This debate made Meng Qian got a hot review. If you put in the flow era, Meng Qian's situation can basically take a way with the name of the network red entrepreneur, so in this era to the traffic sensitivity and chase Not very high, Meng Qian continued to continue to stare at this after a while, after a period of time, after a period of interviews.

However, the Volkswagen's impressive is negative for Meng Qian, compared to the previous youth entrepreneur, this impression is obviously more easily remembered, because this is Meng Qian's first time in this society. Some phenomena, some people in this society speak.

For Meng Qian, his reputation is really not so concerned. The most important thing is the impact of this debate, and the people who continue to be unsolved naturally, it is not possible to have so many people because Meng Qian is like this. Change the thought.

After all, there is no God's perspective when I have just developed, I will see such a strange strange thing, plus the template of the media, many people have a very serious inductance of non-mainstream, so some people have started to be Washing white non-mainstream, after all, he is the chairman of the wind group.

However, in the way of Meng Qian, some media is dispatched, especially the official media, for a while, CCTV played a deep excavation of non-mainstream cultures, CCTV's voice is a signal for the media circle, then land Some media in succession began to do this. When more media started to start excavation, everyone's understanding of non-mainstreams has finally emerged.

As for those who are dead, they are unable to accept non-mainstreams, how do you do it, but also said that Meng Qian has shaken the official media, Meng Qian has only suffered. Many things, let more people understand enough, so that everyone understands is impossible.

What's more, Meng Qian hopes that this society can care about young people, domestic violence, campus violence, left-behind children, etc., these things have not been greatly solved, one reason is because they have always lacked attention and There is a young man in China, you should listen to the traditional thoughts of the old man.

The sound of young people is often overlooked, even if it is only possible to communicate more, the results may be completely different.

This time, Meng Qian is an entrepreneur who has a social responsibility to do something outside the job. As for the effect, look slowly.

On August 15, Meng Qian did not pay attention to the online related situation. He came to Lanzhou, Gan, Ganzhou, and the first thing after the plane was going to eat a bowl of Lanzhou beef noodles.

After meals, Meng Qian took the address No. 6, Health Road, Anning District.

"How did the Meng always come over?" I just went to the destination to welcome Meng Qian.

"I want to eat bowl of beef noodles, I have been earlier, and I will not bother you very well."

Meng Qian was taken along the hall, and he saw that several teams were waiting for being arranged. These teams had a tender face, wearing a school uniform, they were junior high school students or high school students.

Meng Qian's purpose is to participate in the final test of the 18th National Youth Science and Technology Innovation Competition. The Great Wind Group is one of the activities of the activities, except for the wind group and Intel.

Intel has set up a thing in the National Youth Science and Technology Innovation Competition in 2002, excavating and commending a technological innovation project and contestants who have issued the third day of the third day of the third day, and give no more than 20 projects.

And the winners can have the opportunity to participate in the ETRACE International Science and Engineering Grand Prix.

The Surface of Intel Dry is that I hope to better encourage domestic young people to participate in scientific research projects through this reward, cultivate their scientific thinking methods and rigorous work attitude, and incentive innovation, and achieve adolescents.

Well, this is really not wrong, but there is an interesting data. From 2002 to 2017, more than 200 young people from here go to Intel International Science and Engineering Grand Prix, and more than 200 people have more than more than 200 people. Half finally walked into Intel.

In addition to the National Youth Science and Technology Innovation Competition, there are many similar in the country, there are more than a dozen, which will often see some names, Microsoft, Google, IBM, Intel, which will often see behind these games.

People come to China to dig talents, they do this, junior high school students don't let go, and as long as elites.

However, this world, Meng Qian is coming to grab people.

Since 2003, the Great Wind Group has become another cooperative enterprise of the National Youth Science and Technology Innovation Competition, and will issue 30 Youth Science and Children's Elite Awards every day. Intel at this time is 2000 yuan. The big wind group's bonus is 5,000 yuan.

More importantly, the team of the Great Breeze Group has also gone out of China. When Miki Company talents in China, the wind group has also begun to contact their domestic Youth Science and creation competition, and become them through the establishment awards and bonuses. Cooperative.

Up to now, the wind group has successfully penetrated in the Russian, neon, Gaoli, Singapore, Malaysia, etc., and since the summer of 2004, the Great Wind Group will host the Summer Camp and Winter Camp of Global Adolescent Camp, one year two Second, invite the award-winning youth from all over the world to come to participate.

At that time, the Great Breene Group Headquarters also became better. The big wind group's university's progress should also be opened. These children will visit the wind group and have the qualifications for the first priority by the high wind group. Although this qualification begins The temptation of the year is not big, but the temptation after many years is completely different.

As for other temptations to young people, Meng Qian will hand over Sun Xiaojing and Qinmer them to work.

"Meng Qian!"

"It's really Meng Qian!"

Many students recognized Meng Qian immediately excited, and the crowd had a championship, and several bodyguards standing around Meng Qian immediately gave Meng Qian.

"Meng He, I am a super member!"

"Buman," God Biography ", when the new level, this time I have been dragging."

"Meng Da, what game will this game?"

"Meng Da, domestic hyacin is not to launch video features?"

"Meng Zheng, my mother said that you want you to be his son-in-law!"


With a joke of a girl, the scene is getting more and more busy. This year, a little girl can say this, is uncommon, this is the reason is Meng Qian's non-mainstream speech, so that everyone is willing to be in Meng Qian. Talk is even more bold.

After all, it is a student. I saw that Meng Qi is the most of the game and hycnus. Meng Qian is enthusiastic to respond to everyone's problems. I have been talking with everyone. I heard that many students take the initiative to take the initiative. If you come in, you just want to see your students to see your own reaction.

In general, everyone is very enthusiastic, it seems that he is in the middle of the students.

With more and more people, Meng Qian is afraid that the work will be withdrawn, and then look back and then find more opportunities to communicate with these young people.

This competition is divided into four parts of project display, activity display, science fiction display and robot creative design, and the entire competition will last for four days.

The next day, Meng Qian first viewed a document given by the organizer in the room, which is this all entry.

Meng Qian first looks at something that makes you interested, you will pay attention to it.

When I flipped to the third page, Meng Qian's unconscious stopped, "Chen Tianhan ... how this name is a bit more eye."

A name called Chen Tianhan attracted Meng Qian's attention, Meng Qian basically determines that this name should be seen in what technology magazine, but I can't think of something.

Until Meng Qian watched his entry after the name of Chen Tianhan, he couldn't help but have some little excitement, "universal charge!"


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