Because Meng Qian's rebirth is affected, there have been some changes in the development of global games, and even change is not small, especially in 2003, December, which will become an important in the game history.

In the field of stand-alone game, Nintendo launched the "Seloda Legend", Huaxia Daewoo launched "Xianjian 3", EA launched "Simulating Life 2".

In the field of online games, the Gaotai NCSOFT launched "Paradise 2", Blizzard launched "World of Warcraft", and China has two companies, Netease launched "Fantasy Westward Journey", the wind group launched "ancient myth".

The most surprised Meng Qian is that there is a neon domestic war that happened in 2004, actually arrived in advance in December 2003.

That is Sony and Nintendo's hand-on war, Nintendo launched NDS, and Sony launched naturally PSP.

In the face of such December, the players have more and more discussion on the Internet.

"Heaven" is said to be the most popular online game in Goryo, "Paradise 2" should continue "heaven" performance, "World of Warcraft" is the vomiting of Blizzard, see the preview video, you can see the production, strong wind group The entertainment industry has always been an old myth as a background. This game is directly called "ancient mythology", which is high.

As for "Fantasy Westward Journey" ... What is the child? "

"I feel that this is not just a contest between single games."

"Sitting and other big plays."

The online time of the four online games is that "World of Warcraft" Beimized on December 2, "The Ancient Myth" on December 6th, "Paradise 2" December 8th Gaotuo Public Test, "Fantasy Westward Journey" December 10 Japanese Huaxia Public Test.

In fact, the four games are very good in the local online reaction, even if it is a "Fantasy Westward Journey" that is not concerned, there is still a certain attraction for some players.

The global confrontation at the end of the month is the truly opening of this big show.

The "World of Warcraft" entered Huaxia was a half-year thing, but now half a month of Blizzard pushes the "World of Warcraft" to the Chinese market, no way, it is forced by the wind group.

There is a public beta period, and the public beta period is definitely tested in the native. Then there is a problem to change the outer service, but the wind group broke this tradition, I don't know where to play the global global beta, the key effect also not bad.

Moreover, the wind group has a deep layout on the global channel, and can support him to do this.

No way, look at "The ancient mythology" in China, I started to rush to the external market for two weeks. Blizzard can only be hard.

At the same time, NCSoft also followed the footsteps of both sides. The only thing that did not follow the rhythm is "Fantasy Westward Journey", can only be online, December 23, "Fantasy Westward Journey" has become the first in the game war in December. Out, because even go out.

The other three games have been in front of the global players to accept contrast from players, although the three companies are not completely coincident in foreign market layouts, but several major markets are all.

The players are the most important thing to pay attention to the game quality, because this is three 3D games. And if only the picture quality, the three games give the players who are still satisfied with a satisfactory answer, and there is a public opinion situation that is not the Bozhong.

About "Paradise 2" and "World of Warcraft", the online post is more than three days and three nights. People who have played these two games in this era have all known these two games. It is very bright 3D online game under this era.

And only from the quality of the quality, more people think that "heaven 2" is better, but followed is the higher requirements for configuration.

"Paradise 2" is the secondary development based on the Unreal 2 engine. Previously, the Game Engine of the Great Breeze Group has been compared with Unreal 2, so the picture quality of "The ancient myth" will naturally not fall, and even the characters. Subtail details, better than "Paradise 2", but it is just a bit.

Hardware restrictions, development capabilities, limitations of the times, are destined, it is impossible to be too much, so it is a little better to see any differences, think that everyone is the best person. All.

With the confrontation of the picture quality, it is also a kind of confidence in netizens of all countries. At least it is very good to see their own games, and the online inevitable exploit the sound of the game shaking flag.

Huaxia netizen, "The ancient myth" is the best game in the country, duck, rushed out! "

Mikang netizen, "World of Warcraft" is the world's top game, no one can be, we are the king! "

Korean netizens, "Heaven 2" is the first Smecta, the whole universe! "

Neon netizen, "Let us first solve internal contradictions, leave ..."

However, with the three games developed around the world, the first "Paradise 2" in the universe took the lead in exposing problems, and several core issues that were once in this world.

The first is the height of NCsoft to the outer service.

I have to play the national service "Paradise 2" know how big the national service and high-grace gap, it is not a game in the late stage, this world, NCSOFT still has almost no intervention in foreign clothes, and how to play in other countries .

In contrast, Blizzard has its own insistence, the agent can have certain changes, but the core thing is not moving, as for "ancient myth", because Meng Qian knows what hazards will bring this matter, naturally it is impossible to allow Excessive changes in other countries.

Moreover, the Great Breeze Group has always taken the model of the joint venture or invested abroad, and has also dispatched the company's team to operate, which is a major traditional advantage of the Great Games.

In the blessing of NCSoft indulgent, another core problem has also begun to expose, which is the problem of mound gold system.

"Paradise 2" and "The ancient myth" are free models, "World of Warcraft" is still the time charging model, but "Paradise 2" is very rude in the gold system, and it is more powerful. route.

Especially in countries like Huaxia, I actually go directly to the "Journey" gameplay, extreme enlargement of the power of golden gold, leading to almost no balance.

And this world is in advance of free model for a few years, it seems to have stimulated a lot of agents to the fanaticism of the gold, "Paradise 2"'s gold system is more exaggerated than that of the world. As long as there is money, you can use all of the civilian players. s hard work.

In just half a month, "Paradise 2" created the highest props revenue, but also got the worst player reputation.

Online is full of vomits who want to be crazy.

As a "ancient myth" as the free pattern, this time I made a big decision on the balance problem, that is, only selling clothes, no mount, etc., there is no impact on the game balance, in "ancient mythology", Will put an official channel that will be strong enough.

As for non-official channels, such as players privately buy money to buy gold coins, the company can't manage, "World of Warcraft" also has this situation.

"The ancient mythology" made this decision for more than a dozen internal discussions, because this will reduce the gathering of the game, the game's gold system of the game is always gentle, the player's complaint is not very big, so Many people think that there is no need to do this.

But this time, Meng Qian is more insisted on that these companies have done their own money in the golden system of other companies in these years. This is already triggering many players' emotional backlogs. Meng Qian guess "heaven 2 "It is likely to ignite the player's emotions because of the money.

At this time, "the ancient mythology" is still playing money, no matter how gentle, it will be tired, after all, the wind group is a free game.

At this time, the "World of Warcraft" is relatively equated. "The ancient myth" is very easy to be influenced by the market sentiment, because it will be very clear as the rebirth, the game's money makeup model has been a few years. Reincarnation, until the end, it is best to accept the public, obviously not charging, it can only meet a small number of people's coolness.

As the negative impact of the golden gold broke out, "Paradise 2" began to expose the second question and plugged in. The Korean game has never been a custom of hanging. Many people say that they can't manage it. This is obviously very touched, and it is impossible to do it. It is not necessary to increase the company's investment, these companies don't want to spend this energy.

The flooding of plug-in makes players' game experience, and then, "Paradise 2" has appeared, that is, "Paradise 2" has no story, "World of Warcraft" first version of the background It is the continuation of "Warcraft 3", "the ancient myth" is not to say, only "Paradise 2" does not have a story background in the true sense.

Under the cooperation of various reasons, "Paradise 2" was labeled as a pure circle game, starting on January 6, 2004, "Paradise 2" player increment and players started with almost no longer falling trend in the line.

The failure of "Paradise 2" has also become an important historical node for the decline in Gaotai online game industry.

After this war, coupled with the Great Breene Group Game Engine in China, the Chinese game industry continued to heat up, etc., the Goromiors fell into the global game second echelon.

In the future, the global game pattern is dominated by Omi, Huaxia and neon countries.

Goroma of the first universe.

GG Smecta ...

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