Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 318 Non-mainstream Culture

After half an hour, Meng Qiao's eyebrows, Liu Hai came to the studio. Because Meng Qi's own hair is not long enough, it seems that it is not a non-mainstream, and then with Tony teachers and Kevin teachers are arrogant, but they are not very exaggerated, but even have many people.

In the spound hall, I saw the Haili Art, Meng Qian's courteous, but the other party didn't want to take care, Huaxia has always been like a generation of intellectuals in the past.

Fortunately, Meng Qian is not careless, quiet and other programs start.

"Welcome everyone to watch" Mingzi "on time at 7:00 every Friday, the truth, I am the host Ke Jianming. In recent time, the topic of non-mainstream has caused the whole people's hot discussion." Ke Jianming said There have been various pictures and topics on the screen on the screen. "Many people think that non-mainstream is a cultural toxum, which is the spiritual poppies that destroy young people.

But at the same time, some people think that non-mainstream is a kind of way young people pursue personality. It is a cultural change after entering the new century. To this end, we specially invited a well-known writer to learn, "Social corner" Mr. Mr. Yi and Mr. Meng Qian, Chairman of the Great Breeze Group. "

The lens cuts to the face of the two, and the macro art is serious, and Meng Qian is greeting against the lens.

"Then from Zeng edited this?"

"Good host, said that these things that you have come out of your program group really gave a non-mainstream cultural face. In fact, it is now clear that non-mainstream culture is clearly condemned, and why everyone will reject non-exclusion Mainstream?

We can see these news, fight, escaped online, online love, you will look at the image they pursue, Liu Hai covers the eyes, tattoo, earrings, girls exposed dress, smoking, and more and more uncivilized With words, young people in our country are now like this, I want to say who can accept this thing?

A group of young people full of negative energy filled with so-called funeralizations leading to the cultural development of this era, driving a era culture, I can't find any reason to support them, if I want me to make them Evaluation, I can think of only four words: from the rebellion.

I don't know how Meng always considers the business of the wind group, and does not consider the wealth that the wind group can earn from non-mainstream culture. What reasons do you have to support such a culture? "

In the face of the accusation of the macro art, Meng Qian smiled away. "I am very curious, the editor is really a journalist? Do you have a certificate?"


"I just think that the professionalism of Zeng edited is completely unlike a person who has been engaged in the news, what is the editor, what is the news report?"

"Of course it is the truth."

Meng Qian couldn't help but shake his head. "I believe that it will find an internship reporter that the news report is an example. It is extreme, a small probability event, which is the topic.

Some people have seen the news report a three meal of ordinary people?

All the news content just took out is full of extreme, and even the photo is not to use the most ugly murderous Matt boy who flows online. The guiding is too obvious. He has edited, and an example will not represent A group.

I can be very sure that the three good students in the school must have love, and the professors in the university must also wear a strange. "

, he is the first generation of well-known, it is a good hand who can say the glory. "Meng always is not right, non-mainstream is not very big, and the reason will be hot, It is because everyone hopes to press this atmosphere as soon as possible. Everyone wants their children to make this look. It can be said that non-mainstream itself is an extreme phenomenon. There is no news report extreme. "

"So, the editor should think that the things that the entire non-mainstream group should be very small."

"It can also be said so."

"What is the mainstream?"

"Meng Mong is not asking, I have already said, online love, playing games, etc. Meng always want me to repeat again?"

"This way." Meng Qian took a data, "This is the survey report made by our wind group. We conducted anonymous data survey on the 18th high school in Hangzhou, ranked first in the top 100 students in each school. I acknowledged that someone who played the game exceeded 50%, and the remaining 50%, I believe that there must be a game but not admitted.

And we have made a whole data analysis of this 18-year high school. It is only 3% of the proportion of the end of the Internet. Most people are only playing games on weekends and cold and summer. "

"Your data is meaningless." ,, is also a light look of light wind, "Meng always sways the concept, the non-mainstream of our mouth, this is to refer to the students who exhable the game, some Student moderate game, treat the game as a relaxed entertainment method, this is not non-mainstream. The facts also prove that those non-mainstream students are basically poor. "

"Concept of stealing?" Meng Qian smiled in the heart, and the other party passed. "Zeng edited the words, it is not to think about how to steal the concept, and today you can say that the game is non-mainstream. Tomorrow you can say that online love is non-mainstream, and the day before, it can be said that it is non-mainstream, excessive hair is non-mainstream, and excessive makeup is non-mainstream.

Let me guess that this excessive evaluation criteria in the editor of Zeng, is the same as the criteria for most schools, everything talks about grades? "

"Meng always don't give me a hat, I have never said this. And in fact, students who have excellent grades can not do those non-mainstreamings."

"The editor may really be disappointed." Meng Qian once again took a survey data again, "It is the students before the 18th school grades, which recognizes that there is more than 10% of the number of online love, recognition in the network There is more than 30% of the number of dried brothers and sisters, admitting more than 50% of the so-called wonders and bad hairstyles, and recognizes that I like to listen to online songs like to dress up the wind and encyclopedia. I like to talk to the number of people chatting with Mars. 70%, and the last most important thing is that the number of students receiving non-mainstream culture exceeds 90%!

Has edited, if you really don't give non-mainstream to deliberately, then in the public's cognition, non-mainstream should be a network culture that suddenly appears in this era, is a young man who is stunning through the network. , A way to express lonely, and this non-mainstream is not small, and the reason is that you have to peel off the students who have poor grades to chase them. .

For a long time, students' grades seem to be original sins. I will be unlimited. In the non-mainstream, you have been stealing the concept, you have the same difference between the non-mainstream, and the non-mainstream is equivalent to a small mix. Put the non-mainstream is equivalent to the ugly person, and the role of people will be on non-mainstream. In this way, the public will hate non-mainstream, because everyone hates the difference, hate a small mix, hate ugly people.

Take online love, online search online love, what is the relevant news of the coming out of school, what is the fact?

In our survey report, more than 70% of young people think that they have found true love through the Internet, more than 60% of people are in love, and online love is just a kind of love source channel. Change, accusing online love, love is wrong?

When you are young, you never have a spring heart? When you are young, I have never been secretly loved. The 156-year-old age is a wonderful thing for the appearance of love. It is the nature of human beings. You can use the young people to have a young man not to fall in love. At this point, I personally support, but you can have an original Is it a beautiful thing?

Data tells us that non-mainstream affects a generation of young people. Not very individual young people. If you really want to study non-mainstream, really want to give non-mainstream a fair judgment, then the first thing to do is to first recognize non-mainstream concepts.

It's not a few poorly fled to play games, love is so simple, he is a change in the young people. "

"Meng's general data is the wind group to investigate. I don't think he has official credibility." M Hongyi continued to refute, "Meng Gong believes that we have weakened the scope of non-mainstream real impact, then I can also The question of Meng has strengthened the impact of non-mainstreams. "

"Yeah, this is the core of the problem!" Meng Qian suddenly excited, of course, it is intentional, "So many people on the online accuse non-mainstream, we can't see the official, non-mainstream, this phenomenon More detailed data and reports, everyone only accuses non-mainstream, who wants to understand non-mainstream?

Why will this generation of young people do these so-called deals in your mouth? Why is the development of the network to breed this phenomenon, is really a network and a game? I asked those so-called adults who accused non-mainstream, can you close your eyes and recall it, is there any rebellion when you are fifteen years old? Are you eager to pay attention to others fifteen or older?

What is these non-mainstream children do? Are they really leaving? No, they are crying!

They are shouting to the lack of love, why is it always busy with my work? I always like to use it to solve the problem, why can't I stand in my angle to think about problems.

They are shouting to lonely, shouting why I have no brothers and sisters who can talk, why don't you know how to find friends.

They were shouting to violence, why did I be called a teacher by my classmates, I won't protect me, why I was hit by my classmates, my police uncle just looked at it.

They are shouting to prejudice, why do I think I am not a good boy, why I have my own dreams, you feel that I am not a child.

They were shouting freely, why did I always think that shackles are in their body, shouting why I am in the best age, I have been a prisoner.

This is the core of non-mainstream culture, but some people want to understand them in the past, some people want to pay attention to them, some people want to listen to the hearts of those children?

Nowadays, non-mainstream culture is clearly sick. I never deny this, but everyone goes to the Internet to marry a brain damage. The result will only make this disease.

What we should do is to contact them, understand them, and then guide them to use a more reasonable way to vent their own emotions, and dig out some bad molecules in which the real small probability is to deal with, this is The society should do.

Instead of Cheng Tianyi, if you can't give them concerns and guidance, at least, please shut up. "

After Meng Qian said, the studio fell into a long time.


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