At the beginning of February, "The ancient mythology" and "World of Warcraft" have experienced two months of development, and the players began to enter steadily growth and distribution.

Michael has applied for operational funds in the third time. However, in Sony's acquisition, Renault does not want to spend, he can dissolve Xuele Mountain, can sell 80% of the shares around the world, naturally can also sell blizzard.

From all kinds of materials, Renault did not like the predecessor's investment in the entertainment industry. If it is not the success of Blizzard in the Warcraft series, it is estimated that the blizzard of the world has been abandoned.

And this situation is, under the impact of the wind group, Blizzard obviously didn't have a good time, especially the "World of Warcraft", and there is too much difference between the world.

On the contrary, the layout capacity of the wind group in the game industry has been reflected, and now I have to pull "World of Warcraft", I have a lot of money, and Renault is naturally unhappy.

After all, when I saw the opening of Xuele Mountain, Michael et al. Also guessed this new CEO attitude. After the third application was dismissed, the three founders opened a small meeting.

"I think we can already give up the idea of ​​company blood transfusion." Michael said with the idea of ​​everyone in his heart.

Allen and Frank look forward, Allen made a good expression. "At least we also have independent operation rights, the company is now deeply paid in the debt crisis, the situation is more complicated, after the past, I want to have this department. There are more support. "

"During this time, we will put your energy back to the game itself." Frank demonstrates that there is no need to continue to apply for the company's support, "the two months gave a lot of feedback, we need some modifications."

. "Allen phone.

"The game environment in our side is a decades of time, and neon national students have not truly touch our game culture. This game cultural barrier is not a wind group to break a few years. "Frank said this time seems to find confidence," as long as we can operate the Omi market, we will always find the opportunity to fight against. "

"Michael, what happened?" Allen and Frank were chatted in Michael without receiving the phone, and he told his face very ugly.

Michael is in front of the mobile phone in front of Allen and Frank, I saw someone sent a message to Michael: Ken Williams officially added to the wind group.

Just when the two were in some of them, I came again: The wind group took the company's dissolved Xuele Mountain staff.

In fact, this news is not fully accurate, just as mentioned before, the Great Breeze Group is not just the Xuele Mountain team that is abandoned by Vantry, this Xuele Mountain team actually there is no many old employees, Meng Qian The Williams era is also dug.

In this era, I still don't count on the high technology, so everyone has no competitive agreement, and the money is a Williams effect, and then the wind group promises will establish the Miki game center after one year. Everyone only needs in China. For more than two years, you can work back to the country, a bunch of people have been dug.


On February 10, a publicity was circulated on the Omei network: dream returns, returning national.

In 1991, Xuele Mountain has developed an online service called Xuele Mountain Network. That is on this platform, players can leave a message on the Xuele Mountain network and communicate.

Later, Xuele Mountain took a very dreamy name to this website, called dream kinemare, Williams sent a message in his dream country, and also communicated with players through mail, built a player park belonging to Xuele Mountain.

But with the sale of Xuele Mountain, the Dream Country is also sold to ATT in 1994.

Dream Country was sold by ATT in 1997, I was in the same time, and I didn't use this name again. So Meng Qian will find someone to buy the relevant trademark.

When Williams knew this thing, he didn't feel unexpected and warm, and he couldn't help but said with Meng Qian.

In this time, the rice, and even the world, as long as the user logs in to the hand letter or Kyushu see a new link icon, that is, the country of dream.

After you go in, it is a newly created game player interactive platform, and the first speech is from Williams.

"Friends, I am Williams, after I have experienced a golfer with my wife, I finally found the real dream country, I am waiting for you here."

"OMG, is this true? Our king came back?"

"Williams returned ?! Snow Le Mountain is back ?! Dream country is back ?!"

"I gave my girlfriend, yes, this is not dreaming, friends, this is not a dream!"

"Friends see the announcements of the wind group, they have bought all the game patents and games of the" King "series, and the wind group will continue the" King "series of games!"

"The King" is my belief, it is "King" to bring me into the game world, thank you for the Great Breeze Group, this is really great! "

"It seems that I have returned 10 years ago, everyone still remembers what we have left in the fantasy country?"

"Too dream, everything goes back, everything will start, this is not the dream of the dream we have expected!"

Williams' a message triggered 10,000 reply in just one hour, Williams quickly made a second message using his own letter account: Friends, let us rebuild the country!

The feelings are a terrible thing, people have nostalgia, those past things are the most beautiful, those who can't go back are the most precious.

At the beginning of the 21st century, there is no too many technological industry in the country, which is more than a few decades, but it is full of feelings.

After our 90s is a generation of brain, the 70s of others is already a generation of brain, and the 90s of others are already destroyed.

The custom of predecessors is the same in the world.

Williams and Xuele Mountain will reap out the rivers and lakes, the dream country is again launched, and immediately evoke those feelings after 70 post-80s.

Of course, in addition to the feelings, the products are also good, pure selling feelings can only make a bad money, and the good product plus the feelings can produce the best results.

Fortunately, the quality of "The ancient myth" itself is no problem. After more Omi people get in touch with "ancient mythology", they gave a high degree of appreciation for the quality and play of the game itself, but like Allen and Frank. The main problem is that cultural differences, Westerners have indeed high accepted by Western wind.

Cultural difference is a very large problem, so many companies are planted in the East, and the Oriental companies are rarely entered the West, that is, because of cultural differences.

Therefore, the Williams team can bring another important help from the wind group, which is the understanding of the Western market, understanding the Western players, they can bring more valuable recommendations to the wind group.

At the same time, the development capabilities of the Xuele Mountain team are also very resistant, and the wind group is a big blood transfusion in talents.

For a while, Williams has been driving "the ancient mythology" in the development of Omi, and this development is very fast.

Of course, when this momentum, Meng Qian must also add code, there is such a game update in February in "Ancient mythology": Game inscribed screens can be made through the Kyushu platform.

Williams once again built the dream of the country into a platform for players to communicate, but in ten years ago, everyone can do just a message.

But now, everyone not only starts a lot of sharing pictures, Meng Qian also satisfies everyone's wish.

Only this video sharing needs to go to the Qingfei network to upload, then send the link to the country of dream.

That is, the user recording screen needs to use the Kyushu platform, and the communication needs to be used, and the upload video needs to use the brock.

The emergence of dreams not only allows more Omei people to start experiencing "ancient mythology", Meng Qian also promotes the generals, Kyushu platform and the brilliant network.


By the end of February, "the ancient mythology" is only less than 500,000 players in Omei, and now it has broken 1.3 million.

"The ancient mythology" and "World of Warcraft" did not have many people who guess the confrontation, "ancient mythology", will swept around the world.


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