Looking at the information on the online information, Meng Qian couldn't help but once again had curious, because once again, he had obviously changed the history overlap after the history process, and the burial family of the world came from "Audition", this world Years for so many years in advance, actually there is a burial family, the key is that even the names have not changed.

"Is it a coincidence or a special thing to rebirth ..." Meng Qian's heart is coming.

In addition to burial, there are still many elements that have appeared. When Meng Qian will open some wind a circles, full of eyes is:

ㄖ ㄅ

When the tears passed around the eye, love, Zumi, to fly

Commitment {. Bμ . ﹏ ﹏ .......

Funeral families, Mars, big head stickers, online songs ... or familiar formula, or familiar taste.

When Meng Qian listened to the "ten years" brush online non-mainstream elements, he accidentally felt a strange tranquility, this is a moment that he is able to touch the heart after he is reborn, although he is not a mainstream as 80 The main force, but this scene is the look in his memory.

However, memories, the troubles, there is also a non-mainstream era, there is a rebellious lonely pursuit of freedom, etc., there is also an external cause of neon highlights cultural impact, Internet development, game development, social software development.

As a business behind the hymths and games, the mainstream sound is naturally unable to condemn the wind group when condemning non-mainstream.

However, when Gu Junhui began to worry, Meng Qian's choice is ignored.

After all, it is clear that it is very clear that the non-mainstream is only a product of this background, and the young rebellious pursuits independent pursuit of natural pursuit of freedom is never stopped. Non-mainstream does not really disappear, but in the new era With new images and status.

Niangyi culture, north fast hand south hanging, rice culture, JK circle, COS circle, there are some era products that will appear in that era.

Of course, there are still some bad things under the development of non-mainstream, Meng Qian has some ideas that want to intervene, but it is really difficult to decide what to do, temporarily selecting a static view.

From July 10, Gu Junhui once again came to Meng Qian's office that the company should come up with online public opinion. However, today's Gu Junhui is not right, but Meng Qian did not pay attention to Gu Junhui is different today.

"What do you want to face?" Since Gu Junhui came out, Meng Qi always had to talk to him.

"Some people now point to us too deliberately, I suspect that some competitors are using public opinion, but the game and hand letter is only a catalyst that promotes non-mainstream culture. It is not the main reason. Without a wind group, the past penguin plus a game company, it will also cause these phenomena.

Moreover, the hazards of games and hymen have not been as big as the online people. Take a few extreme small mixed cases. I will not stop us, I think there is reasonable thing to develop, it is better to explain it. "

"how to explain?"

"Take something clear."

Meng Qian stretched Gu Junhui sat down, "The debate about the game harm has been, the things you want to express, many people on the Internet have expressed, and before, there are even educators to express their student learning, can't blame the game. , Over TV, go to the official media, but also many people can push the mistakes on the game head.

Recently, there is no relationship between non-mainstream and games. Similarly, many people say what you want to say online, but you didn't find another point of view of people to find some points to attack your point?

The online world is a place to explain that there is almost meaningless, not to mention like you said, now it is clear that someone is deliberate to discredit us, our explanation will only make the incident heat more heat, let the smeared our voice can be more People see it.

I personally see the company in the network, in addition to some product needs, the company is still low-key, as for some malicious smeared, what we have to do is to find evidence, then alarm, then we can send a lawyer to Online, because this is not called explanation, this is called evidence, called rights.

As for the case where evidence is not found, it evaluates the harm of public opinion on the enterprise. If it is harmful, even if there are people online, they don't listen to our public relations or public relations, if the impact is not big, when I didn't see it It is it.

Of course, this is my idea, I also want to listen to your thoughts. "

"I can understand that Meng always said, but in fact, I want the company to come to say clearly, not only the game and hand, should not be accused, but what is the essence of this thing is not the mainstream."

Meng Qian did not pay attention to today's Gu Junhui, "why?"

"Meng Chong first, see this." Gu Junhui gave a folder to Meng Qian, waiting for him to continue, "I think the whole society is too big for non-mainstream prejudice, and the development of public opinion is increasingly Extreme, it seems that no one wants to go through the things behind these phenomena. Non-mainstream is in the middle of the heart, and those who are not mainstream is just a negative emotions that accumulated in their daily lives. "

"But why do you want us to do? This should be a matter of the media?" Meng Qian put down the file and asked, deliberately misconduct.

"First, I will reveal the essence. It is also good for the reputation of our wind group. After all, we have been there." Second ... "Gu Junhui hesitated two seconds," I always think that I really believe For entrepreneurs, there is a sense of social responsibility.

In fact, I have always thought that our company's public welfare undertakings, of course, I also understand that there is not much flow funds in this two years, but I personally think that excellent entrepreneurs will create wealth and creation products. It must be given back to society.

An entrepreneur with social responsibility will be remembering that such a voice may not be very good for the company, but it may have a significant social significance. Since we don't have such a sound, Why not? "

Meng Qian did not look at Gu Junhui. "I asked you a thing, there is a disaster in some place today, and if we don't donate money, we will be jealous if you donate less, but if we donate Many still will be, We use public interest to advertise. What do you think this phenomenon? "

Gu Junhui frowned, "As long as I am really doing a good job, I believe that people who praise me must be more than people who are."

Meng Qian's face finally exposed a smile, "reasonable."


On this day on July 18, Meng Qian came to Yanjing and walked on the road to the TV station. Today, Meng Qian wants to participate in a TV show of debate, and this type of program is relatively seen in this era, and later It is basically no longer seen, and even there is no TV station to make it.

Meng Qian is going to debate a well-known scholar called Yu Hongyi. The other party is firmly condemned by non-mainstream during the time. A pair should put non-mainstreams to hop the human historical shame.

Of course, is his inner heart, it is not necessarily not necessarily, after all, their scholars are born in the eyes, naturally how to attract people.

Anyway, Meng Qian also doesn't care what he thinks in his heart, it is just through such a platform, just explains his point of view.

When only one road from the TV station, a man with red hair stopped Meng Qian. "Do you want to cut the hair?"

Meng Qian looked up at the barber shop on the side, and looked at the time. "I will go to the TV for a while, help me blow a good shape of TV."

"Good, please."

"What is the brother called?"

"My name is Kevin."

"Kevin? Do you have a namedony?"

"Our store is called Tony, how, how do you know?"

"Know, I have been famous for a long time."


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