"In 2002, the total sales volume of laptops in China in China is 9.31 million, with 5.96 million in 2001, greater than 563%, compared with 2003, two months ago, notebook sales increased by 61% year-on-year.

The sales growth of the laptop reached ten times the sales of desktop sales. "

There are many sales facilities in the office, because they really ignore the computer and the desktop computer and laptop, and I am afraid that Meng Qian blames them are not enough.

"For this data, I feel that the laptop may be a separate analysis, first we can see that the sales volume of the entire computer industry says that the sales volume of the laptop is slightly different, I found Last year, the top ten brands were sold.

They are: Lenovo, IBM, Toshiba, Founder, Dell, HP, Acer, Violet, ASUS, NEC.

Lenovo and IBM still occupy the throne of the first two, but in the laptop market, Toshiba is sitting in the third position, and in the data sold in notebook, we can also see a few interesting data.

First, in the three regions of Yanjing, Shanghai and Yangcheng three places, the sales volume of laptops is as high as 676%, that is, the main consumption group of laptops is concentrated in a relatively developed region.

Second, in the attention of the notebook, young people aged 16-25 accounted high to 74%.

What did you think of these two data instructions? "

"The notebook is a trend." Another sales manager Zhong Yanghui responded.

"The young man is the main user group of the Internet, and then cooperate with this data. It can be seen that the notebook will enter the high-speed development channel." The only female sales manager Wang Yi followed by the company.

Meng Qian nodded, "We continue to dissect the market in the notebook, first look at the price, the price of your provider is the first consideration when the user chooses the computer, then this is the case in the notebook?

I can only say that the impact of the price may be more prominent in the notebook market. Let's see this group of data. In 2002, the domestic laptop market had a maximum price war. All the averages of all the brands reached more than 2000, and Dell International brand of international brands such as HP, Toshiba exceeds 3,000 yuan in our Average price of our Huaxia.

Not only that, but always on the high-end products, IBM last year's ThinkPad directly down from 4,700 yuan! "

"4700 ?!" Many people were shocked, but this is the truthful fact.

"How can the price reduction amplitude of the notebook be much better than the desktop?" Many people naturally made doubts.

"The first reason is because of the user's group." Meng Qian explained one side of the PPT, "We can see that in 2002, the notebook decreased by 45% in the official order in the government and large and medium-sized enterprises.

In other words, most of the notebooks sold by last year are sold to personal consumers, while the data tells us that these personal consumers are mainly young people, and the current consumption capacity of our young people, everyone should be clear, Eight hundred thousands of computers have not been able to withstand the public. All branders obviously see this layer, so the price reduction has become an inevitable. "

Everyone nodded, Meng Qian continued, "In addition to the price, the notebook market also has a significant change, all brands have been further refined, and they begin to speculate personalization concepts.

In 2002, the speed of various brand products was significantly higher than that in previous years. On the one hand, the Intel manufacturers continue to introduce new CPUs, and the new CPUs are introduced. We can see that the mainstream CPU in the beginning of 2002 is about P3 1g, while the mainstream at the end of the year is P4 20G.

The comprehensive performance of the notebook is getting closer to the mainstream desktop configuration, you should know why? "

"Young people want to play in a notebook!" Several people suddenly detached.

"On the other hand, young people like personality, like novel, from the mainstream models of major brands, the life cycle of the notebook is getting shorter, and now I have to launch a new model every three months, the product is far away. More than desktop computers.

At the same time, we can see the type of notebook type, student notebook, teacher notebook, female notebook, entertainment notebook, etc. "

Meng Qian said that this paused, the people below understand that this is waiting for everyone to express.

"The development of desktop computers is getting slower, and the laptop is in the outbreak period, although major manufacturers also realize this problem, but the Battlefield of the notebook has just begun, everything is unknown."

"And the development of laptops is synchronized with the development of China's personal computer users, this is very important!"

"Most of the users of the notebook are young, then what are their demand for the computer?" Mo Yongyi asked.

Meng Qian responded that Mo Yongyi asked some smiles, "Let's take a look at the needs of laptops, the first thing is the same price, but the second is no longer a brand, but performance, The third is the service. "

"If everyone is decreasing to the brand, then a good news for our new entrance," Zhongyang is conscious. "

"Some said that everyone actually serves so high for the service needs of the notebook?" Wang Yi asked his doubts.

Meng Qian explained his understanding. "In fact, this matter is a kind of discusion to the manufacturer. On September 1, 2002, it was issued by the AQSIQ, the Ministry of Information Industry, and the State Administration for Industry and Commerce. Replacement Responsibility Regulations in Micro Computer Commodities.

Since then, Huaxia Computer enters the three-package era, and the user of the laptop is mainly young, the young people 's rights protection awareness and service awareness is indeed a relatively strong, for this, all companies have launched their own services. Strategy.

That's why the man is in the manifestation of a notebook than in a desktop computer, that is, because Founder took the lead in proposing a 2-hour fast repair service, a large number of users were got a large number of users. "

"So we can do homework in service."

"For example, 24-hour customer service, the spread of the national service point."

"We can even do door repair services."

Several sales managers have launched a discussion.

Seeing everyone is very aware, Meng Qian is no longer expressing his own opinion, "the last on the channel, I also mentioned two things.

The first thing I just mentioned that Dell is the first to try to try a direct door store.

The current disputes currently received are relatively large. Although the intermediate link is reduced, it has increased the management cost and operating costs of the company. There is no other enterprise effect in the world. It is also because everyone is still not easy to try.

The idea of ​​this is that this is a way to try, the company is willing to support this matter, no matter what,, everyone will continue to do it in the traditional channel, and we will first in Hangzhou first , Shanghai, Yanjing and other major cities do direct bus tickets. "

Meng Qian did not propose the concept of experience store. Now this era will do the experience store will not succeed that Meng Qian is not grasped. Dell is doing a direct store. There are many people who feel unreliable. Meng Qian is not anxious, first do Direct store pilot, after the situation is done according to the situation, it is.

Just like he did not mention the wire sales, according to the call with the horse, Taobao estimated that the horse is still coming out, but the e-commerce environment is not enough to support a computer brand line channel, after all, the current national express delivery industry Far is not perfect.

"In addition to this, I will give you a name in the channel. You can go find it. Last year, our Great Breeze Group made a company ERP software, which is called Suning.

According to I understand that in 2002, last year, Suning began to build a national chain network, in just a year, it has established a preliminary layout in eight provinces and cities. This year, this year, Suning The expansion speed is now very fast, and the 3C flagship store business model they created, I personally feel very interesting.

Suning Chain should have entered a breakout period. At present, other computer brands have not been realized that you can pay attention to it. If possible, win Suning's cooperative contract, take Suning's chain as One channel of our channel.

In addition to Suning, Gome now has nearly 100 straight and franchise stores in China, and you also have to dock. "

Everyone nodded, Meng Qian began to sum up, "About the market, you will go back and then make a detailed analysis, the sales things are better than me, I just put forward what I saw, the company should ultimately be in the computer. How to develop, what kind of level can be developed, or you still have to see you. "

This is the style of Meng Qian. When the company is just established, he tells you what he borrowed from reborn. Now, with the company's slow growth, he began to turn his rebirth to suggestion, for the end What to do, he will try to make employees to decide, and sometimes there are some deviations with Meng Qian's ideas, Meng Qian will choose to support them.

The Great Wind Group is now in such a large company to decide if it is, then this company is really abolished, app download address XBZS "Finally, I will give you a data, internationally renowned research agency IDC said, 2003 Huaxia Become the largest personal computer sales market in Asia.

According to the blue strategic model, the theory is 417%, but now the domestic notebook market occupies the first throne, but only 18% of the market share.

I believe that you can understand what you mean. What is the potential of your personal computer is very powerful, I hope everyone will work hard together and win this market. "

"Good!" Everyone gave Meng Qian's affirmative response.

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