the Silicon Valley of Miki, IBM Headquarters, in a dormitory, surrounded by ten Chinese people.

"This is Silicon Valley, which is a company that is hundreds of meters of rice gold market."

"The valuation of more than 1 billion soft sister coins in our strong wind group is in the country, and you can put it in Silicon Valley, it seems to be nothing."

"The gap is really too big, this is rice, this is a super big country."

"To be honest, I feel particularly depressed when I just arrived in Silicon in the first two days. The building here will make people feel special."

"Can we really become an international technology giant company?"

"Will, we have great potential, we are not in front of Oracle, the oracle market value seems to be 50 billion meters."

"But we can't prove that you have no plagiarism, these two days of IBM people, they all think that we are plagiarism, see our eyes weird."

"Self-confidence, we have just started, there is nothing impossible."


Everyone nodded, but the emotions have a little swing.

" ." At this time, a buzz is coming, "What is it?"

Sun Xiaojing bought some water to everyone, and he also followed Song Zhen Luo and other seven people.

Among the 18 people who came to IBM study, eight were the company's old employees, and ten people were relatively new.

"Sun Manager, can we really confront the company?" A man named Hou Kai asked the mouth.

"I don't know." Sun Xiaojing did not give him an accurate answer. "Everyone is ready, almost why."

"Sun Manager, what do we really want to do with military training?"

"Well, Mr. Hopkin said that this is their long-term habit. All employees will regularly training in a regular military chemical industry according to their working age and position. We are to learn their management methods, naturally have to go together. "Sun Xiaoyi said to give you a water.

"I haven't exercised for a long time after I graduated."

"I think of a university military training is simply a nightmare, I didn't expect to work."

In a grief, the 18 people of the Great Breeze group came to a mountain forest together with IBM's military training staff.

This total of 500 people participated in the training, divided into 10 groups, 15 women in each group, three instructor led the team.

18 people of the wind group were arranged in the same group.

Their head of this group called Bohuang. It is said that it is really a person in the rice trick. After a simple self-introduction, everyone began to run warm up, and then introduced to everyone to introduce today's first project, push a wooden barrel.

Everyone is in a small hill, 50 wooden barrels are placed on the foot of the mountain. Everyone has to push the wooden barrel. Based on the height of the push, everyone will receive the corresponding score. For IBM employees, the final score after training today has a certain impact, and it is not to consider this for the people of the wind group. thing.

More is a kind of participation and experience.

"I rely so heavy!" When everyone tried to push a wooden barrel, no matter whether the staff of the wind group or IBM employees were amazed.

Borg directly ignored everyone's reaction, and blows whistle.

"This is a joke?" I just pushed a few steps, Hou Kaiye and others felt a bit could not stand.

Just a minute, five people raised their hands to give up, but the five people were girls, and there were two people in IBM and the wind group.

Girls can't help but also have the same, because I don't know why, boys and girls use the same heavy wooden barrel.

Five minutes later, 10 people had already given up, and the first to give up the boy is an employee from the wind group.

After ten minutes, more than half of the people gave up, and 15 girls were only one person. This wooden barrel was not only pushing the problem. It was very tired.

There were 12 people in 18 people in the wind group gave up.

"The physical quality of the Chinese people is very poor, no wonder Dong Asia doctor." Looking at 12 people resting on the side, Barg face disadded.

"What are you talking about!

"What are you doing?"

"Pay the manager, he is the sorrow of East Asia!" The person in front of Hou Kaize is , paying the thin arm thin leg, hard to support ten minutes, there is no way.

She looked at Hou Kai, which was so calm, "Do you do your best?"

Hou Kaize is a sprint.

Looking at Hou Kaize, I don't plan to stay in the face. "If you don't live for yourself, you should be affected by people."

Hou Kaize's ability to hold a punch, and the brow is lacking, but it is impossible to refute.

"Song Manager!" Until the scream of several girls around him, Hou Kaize and Fu Yi's attention were transferred to the other side.

I saw that Song Zhen Luo didn't care about it. She fell a few meters away. It was good to control her body in a timely man in Song Zhen, did not let himself fall.

At this point, there is still 12 people, 4 of which come from the wind group.

They are Sun Xiaojing. Song Zhen Luo, Yan Yongkang, and Division.

Time is over ten minutes, only eight people left, and four from the wind group is still supported above.

In the face of this employee for the wind group, there is no significance of training, some people choose casually, but some people choose to go all out.

Another ten minutes, only the last five people left, Yong Yongkang can't support it.

"Sun Manager!" And at this time, many people suddenly shouted Sun Xiaojing.

As a woman, Sun Xiaowei is not using hands in the mushroom barrel, but directly pressing the wooden barrel directly on his back, and the friction between the body and the mountain is a little bit.

Song Zhen Luo Xiyou, he heard the shouts, seeing the direction of Sun Xiaomi, "Sun Jie, you will go first, I am going with aerospace."

"You don't worry about me, I am challenging my own limits, don't you say that you have to be higher than the foreigner, hurry up, don't be shalated!"

Song Zhen Luo said, "Aerospace, the two foreigners are very strong."

The Siyazaili didn't care, "it will be finished."

At this time, the ten relative employees who stand in the next job is actually uncomfortable. Their eyes are all in the eyes of a layer of water, there is distressed, be unwilling, and there is also proud.

At this moment, this complicated emotion will accompany their long-lasting life.


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