Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 314 Opening the spirit of the sky

After the leaders end the speech, the next step is Meng Qian.

As mentioned before, this world can make such a decision, inseparable from Meng Qian, the role of him in this thing is that the subtlety is very important, and as a moment that just completed the moment R & D enterprises, Meng Qian invited to say something, as a statement, it is a look.

Meng Qian is about three parts, the first part is sharing, telling about the development history of the Shanghai microelectric ceremony, how to complete the immersion photolithography in less than three years R & D production, Meng Qian speaks very detailed, even how to cooperate with relevant enterprise agencies, how to give talent benefits, how to go to neon partnership.

As for different people, I can understand anything in this sharing, that is not Meng Qianneng.

The second part is Meng Qian's view of the ten-year plan. "The country raises a ten-year plan at this time. At this time, it seems that it is beneficial, and its drawback is that from the country to enterprises, our economic foundation is too weak. The special cultivation of talents also lacks basic issues. We now still solve the problems of national compulsory education, and establish industrial parks and lack of core technologies to maintain blood supply and appeal.

However, its profit is that the global semiconductor industry is facing change, and if the market test results of the immersion photolithography can really drive the process level, if 3D industrial software can quickly cover 2D industrial software in a short time If integrated automation will open a new era of industrial development, then this time is the best time to attack the city in the change, and the core equipment of the chip is at least currently led by our company.

So if I want to make a suggestion for this opinion, my personal idea is to meet this opportunity in the premise of understanding the risk, understanding difficulties, and understanding the difficulties.

If we really want to achieve a long change in the semiconductor industry within ten years, we can't blindly confident, and you can't be self-purple. Especially in this process, we must put an end to the development of the self, and prevent the use of policies. "

Meng Qian said that there are several people in the stage have changed. For a long time, Huaxia has never been used to use policies, such as 5% R & D costs can be duty-free, there will be a business utilization, Just engage in two labs to put money in and say that you are engaged in research and development, many things can be found out.

But Meng Qian is too clear that it can make the country's significant significance in this era. When Meng Qian knows that this thing is not asleep when I know this matter two days ago, the ten-year plan has been successful. There will be many grievances that have been in the world!

So he is not afraid of sinners, those garbage entrepreneurs who deceive the country's use of the country also will also have the consumers of consumers. He is going to be ignorant.

Next is the third part of Meng Qian, the wind group can do what is going to do, what is willing to do for this matter.

"In addition to recognizing the form, firm belief, wanting to achieve a ten-year plan, in my personal opinion is definitely impossible to leave everyone's mutual support." About how to support each other, why do you have to support Meng Qian, last year IT? When the Fortune Annual Meeting, his ecological theory has long been opened in the industry, no need to say it here again.

"In addition to traditional cooperative research and development, cooperation sales, I think more about advocate today is the resource common, establish a resource demand library.

It is best to make unified collection management by the national department, and the depth of enterprises, proposes the demand in the development of the entire industrial chain, and companies can use their own resources while they can help other companies while their respective companies. A corresponding return is obtained.

Deep development and utilization of corporate resources can also help companies seek a new way of profit, and help the development of the whole industry in China. "

Meng Qian said this opened a document, "Just, such as the relevant equipment produced by semiconductor, the Great Wind Group has collected some resources." At present, the global etching machine manufacturer has mainly used the application materials, flin forest semiconductors and the department. Lei, the UK's Oxford Instruments and Norti, as well as Neon of Tokyo Electronics and Hitachi.

Subject to the technical authorization of commercial software in the past few times, we are negotiating with our Great Breeze Group. We will refer to the etching machine, and Hitach is intentionally looking for cooperative enterprises.

In addition, neon Ferrotec is our customers of our Great Breeze, which is the main manufacturer of single crystal furnace and gas-out extension. We have a relatively in-depth cooperation with Ferrotec.

Germany's FK is a leader of lead bonding machines, and a partner SAP of our Great Breeze Group is one of the shareholders of FK.

Regarding the chemical mechanical grinder, we exchanged IBM, as a partner of the world's largest chemical mechanical grinder brand, they are willing to do middle people for us.

And our strong wind groups are currently mastering, if there is any business, I can talk about me for a while.

This is a model that resource is common, especially for companies who do not have direct competition.

Finally, I also look forward to our 10 years later. "

After Meng Qian, Huaqin International's Zhang Rujin came to the stage, and after Zhang Rujin, Lu Lu continued to go to 7 entrepreneurs, followed by the leaders of the Ministry of Education, and finally the college enrollment, and finally the leadership in Shanghai said in Shanghai. Policy support, and further announced the semiconductor industrial park in Songjiang District in Shanghai.

After the end of the morning, everyone had lunch together, and the department of the Ministry of Science and Technology came over and respect Meng Qian's glass of wine, Meng Qian was busy up and pressed the low wine glass, "Meng Qi, hard work."

"The normal work of the company."

"It is your illiterator to give everyone confidence." The leader put his hand on Meng Qian's shoulders, whispered in Meng Qian, "Just like you said, now make this decision is still a little rush, confidence The establishment is difficult, but the collapse of confidence is a moment.

What is the difficulties of the wind group and communicate more. "

Meng Qian's heart, this is said that it is straightforward. This is that the country has already considering the leader who must guarantee the wind group. It is like many large enterprises that involve a lot of employment, can't operate in the country. And the importance of the Great Breeze Group is clearly more than a matter of employment.

It is also the sentence, these years have not engaged in semiconductors and encourage private enterprises to engage because they have no money, but the state is not clear enough to encourage private companies, and companies are also afraid of the first happening, no way, no one is afraid, a few There are no more than a few billion to enter in case.

In the end, it is not as good as buying or buying, it is meaningless to use the mouth, Meng Qian is to give people an idea to buy it. It is useless. It is also useless to see the results.

The result of this era is it impossible to buy.

More enterprises have a possible development of development is feasible, which is higher than the profit, which plus no one wants to be attached to the neck, plus the country's support, the market is driven.

But first, there must be a business station to proceed to prove the feasibility and profitability of R & D, this is the meaning of the wind group. The Great Breeze Group is now earning money from selling intellectual property exceeds a large half of the country in China.

After a dinner, it is a period of communication between entrepreneurs, and then open a seminar.

Almost everyone came to talk to Meng Qian, indicating that the willingness to further communicate, Meng Qian naturally promised that the leaders said to himself, in addition to encouraging and supporting, the other means To make Meng Qian's benefits of the country, then support the national work, otherwise it can be unknown.

The benefits between ordinary people are not so good, not to mention the benefits of the country.

"Meng Zheng." In the process of private chat, one person came to Meng Qian's expression. This person is a congratulatory company. It is different from most of the other companies. The company is in advance. Postponed the founding, because his company is in Shanghai, Microelectronics, and the Photoliological leader of Huaxia.

Because of the emergence of microegraduate in Shanghai, the microelectronics originally founded in 2002 did not appear, but in the beginning of 2003, He Rongmin did the Shanghai Microelectronics, but in this way, he and Meng Qian It is a competitor.

"He is always long, I haven't seen you for a long time." Meng Qian has a longer hand with He Rong people. They have seen it before, and they have been simply chatting. At that time, the microelectron in Shanghai has not yet been found.

"Does Meng always have time to sit on my company, about the development of the momentary moment, want to invite Meng Gong to do work guidance."

"He is always in the greetings, there are more companies to attack the moment, this is a great thing for the development of domestic lightning machine. I am very happy to go to your company to learn to learn."

"How is that tomorrow?" He Rongmin took the time to set the time.


"Then I will wait for Meng Mong."

Meng Qian did not continue to be polite, "that will see tomorrow."

He Rongmin has walked about some entrepreneurs, and the Ren Jianxin of the Blue Star Group came over, the expression is serious, "Meng He, if you really want to develop the materials, some must pick it up."

Meng Qian nodded, at the seminar on the afternoon, when everyone didn't think about the first question, Meng Qian and Ren Xun raised his hand.

At the same time, the two raised his hand, and the proposal is two people, and the specific speaking person is Meng Qian. "It is a matter of the opinion, that is, the material, I believe that the status of the material is clear, and it is also clear that our country The extent of the development of the material.

To this end, I have always had four suggestions, first, seriously rectify domestic university papers as the top-renowned academic wind, clean up the academic registration of the brush of the brush, for application science, the wind is not affected, not yet Very large, but for basic science, for materials science, learning style does not have time.

Second, domestic light application material research status has a very critical reason for no application environment, requires priority to optimize the employment environment of material professional students, and provide materials professional students adequate jobs.

From experience, when the country supports talent introduction and talent training strategy, most enterprises will choose talents to introduce this instant benefit model, but since we have to do a decade plan, then the importance of talent will be far better than Talent introduction.

Therefore, when the private enterprises are not enough to provide a lot of work, the country will need to solve related problems.

Third, the opinions have not seen the attention of material equipment, but to develop materials, it is insecure of equipment, it is recommended to pay attention to the importance of material equipment related importance policies and self-research policies.

Fourth, strictly control the proportion of domestic raw materials, strictly distribute material resources, and strictly standardize material production standards.

The material is the mother of the invention. It is the industrial food. For a long time, the material is the material foundation of national economic construction, social progress and national defense safety. It is a guarantee for the implementation of industrial structure optimization and upgrading and enhances the equipment manufacturing industry.

Therefore, the development of materials often represents a country's industrial level and technology level. To this end, we recommend that the material is listed as the weight, and increase the importance of material development. "

Meng Qian proposed the questions and suggestions, it seems reasonable, but this world is much reasonable, not to say reasonably, change academic winds, need huge strength and measures, strict control materials will face Various sanctions from the WTO, many things, although they know that he is right, but to achieve, to solve it is very difficult.

Even sometimes, everyone will choose to avoid some things in order not to provoke.

However, after Meng Qian proposed four suggestions, it was absolutely positive response from the relevant departments.

And Meng Qian's statement will also set a tone today. Since it has set a decade plan, it is necessary to have the spirit and strength of the opening, everyone does not need to continue at this time, it is to put the problem. It is mentioned that it is true that there is a meaningful suggestion to have a 10-year plan.

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