After giving the employees, Meng Qian met a very high-profile, and the reason why it would be so high, it is high-profile to see the employees.

And Meng Qian, is the very famous president of Toshiba history, Xi Tian Hou Cong, but in 2003, he was not the president of Toshiba. In 2005, he became Toshiba.

He is famous, because he brought the team to the Toshiba notebook into the Omei market, and his tangible notebook in the near future through reform, so that Toshiba Notebook can really become a symbol of an era.

Many people know that the world's first personal computer is IBM5150 IBM in 1981, but many people don't know that the world's first personal laptop is the T1100 of Dongzhi in 1985.

The 90s is the most brilliant period of Toshiba notebook, the first color LCD notebook, the first laptop with the optical drive, the first ultra-thin laptop, the first laptop with battery, the first low temperature Polysilicon notebook computer, first AVPC laptop, first AVPC launcher, etc., Toshiba has led the development of laptops, but in 2002, Toshiba began to take down the slope, and it was a downhill without turning back.

As for why, this core reason is difficult to understand, maybe the R & D capability is more than rice, maybe it is affected by the neon economic recession, perhaps the impact of the China Enterprise, maybe Toshiba enters electric power mistakes Anyway, from the product will not be deceived, the future of Toshiba laptop does not work.

After the Westerners of Xiyu went to the company, Meng Qian took him with him to visit the wind group, especially several departments related to the computer, and learned about the current development of the wind group.

In the side of the side, I visited an afternoon. Meng Qian took the hotel to the hotel to eat in the hotel.

After an afternoon contact, Meng Qian saw that Xi Tianqi really likes to be connected. If there is anything, it is not straightforward, it is a bit like it.

For such a person, Meng Qian has its own way, that is, use it directly to deal with it, "Mr. Xi Tak Hou Cong thinks how do our wind group?"

"The R & D attitude and research and development capabilities of the Great Breeze Group are very rare in Huaxia." Xi Tian Hou Cong is always so polite, but there is no dry goods, "So I don't dare to recommend suggestion if I don't know enough."

Meng Qian also opened the topic, and then talked about the topic. "Mr. Xiyu Hou Cong also saw that the investment in computer research and development is all. We went to your company to purchase flash particles. I don't know if Mr. Western Hou Cong knows? "

Whether it is producing solid state drive or memory bar, the core is flashing particles, simply understood, the flashing particles are raw materials, and there is no flashing particles, it is impossible to make a solid state hard disk and memory strip, and at this time, the whole Huaxia can independently develop flash particles. There is no business in the future.

There are six companies in the world to produce flash, the enterprises, which are Toshiba, Samsung, Intel, Sea Keith, magnesium light and the west number.

The two most mainstream non-volatile flash technology NOR and NAND are from Intel and Toshiba.

But once you mention the solid-state drives and memory bars, more impression of Toshiba is not bad, but can you reach the top level?

At least with Samsung and Intelby, from the Internet reviews, it seems to be more inclined to list Toshiba as the second echelon, which is the main control.

Toshiba's main control design capacity is a lot of Samsung and Intel. The so-called main control design capabilities is chip design capabilities, in the main controlled design field of solid state drives, China still has several enterprises in.

Today, when Meng Qiao has visited Xiyutian, specially let him see that the wind group is also engaged in the maintenance design, and has a large number of teams and temporary research and development funding.

"I know this thing." Xi Tian Houxong responded.

Xi Tianqi has an anti-ride, and Meng Qian doesn't care about him. "I am now ready to further farm in the field of solid state drives and memory, I don't know if Toshiba is there is no intention?"

"How to cooperate?"

"I merged our main control design team on both sides." Meng Qian responded very simply.

Xi Tian Hou Cong went to drink tea for a few seconds. Before he had heard that Meng Qian loved to cooperate with the reputation, so I had been prepared, but Meng Qian proposed to cooperate to R & D main control design in Xidian. Hou Yong appeared to be some unexpected.

Because the main control design is not Toshiba's strength, even now there is a bit of weak items, Xi Tian Hou Cong believes that Meng Qian may have to seek screen, battery, and even a strong cooperation between these Toshiba.

If you just seek the cooperation of the main control design, it is too gentle, this is not much like Xian Yutong, so Xitian, Houxian, is sure that Meng Qian is definitely else, and controls his attitude, "cooperation" R & D involves a lot of details, this time I have no technical team, I really can't reply to Mr. Meng. "

"Nothing, this should be slowly talking." Meng Qian's attitude made Xiyutian hardships, good in Meng Qian's next sentence, let him feel in expectations, "there is a thing, want to listen Listening to Mr. Xiyu Hou Cong. "

However, when Meng Qian said this sentence, Xi Tian Houxian is also awkward. "I want to acquire Toshiba's graphics research and development team."

There are several old IT companies in the neon country have research and development graphics cards. There are two still doing it. They are Panasonic and NEC, but other companies have nothing to do, like Sony Toshiba R & D. Planted the head.

Therefore, when Meng Qian has seen Toshiba's graphics research and development team, Xi Tianqi really felt strange, this Meng Qian looks all how we are our Toshiba's weakness?

We have so many powerful research and development capabilities in Toshiba.

In the face of Xi Tian Houxian's expression, Meng Qian can't help but want to tell him that your Toshiba is cold in more than ten years. After you can take a flash in the computer in the computer, you will have a flash of granules, but you have to make this thing too much money, the wind group is now burning this money.

As for Meng Qian wants to acquire the Toshiba graphics card research and development team is the particularity of the graphics card.

The research and development of the graphics card is more difficult than the image sensor. One of the most important reasons, one is basically fixed by the underlying technology, and one reason is that the standard is dead.

Unlike the image sensor, it has not yet formed a wide range of technical monopoly. Meng Qian is directly reforming from the bottom. However, the graphics card after entering the 21st century, the way in the industry is, every time the so-called revolution, actually optimization .

If you have already born in the morning, you are catching up with the graphics card. Meng Qian has developed in the graphics card. However, with the S3, TRIDENT, 3DFX is acquired, Microsoft's DirectX has unified 3D API, AMD and NVIDIA Shuangxiong It is also determined that it is not so simple to challenge the graphics card.

But this thing is still doing. After all, Meng Qian has some advanced concept advantages and technical advantages. The direction has always been a very important ring in research and development. More importantly, Meng Qian also has a thief in the future chip industry. Artificial intelligence advantage, although this is difficult, as long as there is a chance to go to do it.

In order to do this, you need more experienced talents. The previous acquisition of Taixian Chip Design Co., Ltd. is obviously overall experience in graphics card, Meng Qian needs a more experienced team.

Toshiba has become a good choice. Toshiba is also in the 190s. Now I have just been fighting, technical reserves and talent reserves are very valuable, and because of the end of the melee, Toshiba has intended to quit this market competition. I don't know how to arrange these people, some people buy it, helping them solve a problem.

Meng Qian has been thrown out of the requirements, which makes the Xiyu, who is prepared, but some don't know what it is, I have to continue to give an uncertain response to see if there is anything else behind Meng Qian.

As a result, there was a meal, and he sent him to the hotel downstairs. Meng Qian still did not raise other needs, this is a bit awkward, after all, he still wants to find Meng Qian ...

"Mr. Meng." Before the proceedings, Xi Tianqi Cong is really unable to continue, "Database of the Great Breeze Group, can have partners in our neon countries?"

"The cooperation of Mr. Xi Tian said that?" Meng Qian deliberately stupid.

"As far as I understand, Huawei has not opened the server market in neon countries."

"Oh, Mr. Xi Tian said this, we now in neon customers, it is basically the IBM server." Meng Qian directly moved out of IBM, which is not in Xi Tian Hou Cong.

Xi Tian helpless, I had to explain it, "I think we can reach a cooperative relationship with the wind group, our server and storage are topped in neon domestic."

Xi Tian Houxian is obviously in the bragging, Toshiba's server has never been in the top of the neon country, but the storage does not do.

"You can't ask." When Xiyutian said, Meng Qian did not continue to play him. "If Toshiba has the idea of ​​cooperation, we can sit down and talk about this."

"If you have time, if you have time, go up."

"it is good."

When I was forced to take the initiative, Xiyu Houxian was uncomfortable, but after the night of Meng Qian was about one night, Xitian Hou Cong found that Meng Qian has always been talking to himself.

Confused with your own performance, alert to Meng Qian, self-satisfaction, and actually looks a bit ridiculous.

After Meng Qian, when Meng Qian left, Xi Tian Hou Cong said to the president, "the president, Meng Qian seems to be as rumored."


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