On this day, in Taobao launched Alipay, the wind group also launched a thing that changed the habit of Chinese people: video website, Qingfeng.com.

The earliest video website in China was established in November 2004.

Meng Qian grabbed this first, but in this world's Internet development, Whether it is a network basis or netizens may have exceeded the previous November 2004, so even the wind group does not shoot, the first one in China The video website is estimated to come in advance.

At least Meng Qian knows, Netease is also said to be a video website. The goal is the end of 2003, and later heard that the wind group should do, it seems to be put.

The reason why the Great Breeze Group is going to be on October 11, because this product is on the line also brought a sense of mission.

That is the god 5 launch on October 15, 2003. The breeze network has become the only designated cooperation video website.

Of course, there is only such a video website, and it can only be unique.

Since the results of the Mathematiarians through the Hardcore Communication Mathemators have become a very good effect, the state began to gradually realize the importance and effectiveness of the Internet publicity.

So when I know that the wind group is doing a video website, I will come to Meng Qian very much, after all, the effect of the video will be more direct.

Those who have experienced this major event in 2003 should still remember that the country has been looking forward to watching live. As a result, CCTV suddenly announced no live broadcast at October 14, and the specific reasons are not very clear.

Until the successful landing, the major TVs began to play video records, but in this way, many people have passed, and those who specialize in TV to see the recordings will be more than those who live broadcast. After all, this It feels too much.

Therefore, the country thinks that the news is in the Internet, squatting TV and other news is really troubles, but in the video website, the netizen wants to see, then it is more convenient, and the on-demand will naturally go.

However, this can be busy with the wind group. Originally, the company plans to take the foundation at the end of the year. Wait until the beginning of 2004, it is now three or four months in advance, and the video website is a little content, this is busy to buy copyright.

There is also a very important question is that Meng Qian intends to go online together. In China, there is a lot of copyrights on the green light in the country, but in many countries, the copyright is bought, and the staff of the wind group will toss.

Finally, I can only do it in 13 countries.

After the website on October 11, the wind group began to promote money, and the hybrid in hand, the user I have, the video website is very fast.

For the user, it fell into the moment that opened the website.

The video website of the Great Wind Group is the first cut point in the TV industry. At this point, it can be seen that dozens of hot TV series in front of the user.

"Tianlong Babu", "Eternal Dragon Slayer", "Sui and Tang Heroes", "God Doctor Xi Lian", "Dajiang East", "Golden Powder", "Pink Girl" ...

It is the TV series that is popular in 2003. In addition, users can also find the hot play in the previous year.

Such as 2002, "Fengyun", "Iron Tooth Bronze Teeth", "Big Han Tianzi", "18-year-old sky", "Xiao Shiyi Lang", etc.

In 2001, the "Kangxi Dynasty", "Da House", "Meteor Garden", "Love Deep Rain Meng Meng", "Looking for Qin Ji", etc.

Of course, there is also an older TV series, such as "returning Pearl", "Kangxi micro-service private visits", "Journey to the West", "Youth Bao Qingtian", "Double Double Pride", "Xiao Li Fei Knife" and so on.

To be honest, when Meng Qian has entered the website to see these TV series, he almost didn't stretch it, it was memories, I didn't expect myself to have seen so many TV series when I was young.

As for the reason for the user's fall, it is different from Meng Qian. It is because of the audience of this year. It usually only follows TV station. Which television is broadcast, it does not do it, but the video website will make this A history has been changed. As long as there is a computer, you can go to the TV series you want to watch. You don't have to squat before you can go to the toilet, you can stop it at any time.

Of course, the premise is to have a computer that can be internetrated.

The wind group is used as an entry point because the copyright of the TV series is relatively cheap. The public has such a demand. The movie is now popular, the copyright is also more expensive.

Of course, it will be filled in the back, movie, animation, documentary, broadcast, there will be, it takes time to grow slowly.

"This is also too cool, I want to see what TV drama is watching, I want to see the first few episodes."

"I have read the" Xiao Li Fei Knife "for a whole, I can't remember how many times, I didn't look at the plot now, I finally saw it again ..."

"I don't have to watch TV with my parents. Every time I see the TV, I have to close my eyes, but I really want to see it! The wind group is ascing! I can finally look at the kiss ! "

"The new bodies are too sincerity, I will leak a gap to sneak every time I hide my eyes."

"Don't listen to the tower, last time I was stealing a seam, and my brother sells me, I know, my brother, second brother, do you know that kind of embarrassment ?!"

"What is going on upstairs, I have seen my mom to see ..."

"When can I go online anime, I want to know the story behind Dragon Ball."

"I beg you to continue to cut prices, college students can't afford computer!"


Starting on October 17, the brusty online god 5 special, slowly released a lot of documentary, under the promotion of the week, users who have experienced hybrids basically know the existence of the Qingfeng Network, even if this time is not logged in Hyacinth, as long as it is not long-term, it is basically listening to people around you.

After all, this is an era of chasing network innovation. It is a bit of fresh play. It is happy to spread and have adopted.

The documentary is not short, but the viewing volume is high, thanks to the netizens in this era, have not been cultivated to chase the habit of chapping, not as long as the video of a few days later, and everything is fast.

Now people can still look at things, plus the video website has just emerged, many people still have a new strength, have seen a few days of TV series, see the documentary is also very good, anyway, now I can't see anything else.

More importantly, there have been patriotic shame, and seeing countries have become the third country in the world to realize manned aviation. Everyone is happy, and the big square is the big cow. Communication, don't worry that it is a small pink, nor is it worried about being a wolf.

I have to say that although I worship the Worship of the West, they are generally simple to say that the rice country is better. For example, there are some comments in the website comment area to ridicule the third day, then start to list rice. Aviation capacity, indicating that China is at least 50 years.

But at least, this era will not be buckled on a small pink hat because of the few words of Huaxians, this is quite good ...

Through the combination of traditional media and network media, through the combination of text media and video media, the country's pride transmission has been more people, especially more young people.

And the documentary is very fine. In addition to recording the entire process, I also record a lot of behind-the-scenes stories, let the young people see the power of technology, see the strength of the hero, see the strength of the motherland.

As a website enterprise, the Great Breeze Group recommends the words of congratulating and joy on the website, and finally do this.

This age in this era is still touched by Meng Qian.

In fact, the same is true for the world.

Born, it is a big patriotic.


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