Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 342 Software Development Pattern

At the end of April, watching the continuous news of the outside, Meng Qian unexpectedly looked at Herman, from the heart, "I always thought that you are a person with a brain, I really didn't expect you to see people. quasi."

"If you stay in Oracle for a few years, especially in management, then you will know that some things are just a reasonable." Herman has no expression, "Ellison never known What is respectful, Oracle is a company that rely on money and play with humanity and maintaining employment relations.

Therefore, when there is a problem with Oracle, there will be many people to choose to give priority to the self-policy, rather than sacrificing themselves for Oracle. "

"Even if you can guess John's self-insurance, why can you guess that he is launching for himself when he just has a decline, but also let me hinted to dig him?"

"John is not only exquisite self-esteem, but also a clever situation to control the controller. One reason why I have a bad relationship with John is that John has repeatedly let me modify the product, but I have rejected, you I haven't rumored that there are many products that have a lot of enterprises in Huaxia before, it is because John deliberately on the product.

For the country with no domestic brands, John know how to use the bone's brand influence advantage, he knows how to use Oracle's brand power and influence.

This is why John likes this market in Asia. Now Oracle is broken by the wind group in Asia. It is greatly influenced by John his personal income, so he will find a way, otherwise, He may not be able to support his more than a dozen lover's money. "

"So, when the high-end market can get more and less water, let the oracantuvies will develop to the middle and low-end markets, and become a way to once again." Meng Qian said.

"But the premise is that he has to have a latter road." Herman continued to explain, "John mixed over this market for so many years, he naturally knows that this practice is good for oracle, or if you want to make this It is recommended that he will still hesitate. After all, Oracle is now just in trouble, but it has not yet to fall in the real empire.

So let the Renke to dig John, we will pass the headhunting, this is to give John stay a post-way road, John will definitely refuse Renke, because if he promised, he will look very much, so we The sending headhunting will not be exposed.

However, there is an olive branch thrown by benevolence. He can be more radical, and no one knows the result. If Oracle is really hard, then he can not only seek private interests, but also become Oracle. Hero.

If the processes are getting worse, he can at least keep your own benefits, and then transfulk the Renke. "

Meng Qian seriously thought about everything that Herman said, "But there is still a problem here, John's suggestion is to create a huge opportunity to create a huge opportunity to China other companies. This thing is back, no matter where he stays in Oracle or turns Tenke, they Will not have an idea on this issue? "

"There will be a little idea, but it is not to blame him for this." Herman continued to explain, "The old two competition old three closed things can be seen everywhere, Oracle should be self-promoted, death, a few old three, this is not a mistake Decision, as for Huaxia Enterprises to take the opportunity to seize the market, can only say that Omei's old three is not a matter, but fighting from Huaxia, how can I come to John?

In addition, there is another point that the reason why Renke is going to dock John, except for them to understand me, you can give them recommendations through my attitude, and there is a little in Renke's major markets that have been in Omei, they are in Asia. I haven't opened it, so there is a deeper thing about this market, and John's mouth can definitely find the perfect explanation for themselves. "

Meng Qian looked at the feedback on the market, and asked pure curious, "If Oracle is really a day, do you think John can enter Renke?"

"It should be, Renke wants to open the Asian market. John is a good choice for them. This is also one of the reasons why John will regard Renke as its own back. He is very clear about Renke's demand."

Meng Qian smiled and shook his head, "It is really a smart person."

"John this kind of person can only count the three and other smart people."

"Oh?" Meng Qian suddenly felt interesting, "said your evaluation standard."

"Third class smart theory, second-class smart theory, first class smart, don't fight, big wisdom is ignorant." John said Huawen used when he was ignorant.

"You still learned Huawen?"

"After coming to Huaxia, I have recently been very interested in the culture of your Huaxia, now the mountain sea 3.0 all goes well, I want to take some time to learn Chinese."

"I will arrange, the cost company is out." Meng Qian just said, the phone on the table came to the phone, it is Xiao Bo, "said."

"Renke really launched a reverse acquisition, they are going to revenue back."

"Is there a public message?"


"Renke is really a good thing." Meng Qian's mouth is unconsciously rising.

After hanging up the phone, I found that there was a media to explode the news, and I have been subject to Realo, which is marvicious, and suddenly bite a bite when the oracle crisis, biting 6.5 billion meters to Oracle!

Use malicious acquisition to return to malicious acquisition, and become a topic of the science and technology circle.

At the same time, Meng Qian received several calls.

After one week, several employees of Oracle were chatted when they got off work, "I heard that there is already a lot of people who have already filed a resignation recently."

"I also heard that the company requires them to pass through the stabilization, but this kind of thing can't hit."

"What happened in Renke last year happened in our company."

"Hey, how do you feel that the company really encounters a lot of trouble, or do we look at the situation outside?"

"But where, leave Oracle, the working age is gone, there are not much money."

"Yeah, where is it, , have you found that the Asian people in our company have suddenly changed recently?"

"Asian? You don't say that I haven't worry, it seems really."


Since ancient times, once the news that the company burst out of the acquisition will definitely face resignation, unless the acquisition of the two love, this is the unchanging truth.

The world's three consultants issued a data before, when the company was acquired, the employee's removal rate will reach 20 to 30%.

Because when the company is sold, the feelings of the feelings, culture, the school, the system, etc., will be blocked in a company.

And from the statistical statistics of the news, the main reason is that middle-level management and elite, the reason is also very simple, one person is originally to the manager in Oracle, he will definitely not resign, but now Suddenly the company is going to be sold. After the Renke, I can still be a manager?

Renke is definitely prioritizing his old employees, how can it be able to promote such a person who has been acquired. Therefore, middle management often rides the horse at this time.

If there are companies outside the recruit manager, even if the company is not as good as Oracle, but at least better than to Renke, the management of the acquisition company has been compressed is a very common thing. After all, the purchase party needs to establish his own faction. .

When Oracle missed the RTI Department, Renke had encountered a round of separation trend. Now he will change to Renke malicious to buy Oracle, and Oracle has not yet this robbery.

And in Herman's words, because the internal inside of Oracle is too lacking, this problem will break more serious.

The President of the Renke Office, Conway has repeatedly confirmed to assistant, "" Recently, there is really no wind group in the company to grab people in Oracle? "

"At least our news is currently in the news, there is indeed no big wind group, it is all other software companies in Huaxia, what is Huaxiang East, this batch of Huaxia Enterprises will run the oracle."

"Don't have any hidden clues behind the book." Convene is still a little, "" China's current overall foundation is so backward, if it is not the wind group, how to dig these people. "

"There are some information here. On the one hand, there are several software companies that have created a division in our rice country. On the other hand, these Huaxia Enterprises have very good conditions, they are actually very high, excavated It is the employee of middle management and elite level, and these people are just the main force of the left. "

Kangwei wrinkled her eyebrows, pudging for a long time, "Why did I have an uneasy feeling, the wind group seems to be just a miniature of Huaxia, the comprehensive development of Huaxia ... It is really a one. Terrible things.

The pattern of world software development, will not change it. "


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