Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 315 Annual Rollover Scene

During the next seminar, although there is still some of the mixed monots that are only talking about good words, but more people still put forward the truly valuable suggestions, even some debates in the process of this seminar.

For example, the country is not right, the state does not spend so much money to the military, there is no significant difference, the country is not a bit too much about private enterprises, and the reform and opening up is not too much foreign companies.

These sensitive topics have a strong debate at the scene, but since ancient times, it is a good thing. If you are good to do good people, then it is true.

The seminar originally wanted to open a dinner time, and the results were driven directly to ten o'clock.

It is also relatively quite rich in exchange.

After the end of the seminar, there is actually no few people really rest, most people continue to discuss further, this is the attitude of people who truly do things.

I have been talking about the second day, Meng Qian simply made a few hours, at noon, she got up at the beginning of the fast food at noon, followed the He Rongmin to Shanghai Microelectronics.

Although the microelectronics in Shanghai was founded in the beginning of this year, it has been built by the factories because the investment is large. He Rongmin will take Meng Qian to visit Meng Qian. More advanced.

"Meng Da, how much do you think the market demand in the high-end lightning machine?" When I was over, He Rongmin began to ask Meng Qian.

"Enterprises that are really demanding in high-end lightning machines,"

"Meng always thinks that this number is the possibility of skyrocketing?"

"It's almost impossible." Meng Qian couldn't shook his head. "The high-end chip is basically the Mi Dynasty monopoly. Challenge the high-end chip is challenging rice. We can put forward the ten-year plan is already hard, the other countries are more It is impossible to do this, in the high-end chip market, I predict the long-term dominance of the rice. "

"That Meng always believes that there is a 10 years old we have to go beyond Mi Province?"

Meng Qian once again shook his head. "My expectation of the ten-year plan is flat. Our Huaxia wants to be truly surpassing the rice country. This decade can only be played in the foundation. It has put our own complete industrial chain and é end equipment basic materials basic material base talent foundation. Ok, ten years later, it is when we really go beyond the rice. "

"It seems that our judgment is consistent." At this time, the two came from the last factory, and He Rong people showed Meng Qian to the office. "For this judgment, we have the short-term plan of microelectronics, and the product will be positioned. In the medium and low-end lightning machine, in the long-term plan, we also impact to the Middle and High-side Light Technology Market. "

After saying this, He Rongmin looked at Meng Qian. Meng Qian looked at the other party's expression. The other party did not have a high-end momentary moment. "He always doesn't know, the high-end lightning machine is the strip. Road, once the retreat to the extraction, the company's financial manager needs to continue to concentrate, it is a prisoner. "

"Does Na Meng have to liberate the funds and energy of the middle and low-end lightning machine?" He Rongmin immediately went down.

"What is the good suggestion?"

The immersion photographic machine has just entered the market inspection stage. Now the microelectronics in Shanghai is still from the medium and low-end lighting machine. He Rongmin means that I want to be with Meng Qian, but now Shanghai Microelectronics Obviously, it is not wrong, even in the future, it is not necessarily to open. After all, whether it is Nikon in this year, the future, Asa wheat, is also producing high-middle low-end lightning machine. Meng Qian is to listen to He Rongmin to prepare for the words.

"I think so, if I have a microelectric department in Shanghai, I have had a strong experience and technical reserve in the field of illuminating machine, and our microelectronics have just taken it, and many places are still understanding, so I would like to invite the micro-station team in Shanghai to come to us to work.

To this end, we are willing to pay the instructions and the technical authorization fees that may be involved in the future. "

Meng Qian nodded, He Rongmin is going to spend money to buy technology to buy experience, this is a good thing for Meng Qian, or the most profitable company is to make money by selling intellectual property.

However, He Rongmin also means that Meng Qian is planning on Middle and low-end momentary engraving. Although He Rongmin must hopes that Meng Qimen will reducing the development of medium and low-end lighting machines, he doesn't want to compete with Meng Qian, but Meng Qian is still truth Really, in the current point of view, Hui microelectrics in Shanghai cannot give up the middle and low-end markets. "No problem, I will arrange the team as soon as possible.

At that time, he will have any demand for this side, even if mentioned, we can satisfy it. And we will take a look at the foreign low-end momentary market in foreign countries, compared to the high-end momentary bus market, this market is quite large, and it is also hoped to cooperate with He.

Although we may not be able to avoid competitive relationships, we can cooperate first and develop together to minimize competition. "

Meng Qian's words, He Rongmin, I also learned, since Meng Qian said so, then he doesn't say anything, just like Meng Qian, the global market is very, everyone is also willing to believe that He Rongmin is also willing to believe Meng Qian, because of at least the lack of inside, Meng Qian has not pitted partners so far, unlike the partner of the Samsung Tiantian Pit.

This is the importance of reputation. Many people always spit those big bosses. Credit is the most important premise for business. It is also to play. There is no more contribution, businessman does not exempt, I can't ignore some of the behavior of some pit users. But in terms of big pattern, credit is indeed the most important.

In the personnel community, you will be toned, and you will investigate the industry's industry credit issues when you find partners. Just like Meng Qiao completely can't afford to cooperate with Samsung, even in some special industries, such as the ancient play, it is completely credit support.

Meng Qi is sincere to the sincerity of partners, which he can constantly attract more partners.

In the next time, Meng Qi Lu continued to meet many entrepreneurs, layout a ten-year plan, until May 23, Meng Qian met a familiar person, BYD's Wangchuanfu.

At this time, BYD is a battery, and the production of BYD nickel-cadmium batteries in 2003 reached 400 million, and he exceeded the three oceans and became the world.

At the same time, BYD's lithium batteries are making a market that is silkworm, and the lithium battery is growing in neon. The promoter is Sony. After Sony, in 1992, the lithium battery has been commercialized, and the lithium battery is followed up. Bring to market. The Sony powder in that age will have to have seen a sentence: after Sony has, Dafa is handling the gods.

The first regular lithium battery factory in Huaxia is a force, that is already in 1997, but interesting is that Huaxia lithium battery manufacturers caught up with the neon market share by short four or five years, and The mobile phone market beyond the neon, as for the reason is very simple, it is cost-effective.

When Sony's lithium battery cost is 4.9 meters, BYD also a lithium-electronic cost is only 1.3 meters, and the price war puts the neon business directly.

When the Huaxia battery industry took off, the Samsung and LG next door were also in force. However, everyone's counter strikes are completely different. Huaxia believes in cheap labor. Gao Li is on the retrograde development of products and equipment to buy neon countries. So Samsung and Sony will fight the lawsuit.

Today, Wang Chuanfu is looking for Meng Qian, and the things that are going to become a computer battery provider of the wind group. The Great Wind Group is through the business career. This thing has been spread in China, and I can't hold it.

However, Meng Qian did not have a refreshing promise. At this time, BYD is on the mobile phone battery. It is still different from the computer battery. Meng Qian gives Wang Chuanfu's response to you can test, then give him a reply.

And Wang Chuanfu came to see another thing in Meng Qian today, "Meng Hao has seen our company's report?"

The report of Wang Chuanfu said it was sent to Meng Qian ten days ago. He wanted to find Meng Qian's investment.

In 2003, BYD had a very important thing, that is, in January, he acquired Qinchuan. From then on, BYD officially entered the automotive industry.

However, all the world is not optimistic about BYD into the automotive industry. At this time, online online comments in Qinchuan are not engaged in business, play, bad investors, BYD stock price fell from 18 yuan to 9 yuan, stop the waist.

But Qinchuan has been acquired, and now I have to start investing in research and development, BYD needs money.

The BYD has explained that he acquired Qinchuan once a time, and it was really not a ticket, slowly saved the investor's heart to steadily.

At the same time, find financing.

However, I have seen this time online to BYD's comments will understand that there is no one dare to cast BYD. At this time, BYD is being smashed into a dog because it enters the car industry, and many so-called professionals have predicted BYD to go down. .

But as the Meng Qian idea of ​​the rebirth is different, this is the future of more than 100 billion yuan in the market value of the Xiangjiang stock market, and now he is less than 10 billion in the market value of the Xiangjiang stock market!

And the battery, Meng Qian, car this industry, sensor, chip, artificial intelligence, back, is a partner space.

It is necessary to vote.

But since it is acquisition, Meng Qian as the chairman of the wind group always wants to seek benefits for the company, doing a good job, it is not a chaotic, naturally wants to sway the posture, make a very difficult look, "Wang Huan, To be honest, I am personal is more optimistic about the car in this industry and the industry in this industry, but a business cross-border is too big, uncertain factors are really much.

And there is also a problem, our wind group is a strategic cooperation relationship with Sony, now you have the relationship with Sony ... "

This season, BYD is helping Sony over the battery, Sony hates can't kill BYD.

"It is my negligence, forgetting Meng Meng with Sony's relationship, then I will not bother Meng, first go back."

Looking at Wangchuanfu, Meng Qi wants to pull, "No, Wang Hong ... Do you want to stay together to eat a meal?"

"I don't bother Meng, I have to go back to the process of handling the point. I will come to Hangzhou next time."

"No, you ... don't you try again ... Strive for it???"

In the face of the annual rollover scene, Meng Qian had to leave Wang Chuanfu, "Wang Chu, I mean, because we have the relationship with Sony, I hope our wind group will invest in BYD's things ... low-key a little.

"So this is ah."

"Ah ... It turned out to be like this ..."


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