Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 331 CELL processor project

On January 16, 2004, it was an annual meeting of the Great Breeze Group. This year's wind group once again exceeded the goal, achieving a year of $ 29.8 billion.

The overall profit exceeded 30%, and in more than 10 billion profits, the R & D cost of the Great Breeze Group reached 4.6 billion.

The remaining money is mainly used for expansion and acquisition.

As for the goal of 2004, it has also risen to 80 billion, but most people have no opinions, because of the current situation, the light is at least one or two billion turnover, plus multiple The product really begins to go out of the country, and the game has also entered the second phase of the outbreak period.

The true rise of the wind group will begin in 2004.

In 2004, the focus of development is a computer.

This year's annual meeting has a difference, that is, Sony's moving will also come to the annual meeting of the wind group. The annual meeting of the past few years has never sent people. This direct chairman is present.

However, even if it is very poor, the state is still very poor, after all, in 2003, Sony is the older year, in April 2003, after Sony announced the 2002 lunching report, the famous Sony shock, Sony stocks last 2 consecutive days %, And Sony as a super company in neon countries, directly inducing neon high-tech stocks, and pulling the whole neon stock market.

In December 2003, the sinners who were labeled as neon countries and netizens were suffering from Qian Fu.

I used to do what Meng Qian didn't know. In any case, it came to the wind group. Also published a speech at the annual meeting, saying that Sony and the Great Breeze Group are the best friends.

After the year, the well came to Meng Qian's room. The cold is cold in the dining bureau, and now it is directly talking.

"Mr. Out, Great Breeze Group wants to join the Cell processor research and development project."

The Cell processor is a famous project developed by IBM, Sony, and Toshiba. In a few years, Sony uses the Cell processor on PS3. Toshiba applies the CELL processor on TV, and IBM applies the Cell processor to the server. on.

The Cell processor has been attached because it has a supercomputer floating point computational performance, and the observed clock speed is greater than 4 GHz.

But the ending of the final Cell processor seems to be not very good, and the various statements of the Cell processor are even endless. Some people think that Cell is really very cow, some people feel that all brags, Meng Qian's attitude is very difficult Understand the truth, no discussion, after all, Sony and Toshiba's Cell processor is a simplified version, the CELL processor that is really full of blood is like something, and there is no one knows.

Altitude often some of the PS3 Cell processor with the Pentium series, then mad on the CELL processor, the problem is not on a channel ...

Meng Qian wants to join the CELL processor project is not that the Cell processor itself can not be cattle, Meng Qian is more careful about the reasons behind this project.

Sony and Toshiba enters this project, what is Meng Qian is not very clear, saying Sony is to develop, Meng Qian is a bit unbelievable, but Meng Qian is doing this through the double understanding of the past and this world. The purpose behind things is to have a probilization.

IBM's Power architecture has been abandoned by the computer and mobile phone market, and the Power architecture is basically on the server and workstation.

In the 80s, the POWER architecture is the strongest recognized, and the popularity of the Power architecture is not high, but its performance has also been recognized.

The POWER architecture is not popular. The key is because IBM has not dried Intel in the consumer market. It is a lot of reasons for doing. One of the cores is Intel and Microsoft, and the Power architecture is architecture based on the RISC instruction system. The system is not supported.

People Intel are engaged in ecology with Microsoft, but IBM is hard, and it is played at all.

It is said that the Power architecture is not friendly to developers, saying that Power architecture is too high, no ecological cost is of course high, no ecology is of course not friendly for developers ...

Original IBM also has Apple's allies. Before 2005, Apple used IBM's POWER architecture. The problem is that in 2005, Apple has abandoned IBM ...

IBM is struggling to fight against Intel Microsoft Alliance, fundamentally can't find a counterfeit approach.

And IBM's last struggle in a more comprehensive chip application is the Cell processor. It is well known that the CELL processor is the Power architecture, and on the Cell processor project, IBM proposes to make the Cell processor to implement from the palm The machine to the computer chip to the full coverage of high-end servers.

Although Sony and Toshiba entered the purpose of this project Meng Qim really didn't want to understand, IBM should take advantage of this two, Sony can provide him with product and market, Toshiba semiconductor factory can help him reduce costs It can be seen from the later Cell processor's price, the ability of Toshiba costs is really strong, and the largest semiconductor companies in neon are not covered.

Meng Qian is now very clear, and after a long-term thinking in the recent time, Meng Qian knows that he needs to find a party in Mi, and the best personnel of this allies, non-IBM.

Now IBM has this strength and strength to build an ecology for the POWER architecture, then it is just uniform with Meng Qian's layout.

In particular, Meng Qian really wants to do a system. The only thing that is inseparable from a group of strength is that IBM will respond when it comes to the national dispute.

Then see how many things can be set from each other before they go to that step.

Although the Cell processor has failed, this is a chance of the wind group. For Meng Qian, it is really gambling at this time.

And join this project, there is still something else to Meng Qian, Meng Qian must bet.

"What do you look at this project?" Outlook first.

"Computer chip." Meng Qian gave an answer that can be reversed in reverse.

"It seems that you are very clear about IBM."

Meng Qianxin is more determined, and if the well, the way is once again confirmed the future generations and its own guess, "and the windy group will also lay more hardware products in the future."

"Then why don't you go directly to Intel cooperation?"

"Intel and Microsoft alliance will bring a lot of trouble. I would rather give yourself a backward road." Meng Qian said that it is more straightforward, but it is intentional to say it in front of you, because the well is actually Guess the things is not as good as frank, this is good for everyone's long-term cooperation. "It's you, how do you think of working with IBM?"

Meng Qian is curious, asked by the way.

"Microsoft is going to develop to the hardware market." It gave his answer.

Meng Qian wants to think that it is reasonable. In the face of Microsoft's challenge Sony is worried about Intel, the United IBM does say.

"Do you want to enter the game, do you need to say hello to IBM and Toshiba?" See Meng Qian does not speak, and ask for the initiative.

"I will talk about it, I don't know if I will nod."

"Of course, the wind group is willing to join, I believe it is a great place to this project."

Meng Qiao is actually the etiquette, it will definitely not refuse, after all, Sony is shareholder, Toshiba is a strategic partner, IBM is now, it is still a customer, I'm still IBM.

More importantly, Sony and Toshiba have been in the heart of the wind group after the immersion photolithography of the wind group. The immersion photolithography is the best tickets for the wind group to enter this project.

Although from the body, the Great Breeze Group squeezed into this project. It seems that the results and potential of the wind group have been matched.

"Right, there is a thing, I want to ask Mr. I will help." After finishing the project, Meng Qian is turned, "Sony is interested in Blizzard?"

"Blizzard?" Out of the well, "World of Warcraft Blizzard?"

"Yes." Meng Qian nod, "If I understand the situation, Wanti is experiencing financial crisis?"

In 2003-2004, it was a huge financial crisis in Vangi. It is also a large-scale layoff Snow Mushan to directly dissolve, but this year, Vangi Di's large-scale layoff is more than Snow Le Mountain, Vanti Global 80 % Shares are sold to universal electrical.

"The outbreak of the debt crisis of the entire European consortium is estimated for a while."

"Mr. Out, we are now competing with Blizzard in the game, but I heard that Vantry is planning to sell its entertainment industry, is not as good as Sony, I will chat with Vangi, That?"

Differently unexpected, "Sony's recent situation Meng Meng should be clear, we can't make efforts now to create a new department, and single just acquire Blizzard, the price is not high, the wind group is completely bought From? "

"Because we are not really want to buy." Meng Qian smiled in front of the body, "The world of blizzard is too similar to us, I am now acquiring Blizzard, I am very embarrassing, if you continue to operate the IP of Warcraft, then you will wait for your right hand. However, there is no such thing as if there is current game environment.

And I haven't been very happy with Vangi, the current volume of the wind group is so small. If I go out to find Vang Di talking, I am afraid that they will only let them feel insults, not only will not relax, not only. I will do it with me.

Unlike Sony, as an international giant company, you go to Vang Di to talk about it, that is, reasonable and will not let Vang Di feel no face. "

"You want us to pretend to acquire Blizzard to make Vang Di give up blood transfusion against Blizzard?" Out of the well.

Meng Qian did not dodge, "Yes."

"Meng Huma is a little way to leave."

Meng Qian's face couldn't help but sink. "There is no way, to give your opponent to the tomb of yourself, this competition with Blizzard is very big, I am not a big person in peace, but" the ancient Myths' universities have an important significance to us into the Omei market.

As long as the World of Warcraft "is there, we will be difficult to attack the Omemi's market. Now this type of game has just developed, and the player feeds, we also see, who can have a unique who will have the opportunity to affect global players, this opportunity There will be a few times in a lifetime. "

It is a complex expression, "Mr. Meng believes in this?"

Meng Qian smiled and ridiculous, "Mr. I'm said, the wind group is the best friend with Sony."


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