Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 327 wearing a hat

"Do you have two discussions?" From the bathroom, Goha is still the old.

Meng Qian, "You said that there are many students here in here?"


"Old Xiao wants to see his students, the better, can you arrange?"

Vigra is a rare frown, "Nava smashed it impossible to work to the wind group, you still caught him not to let?"

Meng Qian took out the wallet and took it out of the money inside. "Don't look back and then call you."

Goha took over money and made a dislike expression against Xiao Bo. "Your boss is sick."

Xiao Bo knows a dislike expression. "According to the logic of Nava, Meng Qian went to the university speech should not help Thailand? And if he is really a narrow nationalism, you can use Thai to communicate with us, why not To say Chinese, still pay a five-year in Huaxia? "

"Even if there is something in this, Nava is the best master, but it is not known that the wind group can play a lot of power. Is it necessary to spend this effort? With the financial resources of the wind group, the money is in place Thailand is still just pulling a group of masters to return to you. "Vigsha shrugged his shoulders and continued to express disdain.

"You know that in this field, the top master is only a total of people? Especially in this influential master? Do you know what words do you mean in the technology industry?

Meng Qian reached out to show that Xiao Bo is not explained, with the eyes of the eyes, "since it is accepted, work."

It turned around Meng Qian and turned his hand. "Batch, let me go."

In the next two days, Meng Qian participated in several activities of the Thai government arrangement. This time, it is a passive with the identity of the relationship between the two countries. Meng Qian naturally cooperates, and the other is Xiao Bo literally to understand Nava. Happening.

After 2 days, three people listened to a four-five-year-old man told Nava's things. "30 years ago, whether we are Thai people or your Chinese people suffer serious discrimination in rice, Nava is The dark time in the Mi-Dang met your Huaxia Zhao Mei, they feel good.

After the reform and opening up of Huaxia, there is a lot of change, so Nava left the rice with Zhao Mei, and went to Zhao Mei's hometown, it is said to be the gemstone of your Huaxia.

Nava has a talent since childhood, he quickly became a master, and his person is too focused, and when he smuggled, he had a fortune. Of course, this is the topic.

Nava stayed in Huaxia for 2 years. The two were in love for 10 years. Nawa had long been looking forward to getting married, so Nata will go to the relative, however, Nata knows why every time I mention the marriage Zhao Mei hide sparkling It turned out that her family was firmly opposed to them.

The reason is that Nava is Thai people.

At that time, Huaxia was not affluent, and Nava never thought that he was actually discriminated against in China because it was Thai people. Later, Nata went back to China, staying here, became the best master in Bangkok and even Thailand.

But he is not born, and the money earned to cultivate students. When you still live in the old house of Mudong Road, the big leader sent him a villa, he donated it directly. "

"So, what should Nava in Thailand?" Meng Qian heard the story.

"Of course, Mr. Nava is the real master in our hearts."

After leaving the room, Goha somewhat deliberately made the clouds whispered to himself. "This world is discriminated against, and people nature."

"How to do it next?" Xiao Bo did not respond to Gozha, nor did you know how to respond.

"Abandoning Nava and find some other master."

"Well." Xiao Bo saw the Directive and got away from Vigra again.

At night on September 29, it was a bar, and the opposite of Vigra was a young man in the Nava shop. "What did Meng Qian finds?"

"He gave the teacher a CD, and there is a letter."

"Do you know the specific content?" Gozha made a charm of weekdays, with a mystery.

"It seems that I want the teacher to say."

"Voice?" Vigsha did not understand, "What is the sound?"

"Video I didn't see it, but I saw a little fragment. I mentioned what the Warriors never avoided the problem, but asked the problem, and then I would like to give a few examples. Meng Qian also gives the teacher some The implementation method also said that it will help the teacher.

That CD maybe some cases? "

Goha turned into the beads and put a bundle of money to the birman, "OK, go back, usually make a little better to Mr. Nava."

"I know."

At noon on October 30, Meng Qian and Xiao Bang saw a plane that returned to China, and Goha came to a shabby school in the slum in Bangkok.

"The teacher is coming!" As a student shouted, a group of students came out.

Gozha put it on the table, "I heard that you have a big thing?"

"We have exploded a tissue of a child!" A 17-year-old boy looked proudly, "Today, the troops have already started."

"I saw news, as a reward, I will make a big update to the equipment here."



Gozha smiles and opens the bag to eat, "Is there any news in China?"

"I have more and more attacks on Huaxia." Some people took food.

"What about the source?"

"Look at the news below, it seems that many are initiated by India."

"India? Huaxia just joined ..."

"For the teacher teacher, there is a company in China recently."

It is still analyzed that Vigsha has come back to God, "What is company?"

"Great Wind Group."

Vigra's eyes move, "What is it on the red list?"

"That is not, it's the technology of this company, the business competition is the mainstay."

"You marked this company."

"What's wrong? Is this company also have a problem?"

"That's not." It was only a few seconds after a few seconds. "The money updated this equipment is this company."


"Guigu, will you return Huaxia?" There is a student facing worried.

Vigra touched the head of the questioner, "I can't return Huaxia, I am impossible in this life, but if you are interested, you can consider going to China in the future."

Outlook on the direction of China, but after ten seconds, he received his eyes back.


On October 30th, Meng Qiao returned to the company with Xiao Bo, and found that the employees did a special way to see himself one by one.

But all the way from the front desk and ask them what happened again and no one speaks.

"Isn't my birthday today?" Meng Qian said dark, "What is this guy is doing ..."

With doubts back to the office, Sun Xiaoyi and He Yazing knocked in, and the two laughed with a special thief.

"I have gone a few days, are you collective? Is there anything wrong? Have anything to say."

Sun Xiaomi took a look at He Yuting and put a newspaper in front of Meng Qian.

I saw the newspaper and wrote: "2003 Wubbles announced the Huaxia Rich List, the Chairman of the Great Breeze Group Meng Qiao Rongxiao Huaxia."


The rich list has always been a very controversial thing, because the calculation method of each rich list is different, like Forbes calculates assets according to the proportion of financial distribution, Hu Runfeng list is compared to the asset according to the same industry, so Different richest rankings are never uniform.

And there is a problem that to calculate this thing to open information, but many companies are unwilling to open, so there are many giants in the traditional industry and some industries that are not fully calculated, can be on the list The richest is not the rich, it is worth discussing.

But for the public, I didn't have a mood to dig such a deep thing. In the case of the public, from this moment, Meng Qi went to the hats of Huaxia.


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