A oracle event is slowly stirring with the global software pattern, IBM has also begun to move, and it is necessary to intervene in the acquisition, so that the situation becomes more confusing.

The wind group is really not going to dig. Because Herman's relatives can dig it before, and then, in addition, the wind group has been expanding its talent reserves through a variety of ways, now falling. There are also those people who need Oracle. It is better to let Huaxia's software company, but also avoid Renke feel that I am using him. After all, I will now be a partnership. I don't have to provoke some unpleasant things.

The world outside is very complicated, but Meng Qian has more energy in April, in fact, in the company, because the wind group has encountered some trouble.

The first thing is the joint prosecution from Taishang.

For the development of the company, Meng Qian also inevitably drove a thing, violent acquisition, after all, is the richest Chinese, the cash flow is healthy, and there is a feeling of a kind of magende, which has a kind of magende.

Sorghum and Mei Jie, who have been going down the slope in the past two years, bought it by the wind group, but now in facts, it is not bad, but according to the previous history, there is a strong and promotional skills that will go down the slope. The group bought it.

I have experienced computer users in the early 1990s to the early 21st century, especially DIY users should all recognize these four brands. These four brands are bodied with the three giants ASUS MSI sports, especially skewers. Tektronics, 2002 is the first motherboard brand in mainland shipments, surpassing the three giants.

Unfortunately, these four companies have some common weaknesses.

Two of them are capital and channels, like Mei Jie and Sheng Technology, is dead in cash reserves. On the other hand, the resources are not strong enough to make them no one hand and high-end brands. The opportunity of cooperation is also one of the reasons why many motherboard brands in this era have become a regret.

However, the company, especially the company, which has been faster, and there is a matter of sinner. The problem is that when the wind is a strong wind group faces the three giants ASUS MSI, because I can't buy the company, I will go to the company. People have dug talents, this is not, people are not happy right away.

A joint lawyer letter quickly sent to the wind group, and the wind group was maliciously competitive.

In fact, the relevant incident began a few months ago, but at the beginning of the Legutual Ministry can handle it, after all, I have money, I will pay attention to talents, I am willing to spend the golden talents, I have the ability to add salary.

This kind of thing is that the mall is the ambiguous two can be said.

But now Meng Qian has to come to personally come to come to come from being mainly because the company's acquisition is a bit awkward, causing dozens of enterprises in Taiwan, Meng Qian is also talking about the relevant department, and has to give a face peace treatment.

However, in these months, through the violent acquisition in Taishang, it has greatly improved the company's ability, but it also has some problems inside the company because of violent acquisition.

For example, in April, Meng Qian has an argument that Huo Zhiming responsible for the mold.

Notebook has uniform and private models, which generally be used to using a high-end model. After all, it will save a lot of money. If you do private models, you will continue to invest in R & D costs, just like the chip stream, if Can't use it, if you have been going back, you have been burn money.

"Meng, this is already your 15th shot, I really don't understand what you want ?!" Huo Zhiming a very painful expression.

"What I want is what I have already said on the task table, you now put forward such a problem, I really don't understand what you want."

"The problem is that we have done in accordance with your requirements, but you will ask us once in the details, Meng He, I did decades, no company will ask for this high, also There is no consumer to ask for details, and for foreseams, the extreme details we pursue They don't feel at all.

The public's aesthetic ability and the public's perceived ability are there, so the ultimate details are completely unnecessary investment. "

"So you can't do it?" Meng Qian's attitude towards the attitude is more tough, because this is not Huo Zhiming for the first time to say something similar.

"Don't do it, the problem is so urgent, so many departments are waiting for us to come out, if the company can give us three years, we can also slowly grind detail, but now you can give it now. For three months, our pressure of our entire team I hope that Meng Gong can also understand. "

"Lao Huo, which you know what your biggest problem is?"

Huo Zhiming is silent.

Meng Qian said that he knows that Huo Zhiming must be clear, "You are too careful, you will choose what you will choose, slowly, they find that this leader is A good air tube, but if you have any negative emotions, you can talk to yourself.

As you are looking forward to, you always think about how to speak for the people below, even like your character, don't hesitate to come to my office at all times to quarrel with me.

Your idea I can understand, you want to be a good leader, do a good leader who is affiliated, but a good leader is definitely not to satisfy the following people, and it is more unable to become a vent.

You are my ability to dig to the company. I value your ability. It is an attitude you excel. Now I really regret it, I should not let you take the leader of the project. You are a good master, but it is not a good leadership. "

Huo Zhiming suddenly didn't know how to respond, Meng Qian looked at Huo Zhiming to show a panic, this is a bit of a bit, "Is it calm down? If you can also go with you like me? The person below talks, I believe they will become more supplecomes more rational and not complaining in your ear.

Lao Huo, you can spend the people below you to complain, then I? Can I spend anyone for you? What is leader? Leadership is managers, but also guidelines.

I still remember that when I met you for the first time, you said that the excellence is the best quality that is abandoned by this era, and is unfortunately, you are affected by the following people, and is also affected by this location. "

Huo Zhiming is actually not realized in a short time, but also speaking for the following people, "The requirements of the company are really high, everyone's pressure is really big."

Meng Qian frowned Huo Zhiming, "You come with me."

Ten minutes, Meng Qian came to the mold group, dozens of employees saw Meng Qian's consciousness and put down the work of the hand, "I heard that everyone has a lot of stress, so I have visited everyone."

"No." There are several people shook their heads.

"I have something to say, I will solve the company as soon as possible."

All employees face, no one speaks, Meng Qiao smiles, "Is it not enough to support the project?"

"No ... No." Someone carefully opened, "I have never spent so much money in the mold, we account for the company."

"Is that good welfare?"

"Good, very good ..."

"Is it a bit too serious that overtime? Do you have to take a break recently?"

"Don't use it, everyone is working hard, we are not counted, no ..."

Watching his eyes on the side of the next side, the head is awkward, he can't believe that you will take yourself to Meng Qian for them to talk to Meng Qian, and they are in front of Meng Qian, but there is no complaint. It's even better.

Meng Qian smiled and pulled Huo Zhiming to the door, "Lao Huo, management is the door to learn, but the most basic point is that the manager must not be taken with the nose by the people below.

Most of the grassroots employees have a commonality, that is, I like to complain, because they complain that there is no cost, but you have been working for so many years, I have seen many people to complain that the company is refused to go, this is a laugh. The place.

Many people are afraid of thinking that I will die in this company, they still complain in their mouth. "

"Meng Gong, I am sorry." Huo Zhiming is ashamed, "I think I am really not suitable for managing."

"Lao Huo, you are arranged by me. You have encountered a problem. That is my dereliction of duty." Meng Qian said with the shoulder of Huo Zhiming, "The Great Wind Group's product facade has to rely on you, you can I can't abandon me, I'm finished with you. "

Huo Zhiming's eyebrows, "Meng Gong is rest assured, I will put the company's products you want!"

After saying goodbye to Huo Zhiming, I went back to the office. When Meng Qian sentiment, He Yiping reported that "recently similar mold group has many cases, especially the sales department, many sales are complaining.

The development of the computer business is a bit fast. Many people are all together. Some of the old leaders can't compress them, and they have some weight.

Especially some old fritters that have been blended in other companies, the Personnel Department wants to speed up the handling speed, there are many places that do not start, and too many acquisitions are brought to some unpleasant impacts to the company. "

Meng Qian's eyes slowly firmly, "You go to search for the negative emotional contradiction points of the departments of the computer business, send it to me as soon as possible."


After He Yiping left, Meng Qian played a call, "Jin Yu, have there any time recently?"

"OK, what happened?"

"Do me a favor."


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