Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 328, goodbye, youth

Meng Qian became a richest thing in an instant, there is no way, this era is very sensitive to this kind of thing, whether it is the foreign country to go to the 1990s, a large number of college students, Shi Yuzhu as a life goal. It can see the height of young people to identity.

Meng Qiancai was 22 years old and became a richest richest, which undoubtedly became a myth in the hearts of Huaxia, and this enthusiasm is not pressed.

In addition, when Xiao Bo said before, Meng Qian has advocated scientific research, but he is not low for his own life. In the past few years, Meng Qian bought a luxury home in Hangzhou, and bought a few The luxury car, there are a lot of clothes in the clothes. The rewards of their own Meng Qian have never been emerging. It is not as simple as some entrepreneurs, and Meng Qian's realm is not so high.

With the exposure of these messages, the young man is born with my materials. The next richest is my emotion.

I don't know what it is, since Meng Qian became a richest, the online girl said that he was so handsome.

However, when Meng Qian is a river, the market is not peaceful.

On November 2, Oracle suddenly said that in the beginning of 2004, it was necessary to launch a new generation of databases.

"How is Herman?" Meng Qian asked Ding Mingyuan opposite himself.

"Still old, like the blood, I almost sleep here since I entered the company, my domestic employees did not understand him, I couldn't understand." Ding Ming made a doubtful expression, he It is really doubtful, "But he really helped us very much, and attracted a team.

It is not exaggerated that the Herman team helped us solve the problem of at least half of the database, and have to admit that the technical director of Oracle is really in that. "

"So, should our product stability and safety should have a big improvement?"

"Yes, our previous products won in innovation but lost in the foundation, Herman, and later, because he came to the company's Silicon Valley staff helped us to make this foundation more solid."

"I know, you will call Herman."

Ten minutes later, Herman sat opposite Meng Qian, Herman was more firm but also more firm than before. "Oracle is so fast, you should also launch a new version, should you also know?"

"Just to avoid our patents, the new version will not have too many breakthroughs."

"You are so definite?"

"You should do technology, you should be very clear, the technical breakthrough is not accumulated by the number, sometimes there are some opportunities, Oracle is the same as most of the Silicon Valley companies, it is a step by step by the talent base and historical precipitation. This kind of promotion is very slow, the so-called concentrated attack, but it is a few known directions, and everyone is completed as soon as possible.

I am very clear before the oracle, maybe in a few years, I have been judged to Oracle after a few years, but now Oracle, there will be no big breakthrough. "Herman looked very certain very certain.

Meng Qian thinks for a few seconds. "If this is the case, our database is perfect for this time, can also be a new version. From your understanding, we have necessary to touch it again with Oracle."

"Then see what you have."

"I just got the news, Oracle has fallen by 10% in recent year, and you think our wind group may purely rely on product advantages to push oracle to the decline?"

"As long as we have enough product advantages, this is an inevitable thing, the empire collapsed in history, there is no statement that does not stand up, this market is facing the user, the product is the most important, but want to destroy Oracle resources, if only the product, we may need more absolute product advantages. "

"Then do you think we have it possible to buy Oracle?"

Herman did not hesitate to shake his head, "impossible."


"The first customer of Oracle is CIA, and Oracle's happiness is the military order. Oracle promotion is the trade with the following, Oracle is definitely impossible to sell it to a Huaxian company. If Oracle is really one day I can't continue to operate, then I can basically determine IBM. "

"This is why?"

"IBM is one of the three major fairies of the rice army. However, the appearance of Oracle has a lot of IBM's orders in the military. Although the IBM surface looks like Microsoft, it is like a bone civilization, that is because IBM has no way to go. balance.

But once the oracle has problems, IBM will not hesitate to swallow it, and Oracle is really compressed by us, then IBM and Microsoft will basically be influenced by us, but for IBM, even if it is lost The database and enterprise software market can still be developed, not to mention this is also impossible, so rice will also drive IBM to acquire Oracle. "

Meng Qian turned into the pen in his hand, "How do you see IBM?"

"Guo Shi Li hits IBM to cross the difficulties. Do you know?"

"Of course, IBM has fallen a crisis, 1993 aggae became the IBM CEO and used great reform to IBM in 5 years, and changed the fate of IBM."

Hermann face disdain, "Just like you said before, Silicon Valley likes to God, IBM is really as unbearable, reform is also unhappy, IBM can pass the difficulties, the key is that it is all the way The foundation of the neutron.

Why did Guubener raise the first IBM performance in the market? That's because IBM has put the market in the market, as long as the strategy is turned, the market will become a money, it is so simple. "

Meng Qian was in meditation and began to analyze the factors of all parties. "Herman, I will spend a while to put into the database and enterprise software, before I mention the idea I want to realize as soon as possible, what do you think of the company now ? "

"Laws, if the wind group really wants to squin the oracle, you need more people, especially more experience, we need to increase product coverage, expand product experience library, the wind group has been rushing forward, but On the stage of international competition, the foundation is still too thin. "

Meng Qian parked the pen that has been turning in his hand. "Do you think the solar micro system company may be acquired?"

"SUN? Their situation in these two years is really a bit bad, they are too persistent to fight with Microsoft, and their luck is not very good, rising from the information outbreak age.

If the Great Wind Group wants to challenge the rice in the microcomputer and the system, the solar micro-system company is a choice that can be considered, the premise is that the Great Breeze Group is better in software and applications.

However, there is a problem, now the wind group can't afford it at all? Although the Sun Microsystems have recession for several years, the valuation is still much higher than that of the wind group. "

"I want to ask, there is no complex background like Oracle in the solar micro-system company."

Herman works to recall, "The solar micro system should not be so complicated, if the big wind group is not impossible to acquire, but I know that there are a lot of companies that are staring at this company, including Oracle and IBM, especially IBM, in In the field of microcomputer, IBM has always wanted to take it back in that years. "

"I know, you should go first."

After Hermann, Meng Qian thoughtfully took a whole whole night, and went to the bottom to the bottom.

On November 5, Liang Zhi, brought Meng Qian, a news, and the immersion photolithography machine of Asak came out, Meng Qian still calm, after all, everything has two sides. Without Asa, the advantage of the wind group is a unique, but the disadvantages are too easy to recruit the sanctions of rice.

Now there is aswater, the disadvantages naturally have a strong competitor, but the advantage is that there is Asti and the war, the wind group can be better farming.

For Meng Qian, a very important thing that he is now is to develop the company to 2008, 2008 will be an extremely important year. If you have to resist it in 2008, it is funny. .

On November 7, Meng Qian, who is being in the R & D center, was called out by Gu Junhui.

"What happened?" Meng Qian saw what happened again.

Gu Junhui is serious, but it is just a simple habitual seriousness, "" World of Warcraft "is scheduled."

Meng Qian's expression is slightly changed, the influence and status of "World of Warcraft" does not need to say, but it is difficult to wave youth. For Meng Qian, "World of Warcraft" is also your own youth. An important component.

But this world.

Goodbye, youth.


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