Meng Qian said that the well has fallen into a thoughting silence, and then "no problem, this is busy we will help."

"Then thank you for your life."

The two held handshake, this time the turn of the outlet, "Mr. Meng, there is actually one thing, I also want to listen to Miss Meng."

Outing the annual meeting of the Great Breeze Group when I was referred to here, it is obviously impossible to really come to Meng Qian.

However, it has not taken the initiative, and Meng Qian has seen his entanglement, so Meng Qian actively put forward his needs.

In most cases, the one who opens first is definitely a loss, but everything is not absolute, when you know that the other party is asking for you but because of the reason for the reason is not easy to open, and you speculate that the other party please ask for you. When you are favorable, you can consider going to trouble each other.

You are so trouble, the other person thinks that you owe him feelings, then you will say it.

"Mr. Outing, please say."

"I don't know if the wind group does not think about the graphic sensor forward?"

"That is nature, technology is of course constantly developing."

"Is Meng Human is interested in developing next-generation graphics sensors with our Sony?"

In the room, it was quiet. This quiet is of course Meng Qian deliberately made, just to make it feel that he is very difficult. However, in Meng Qian guess, this is not the best answer he thinks this time, this is not the best answer he thinks.

Now Sony this situation, I urgently need to make something, don't talk about at least the life, and when he reviews four weeks, I thought of the Great Breenery Candle Dragon Sensors.

The sensor is one of the core products of Sony turned over, but now is grabbed by Meng Qian, but the technical reserve in Sony is in that, because the wind group is still small in the international market. In the face of such a small business, so many giant companies around the world can't recognize, everyone is now attacking the graphics sensor to try to surpass the wind group.

So the well, think that the wind group must have a pressure, then Sony proposed that the next generation of sensors should also be beneficial to the wind group, and for Sony, if you can occupy the highlands of the image sensor, then cooperate with Sony's channel basis This is less than tens of billions of markets.

After a long time, Meng Qian finally opened, "How is Sony planned now in the development of the screen?"

"We have started to change the direction." One reason for this crisis in Sony is that the screen status has fallen sharply.

"Which of the image sensors and screens is more important in the planning of Mr. Out?"

"I think they are synchronous forward."

"I will tell the out of the well. Considering the process, design and flow cost of the next generation chip will get more and more, the 2004 R & D budget given by the image sensor department in the end of the year," Meng Qian It's entirely, but Sony didn't get the right to check the internal document, as long as I don't especially outrageous, Meng Qian said that .

"Sony is willing to provide adequate funding for cooperative research and development." The well responded very refreshing.

However, Meng Qian does not need Sony's cooperation in the research and development of image sensors. This time is either refused. Either it is trying to use this thing to change the conditions. After all, let Sony help to swindle. Vangi is not a big event. Join the Cell processor project, even if Sony wants to stop, Meng Qian can squeeze in the relationship with Toshiba and IBM.

Meng Qian has experienced complex weighing in a short time. He even flashed the things that I repurchased the shares, but I thought that I was too urgent. Once I repurchased the shares, I would have a lot of stiffness with Sony, but Meng Qi recently There are still many places to use in Sony.

Still wait, although it is more expensive to repurchase, the advantage is that, just think that it is not willing to pay with stupid difference.

After the repeated consideration of multi-party factors, Meng Qian's testicity, "Is Mr. Onesenger I want to cooperate with the wind group?"

Outlothing reveals resistive emotions in an instant, after all, Sony is looking for a wind group to develop image sensors, Sony is found, but the wind group has the foundation? There is no, this is entirely an important industry that supports the wind group.

But after the moment, it is still aware of another problem, because the current situation is that the image sensor of the Great Breeze Group is currently the first in the world, and Sony's screen has just been done.

But for Meng Qian, try it anyway, no loss.

China's "self-ancient" is missing, in addition to the chip, another industry that is definitely going to lay out is clearly the screen. But how to layout has always made Meng Qian's headache, and his rebirth advantage in the screen is almost technically not.

In all screen companies, Meng Qian has always stared in Sony. When a purpose with Sony-changing equity is to go to his screen, after all, the Samsung is absolutely unable to cooperate, even if it is Going to the pit, it is also very tired.

But how can I use Sony's screen technology, Meng Qian has been waiting for a time, this thing he is patient and anxious.

At this time, the active request of this moment, let Meng Qian think of this matter, perhaps, this is an opportunity, for the current wind group, a year of 10 billion income is very easy, set up a screen industry, the money is certain , Let alone are cooperative research and development, money is not a family.

The room was once again in absolute quiet.

Meng Qian's demand makes the wells abnormally, Meng Qian can't continue to add code for the screen.

Because Meng Qian naturally knows how good Sony's screen technology is, it is also known that Meng Qian knows, so Meng Qian puts forward this request, which will make out the wells of Meng Qian is a high confidence of self-motivation technology, if Meng Qian is at this time Occupation, then it will be unable to break, and you seem to have ever rushed to the screen technology.

The problem is not convenient to continue to bargain on this bone eye, because now talk about cooperation between cooperation, if it is determined that cooperation is, it is possible to bargain on the issues of the two sides, but now it is not, cooperation is to come out first. , Meng Qian proposed cooperative cooperation, logically there is no problem.

It is impossible to tell Meng Qian to change your other technology. Everyone is a smart person. It is all the technologies that we want. If you open this mouth, Meng Qian is not good to answer, the key is Meng Martial Events agreed, the out of the well is equal to the more passive point.

Because now, you are looking for help, I promise, but I want an equal-price return, and if you say that I want the return is not equivalent, but you can't get evidence to prove nothing, or even me I still feel that you are going down the slope. I have lost it.

The two sides looked at the other party who did not open the other party. This is a silent psychological war.

Each other can only depends on the inner heart by silent speculation.

But this psychological war is determined that Meng Qian's winning is bigger, because Meng Qian is really confident on the image sensor, and the Sony, the Sony, also proves how much the image sensor has. And now, even if you can't cooperate, you can wait for a few years, and there will be opportunities for Sony for a few years.

Confused now Sony, take a few years to renew the financial products ...

In the end, the well is under the pressure of multi-party, initially agreed with Meng Qian's recommendations.

Chip, screen, system, camera, battery, electronic components, accessories ...

Meng Qian's layout is getting deeper, just waiting for an opportunity for thickness.


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