On October 25, Meng Qian went to Thailand Bangkok, and the wind group (Thailand) was officially listed, triggered a small impact, the Thai government actually sent a few small boos to the scene to help out, and they were very good. Meng Qian. face.

In fact, the original wind group has not had such a high-standard treatment. This is just just rushing, because in early October 2003, China officially joined the "Southeast Asian Friendship Cooperation Treaty", opened the new chapter of China and Southeast Asian relations.

So this time, a local business company coming to Thailand, I naturally cause a little more concern, and it is not to give the wind group.

Since Thailand wants to show it, Meng Qian is not polite, and the situation will sign a billion software order with the Thai government.

The next day Meng Qian was also invited to the Zhulaong University to speaking, the scene of the people in the mountains can't help but let Meng Qian feel the drag.

On the evening, Meng Qian and Xiao Bo saw a bar, two women who wearing bikini came over the wine glass, asked a word in English, "Neon?"

"These two handsome guys have already have a Lord." Meng Qian has to respond, and two women have a tall woman behind them.

Before the two people saw the latter seem a little scared, the little ran left, the lame wore hot pants vest, the coat took a white blouse, and the upper body bend on the table, the perfect curve is undoubtedly It is such a charming to stare in Meng Qian, "Really Tender."

"Vigra, this is my boss." Xiao Bo saw calmly, and the plate was facing.

I saw the Gugsha's body turned, and I sat directly on Meng Qian's legs. Two bodyguards around Meng Qian should do it. Meng Qian reached out.

"Money." Vigra has made a move of money to Xiao Bo.

"Money is not given to you!" Xiao Bo saw some impatient.

"The information is not given to you." Goha said on Meng Qian.

"They say no such person, or I am coming to you!"

"How do you introduce yourself?"


"You are a pig, you have been left from Cisco for a long time."

Xiao Bo knows, "..."


Xiao Bo knows that it is reluctant to put it out of the wallet to put it on the table. After the money took over the money, I immediately moved from Meng Qian. Xiao Bao got up to Meng Qian's ear, "I have seen us there, I can only let us take us again."

"Let her call a phone call, is it necessary to bring her?" Meng Qian did not mind that it is not necessary to bring it on the Logsha, just a simple from logic.

However, Xiao Bao has made a mistake that is unpleasant, it seems that there is a difficult statement, Meng Qian will not ask.

After half an hour, the three came to Bangkok, and the roadside almost every household is a small workshop, which can be seen everywhere, cut, polished gemstone equipment and the craftsman who sits before the equipment.

"You know, Thailand has more than 10 tremoline streets like Side Road in nearly 5 years. The boss behind is all the Chinese people." Goha attracts the attention of tourists from time to time, "waiting for Thailand to continue to increase tourism The development, it is estimated that there will be more Chinese people to come here to do gem business, specializing in the Chinese people. "

When Vigra said this time, he looked at Meng Qian to give him a meaningful eyes. Meng Qian didn't care about the craftsman of the street, see Meng Qian's non-response, Goha continued, "Huaxia people with the rice people Southeast Asia is called a smart person, but the reason is not the same.

They said that the people are smart because our Chinese people can find the way to make money, but they say that the rice people are smart because the rice people can always find talents. "

"Talents need useful Wu Zhi, the people who fight in the Chinese 1980s have a junior high school degree. Everyone can't do high-tech things, the foundation is different, the direction is different, there is no problem." Meng Qian saw the valley Salicular, it responded.

"That Meng has appeared here today, it is the foundation and direction of Huaxia to change?"

"I am coming today, I don't mean the country, I can't talk to the representative." Meng Qian calmly looked at the Vigsha, and the three didn't go to the destination.

This is a private room in the middle of the road. Meng Qian's two bodyguards stay outside the door.

Savada. "

Savada. "

When I greeted the door, I greeted the door. It moved a few words with the other party with Thai. Meng Qian did not understand, but Xiao Bo learned Thai, and Meng Qian was relatively confident.

After talked a few, the young man looked at Meng Qian, and then the three people followed him.

Entering the room in the inside, entry all the gem and related cutting equipment, and a young man who is grinding gems, the young man has a few words in the ears, the old man lifted his head and looked at Meng Qian, then pick Lower high-time glasses, slowly walk to Meng Qian, "Hello."

"You will speak Huawen?"

"I stayed in Huaxia for five years."

"Mr. Nava, you are called Meng Qian, take the liberty to disturb."

Meng Qian came to this Nawa today, is the folk Thai Thai field in the Thai gemstone, and the reason why he is looking for him is related to the words of Goha.

It has been repeatedly mentioned before, and the West has always been very understanding of talents, one is that they have the advantages of making people with bad, and they have the truth of national treasures.

Just like Thailand's gemstone crafts, gem processing is not as complex, but Thailand's gem can see the differences and obvious advantages of other places of gems, this is the matter.

When Thailand is still very poor, there are a lot of craftsmanship, and some people in these teachers can also transform their positions, such as cutting the glass, and in Thailand is still poor, these people's labor is still very cheap.

This is the advantage of all countries, can also associate the transformationable performance of these advantages. On this issue, Huaxia does have not too concerned about a long time. Instead, there are many traditional craft technology in Huaxia to take it. The second use, the same, many of the teachers were taken away.

Therefore, talents have always been an art, go to college to dig talents, which belongs to the most lazy way.

"I know Mr. Meng, I saw it in the news yesterday, thank you for your speech to be brought."

Meng Qian smiled and responded, "This world is young."

"Mr. Meng came to me, is it to let me go to the wind group?" Nava captured the words directly.

When Meng Qian quickly analyzed, I decided to say the frank rate. "I sincerely invited Mr. Nava, we will provide absolute satisfactory conditions for Mr. Nava."

"I won't go to Huaxia." Nava laughed, "Mi Dang is also good, Huaxia is good, I will not go."


"You are all big countries, the stronger you are, like this country like our Thailand will only be bullied."

Meng Qianbu is always moving, "Mr. Nava, the human beings are developing to the Destiny Community, I think at least our Huaxia has not thought about bullied."

"That's just because you are still not strong enough, human beings will never be peaceful, will never be harmonious, never harmonious, never. Everything I have, I just want to dedicate to Thailand."

The words of Nava are completely in Meng Qian's expectations. It has been doing a measures in Meng Qian, and there is only a good angle between rushing thinking. For Thailand, whether it is employment or economic or technology, it is good, at least this thing is indeed a mutually beneficial thing, isn't it? "

"I don't have mutual benefit to the small country, how to rise in Thailand, only in the small country, we help the development of the big country is only a moment of interest, and finally we are swallowed by the big country."

"Mr. Nava ..."

"Mr. Meng, I see you, I am gratitude, thank you for bringing everything, but I will come here, please go back."

In the face of Nawa's attitude, Meng Qian knows that he will only make the situation, but you have to say goodbye.

"Is this what you recommend to us?" After going out, Xiao Bo looked at the Vigra.

Vigra is not concerned, "What you said is to let me find the best gemstone processing master in Bangkok, Thailand, is him, I know that he has a narrow nationalism."

Xiao Bo knows, and then to Meng Qi, "It seems that this Nava can only give up, let's find another master."

"Looking for other masters, I have to pay another money." Observed in the side, "Although Nava is really famous, Bangkok does not have a master's master, I will return to you."

Xiao Bo was glanced at the Goabo, and the Vigsha returned a white eye. "I have two first quantities, I will go to the toilet."

Looking at the long-distance Vigsha, Meng Qian couldn't help but ask, "She is really your classmate?"

"Not only is a classmate, or a colleague." Xiao Bo saw helpless.

"Then how is she is willing to be in Thailand ...

"In fact, it is not easy. She sexy oriented ... I have been discriminated in school before school, but she often tells me, this is natural, she also wants to restrain, but the rest is not, after graduation, because of this after graduation, She didn't receive discrimination in her work. Later, we just have to develop in Thailand, and the money is given, she takes the initiative to come.

But I was originally to work, I didn't know why she resigned for a while, and she didn't know what she was doing. She only knew that she suddenly started selling information after 2 years.

Before Goha, it was a hacker master. We even doubt ... Of course, just doubt, but she is really as directed by many of Thailand, and slowly use her way to root it. "

"It turned out to be like this, but you don't say that I really didn't see that she is that, this way, I thought she would like you."

Xiao Bo hits the corner, "she really likes me."

Meng Qian, "???"

"She ... he is male."

Meng Qian, "?!?!"


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