Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 333 Avenue to Jane

After Michael submitted, he had been patient waiting for the above reply, then this is three days, and the other two founders of Blizzard Allen and Frank are anxious.

"What's going on, the usual application reply will never take more than three days." Frank is coming back in the office. The number of players "The ancient mythology" in the past few days continued to explode, which makes him unique.

At this time, Virundi Kong's new CEO Renault's assistant Matthew called everyone to meet.

Michael three came to the meeting room and saw the person in charge of Xuele Mountain and the person in charge of Wanti Global. At this time, the person in charge of Xuele Mountain looks extra exhaustion.

Renault did not arrive in person, but directly from the assistant Matthew to everyone. Lun and Frank are responsible, the business after Xuele Mountain will be responsible by the original Vanti Global Ougen. "

Michael and others look at the person in charge of Snowle, and the other party has a expression that is free from unrelenting.

This scene happened in history, still again, the Snow Mountain in the heart of the person, after experiencing a secondary trauma, will eventually end the last life in Vantry.

Matthew announced it directly, his task is to notify.

Everyone in the conference room did not speak. Although Michael et al. Still have decision-making rights to Blizzard, since Renault sat on Vangi CEO, the company has been passing a thing, that is, Renault in order to Show the reform attitude of the big knife, ready to take a few non-core industries in Vanti Di, one of which is the entertainment industry.

Message reorganizations let Michael feel a strong uneasiness.

After a few minutes, Matthew returned to Renault's office.

"BOSS, has been notified."

"Well, I said with the Personnel Department, I opened the people of Xuele Mountain, and the Msiya guy did something when Vang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang, like this department to stay now! "

"BOSS, today Sony has contacted us, ask us if there is any intention of blizzard?"

"Sony? Blizzard?" Renault stopped the pen in his hand, thinking about a while, "Sony is looking for robbery, but the forak has been in the two years ... Let Sony's people come over, let's talk. "

"Well, the application before Michael before?"

"Just find a reason to drag first, this group of guys know that I want money one day later, nor does it look at what the company is now!"


On January 21st, the number of players who entered the Spring Festival in China have risen a wave. After the Spring Festival, they have broken through 3 million, "World of Warcraft" is still a bit slow, and there is no outbreak.

When the application was dismissed, Michael once again submit a more detailed funding application, but after the week of waiting, January 26th, in addition to waiting for the "ancient myth", the number of people exceeding 3 million people have been reached. Not allowed to support a reply.

On the same day, the Rio Turnee is in the sea, and Meng Qian wears swimming trunks in the sea. When he is on the shore, He Yazing came to him with a bath towel.

Meng Qian took the bath towel and wiped his hair, then looked at He Yuting, which couldn't help but laugh. "You are really don't take it here."

"I am working." He Yuting a reply.

"Will swim?"

He Yuting hesitated for two seconds, "will."

Meng Qian folded the towel of the body and put it back to He Yuting's hand. "Go back to change clothes and come back. At 9 o'clock in the evening, I will meet in the room."

"Meng always, I am working." He Yuting is busy repeating it.

"Your eyes are just a morning." Meng Qian smiled and said, "I will see them yourself. This time I call you, I heard that you have not returned home this year, let you take you to rest. Let's have no holidays last year, just give you a fake. "

"Meng Zhong ..." He Yuting didn't know how to respond.

Meng Qian returned to the chair and took a card from the pocket to He Yiping. "All expenses accounting, your work is fun, go."

After that, Meng Qian turned to go in another direction.

Not far, a pair of foreign couples come down from sailing, "Mr. Williams, hello."

Williams, who just left a few steps, saw Meng Qi, "Meng Hao is so early."

"In the face of such a beautiful scenery, I don't want to live up to, so my self-propelion is temporarily renting a yacht. I don't know if the two are willing to enjoy face?"

"my pleasure."

Meng Qian is the founder of Xuele Mountain, Williams. In the 1990s, Xuele Mountain was sold after sold, he left Xuele Mountain. Since then, he has been in the life of the world with his wife, usually writing blogs. Point technical support, and there have been three books.

On the yacht, several waiters have prepared snacks and wine, Meng Qian chatted with Williams, and chatted in the sea for a while.

"Mr. Williams thinks now, how does the game company take the distance between players?"

Williams is the nose of fans. The earliest Snow Mountain is successful. It is very important for a reason that Williams cultivated faithful to the player community in their own way. By personally writing, release game collection, Develop sharing and other means to close the relationship with the players, so early Snow Mountain is called the most people 's game company.

Williams smiled and responded to Meng Qian. "The meaning of the game is to bring happiness, in fact, it is such a simple truth."

Meng Qian nodded, "We have an idiom called the avenue, and the simplest thing is the most difficult to implement, and I have found the company's meaning of this year. Just like the design of the game Development is such a situation.

Mr. Williams, have you ever thought about returning to the game industry? "

"It's hard to get out, there is no need to go back to step on this beach, I will enjoy the current life with my wife."

"Mr. Williams's blog is all the things in Xuele Mountain."

"I just used it as a memories." Williams replied very smooth.

"Since it is memories, Mr. Williams suddenly terminated the original travel plan when I prepare Xuele Mountain in Vangi?"

Williams' expression is a bit, "It is no wonder that they all say that the wind group's hands are very long."

"It seems that Mr. Williams is really paying attention to this market. Even our company has learned." Meng Qian responded to Williams in Williams with a smile, "Mr. Williams, Xuele Mountain I have been in contact with it. The Great Breeze Group has encountered some bottlenecks in these years. We really want to seek breakthroughs. "

See Williams does not talk, Meng Qian is continuing, "The game's large environment is very fast, the player's requirements are getting higher and higher, the market competition is increasingly intense, and the game industry needs to be involved and considered. The factors are more complicated, how to find out the way in this confusion, my opinion is still the idiom, the avenue is simple.

Find things in the real kernel of the game industry, so that it should be changed. "

Williams who have been observing Meng Qian's expression first put forward the question. "Mr. Meng thinks what the kernel is?"

"We create happiness to users, users use money to reward us."

"Reminder?" Williams is very interested in this statement.

"Dictionary explanation in our Huaxia is to help users with material awards. We help users get happiness through entertainment products. If users get happiness, they pay themselves, I think this is the most Good relationship. "

Williams made a bit of fun expressions. "I am very curious, what is Meng Mong's future ideas in the game industry or the future of the entertainment industry?"

Meng Qian is very serious about thinking about this problem. "I describe Mr. Williams a future that I imagine."

"Mr. Meng please say."

"20 years later, a 40-year-old middle-aged man carrying mortgage, car loan, education, pension, medical care, etc., his face has been squeezed with dry wood.

A certain morning, he is like a crowded subway station like usually, but he suddenly discovered that the subway station is a 20th anniversary celebration of the "ancient myth" everywhere. When he can't help stop, a game is even Come and invite him to participate in a small game.

The game is very simple, there is all the characters of "ancient myth" on a wall, he is invited to choose a favorite role and make a corresponding action according to the role on the wall.

When a row of middle ages selected the role they want to imitate and made the corresponding action, the screen on the wall faded, appearing in front of everyone is a huge mirror.

The 40-year-old man looked at the mirror, that is a bit stupid, there is a bit of a bit of mouth, that seems to have no good looks in many years, at least in the morning, he feels that life is beautiful, he will feel Fortunately, "the ancient myth" has appeared in his youth. "

"Good romantic." Williams' wife's consciousness is sigh.

Williams looked at the wife and then looked to Meng Qian. "Mr. Meng is a feeling."

"But a person's feelings can't afford a great career, I need to find more ideas with me, have the same goals, have the same feelings.

Mr. Williams, I want to bring the player to the real happiness, I want to do a game, this is what I came to find today, if you haven't had completely abandoned, I want to invite you to the wind group. "

I looked at Meng Qian, Williams waited again, and Williams once again, "Snow Le Mountain ..."

"My colleague is already in one by one, but it is not only those people of the Vangi Team."

Williams finally took a glass of wine, but I left one more, "I have always wanted to travel to Huaxia with my wife. I heard that Huaxia's Hangzhou is a very beautiful city."

Meng Qian took the wine glass touched Williams' wine glass, "I will arrange it."


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