Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 344 does not leave the situation

On April 30, the Great Wind Group's Computer Division opened a meeting.

Many salesperson gathered in front of the meeting.

"A meeting, open a fart."

"It is necessary to start to brainwash us, the mother's policy does not change, it is a dog, and the people can pay at least 30 points of the channel. We have a total of 10 points!"

"Hey, so the boss is not selling born, the company is late, I don't know anything to take the brain, I really think that I am a richest, I can't afford it. People dealers only recognize money."

"Yeah, look at the technical department, the company's benefits are all given the technical department, the boss engages in technology, which is obvious to the technology department."

On the other side, many technicians are also smoking.

"Do you have recently compressed this?"

"Affirmation, I want to solve the problem of signal optimization transmission for a month, it is full of jokes, I have never seen such a company before, I have to give people a disappointment!"

"No, you can get off work on time, you can still lazy, now you can, I have added three days in a week, I am ready to resign."

"Hey, so, this branch itself is the technology, the company can't, the boss knows how technology will know how to arrange salary to the technical department, the death of employees, do not understand, the boss does not understand Sales, what they said, "

"The company is still selling in the wind group, and dry technology is really dead."


At 1 o'clock in the afternoon, the meeting officially began, and many employees saw Meng Qian. The meeting is still as in the past, and the first April summarizes and analyzes the development of the computer business department.

One aspect of this month's conference is Meng Qian's speech.

"The company's computer business unit has not been short. In recent days, many people have put forward some ideas to me, indicating a variety of difficulties, and the company has always paid attention to everyone, specially doing this company. Some adjustments help you better work.

Let's first look at the problem of selling this. "

Meng Qian stigted several sales managers to the computer business, "You first talk about the main problems encountered now, I see if there is any difference with me?"

Several managers have opposed one eye, then one of them open, "I will talk first, there are three main problems we encountered here, the first is the channel profit, our profits we give far less than peers, this It has caused our business development very difficult.

The second is the problem of human-hand, the company has not had any market foundation before this field. Because of the acquisition channel, it has encountered some problems because of the change of the brand. The company now develops so urgent, the company's human hand is not enough.

The third is that the company is still very small in related publicity, and we have increased business difficulties. "

When the first person spoke, Meng Qian has been in silent, see Meng Qian attitude seems good, and several other sales immediately followed all kinds of issues.

Meng Qiao patients listened to them, "Well, everyone puts forward a lot of key questions, now talk about our advantages, you usually introduce the company when developing channels, how do you introduce your company? of?"

Suddenly, I suddenly quietly a few seconds, or the earliest manager said, "Our company's brand power, we ..."

Looking at several managers suddenly a bit awkward, Meng Qian deliberately frowned. "When you go out to talk about customers, just talk about our brand, okay?"

"There is also some of our private relationships." There is a manager's response, but it is buddh.

Meng Qian naturally heard the words, "It seems that the company's recent arrangement is still necessary. In your previous report, 5 markets mentioned that there is a fundamental, I have spent a time, I have spent a time. You talk about our customers. "

All sales faces were unexpected, Meng Qian took a few contracts, "This is a representative contract, a total of 13 copies, and He Yuting put the contract in the big screen, let everyone look at it, there are counts in the sales of the market.

In these 13 contracts, there were 6 of me to communicate, and 7 were talking about sales call from the hymen team.

From my personal personal market experience and Fengxin sales team feedback, talk about these dealers are not very difficult, what problems you say, don't seem to have problems in my person's visit.

Although we only give them 10 points of profits, we also reduce two agents, and our Great Breeze Group has provided after-sales service, logistics cooperation resources, store free decoration and other policies have been greatly favored by customers.

As for the problem of manpower, we talk about these 13 customers this time, counting I only dispatched 5 people. "

The scene has fallen into absolute quiet, Meng Qian continues, "So I think the real problem may still go to work, we have summed up experience and speaking, we have put these experiences and speakers in the company's CRM In the system, you can take a look after everyone, I hope to help everyone.

At the same time, I also realized that the sales of sales were not easy, and we made a adjustment to the sales policy of the computer business department. "

Meng Qian did a gesture. He Yazing, who just finished 13 contracts, spread a new policy of sales of the computer business, "Since May, we have improved the commission of everyone, and we also have a more detailed sales staff. The grading and indicator arrangements. "

When Meng Qian interpreted a new policy, sales realized a problem. From the overall commission, it is indeed an improvement, but this policy has a very important adjustment is that there is a specific rating for each sales, the corresponding rating Salesperson will have their own sales indicators.

Once the indicator cannot be completed, directly remove ...

"There is another point. In order to help you develop a faster development market, I will arrange a batch of hyacinth sales team to enter the computer business to help you develop customers.

Especially for experienced salespersons, we will strengthen training and help, help you overcome difficulties.

In addition, when encountering a special customer's large customer, it meets the big customer standards, can be applied by the manager, I can come to help, but only the next three months. "

Most people are not a fool, I will understand what it means. You don't say that the performance is not good, but the old business is done in just ten days, I have made myself a few months, this. It is the most direct face.

But Meng Qian did not directly blame everyone, even after the sales process, the company's old business will help you talk, the boss may also go to help you, although everyone can't really get trouble, Meng Qian, so The surface is provided to everyone, and even the company given the company is also really better.

But in fact, this is the company to be strong, and no one wants to continue mixing.

Work well, people who can do well will get better income, but people who mix days are estimated to be cleaned up by the company.

People in the sales department don't talk, Meng Qian puts the attention of the technical department. "Every time I talk about the technical department, I always feel more sensibility, because the wind group is the earliest, I have been with a few technicians. .

Until today, there are still many people who don't believe that we only have to develop "God Biography", but no one knows how we came over for those months.

I saw that the computer business has achieved so many results in this time. I am very clear that the back of this is, I don't know what kind of way you use to thank you, so I decided to express the company in the most popular way. Everyone's condolences. "

Meng Qi has finished, and he saw He Yiping put a tray on the table, which is dozens of big red envelopes.

"We have selected 56 employees who have special contributions in the recent technology development, one person, a red envelope, talking about a little bit of the company."

Meng Qian shouted the names of these people, and the people who were the technical department were very clear. This person took a prize, all of them were usually called "fool".

After the release of the bonus, Meng Qian suddenly turned around. Not very pleasant phenomenon.

After discussing the company, the following 12 people will be criticized and deducted the monthly bonus. "

People who felt are specific, such as late late, such as being caught in the game, but let everyone care about that all of people have a word, negatively lacquered work.

What is negative and negative, complaints? Is it not necessary to spread negative energy? That's still not there.

This kind of beat everyone can understand.

Moreover, Meng Qian also made a more detailed assessment form on the technical department. On the assessment form, people who do not meet the standard will face persistent.

This meeting, Meng Qian conveys the signal to these people, the computer business department as a special department-based special sector, after a period of running, it should meet the rhythm of the wind group.

The system will also encounter a drawback. For example, when most people use the system vulnerability, they will encounter the case where the law is not guarded. At this time, institutional intervention is needed.

The conference room is quiet again, everyone understands that the wind group will open the cleanup plan of the unfair situation ...

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