Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 348 Computer Show

After moving, the most busy is the personnel department, the wind group entered a larger-scale expansion.

In mid-May, Xiao Bo, who came back from Miki, came to Meng Qian's office, "The result of this hearing should be good for us, but since they have begun to go to hand, we still have to do it. Prepared mind."

"Who is behind the hand? Is it Oracle?"

"I can't find specific information, but I always feel that it is Oracle, it is possible to be Microsoft."

"I know, yes, let you investigate students, is there?"

"Zuckerberg? I went to Harvard to understand, he is still just a student, did not hear what he had an entrepreneurial project. However, this student has strong ability, I confirmed, Microsoft and Mi Dome have online online Contact him, Microsoft has opened more than 900,000 meters of annual salary when he is still high school students, I want to dig him. "

"It seems that this world should not have a book." Meng Qian said, "Are you going to get into contact?"

"Well, I have already contacted it, I also sent an invitation. At least during the interview, this student is still more interest, as for him will come to our summer camp, I don't dare to pack, or I have to see himself. "

"Okay, I know, let's go back to rest."

On the next time, the company still continued to incline to the computer business department. On June 1, Fang Chen took the team to participate in the Taipei International Computer Exhibition in 2004, which is also from 2004, Taipei International Computer Exhibition. Become a global second largest computer exhibition.

The exhibition is a total of five days, the first day is the purchase, the middle three days is the industry insider, the last day is the opening day of consumers, for consumers to visit, but the site does not support retail. So many manufacturers will take some products that are going to be available to show this.

"Every audience, the 24th Taipei Computer Exhibition is officially unveiled. This year's exhibition has once again expanded. Although the display area increased by 16 last year, it is still a hard time. Exhibitors and total stalls have broken again. After years, there are 1347 manufacturers, using 2828 booths. "A provincial reporter is broadcasting the exhibition before the camera," this exhibition except Intel, Microsoft, HP, Macro, ASUS, Super Micro, German, etc. At home and abroad, there is also the first participation of the major plants such as Honghai, Toshiba, Sony, Hitachi, Yingfine, Pu Teng and Taiwan.

At the same time, Lenovo, Tsinghua Tongfang, Yan Dang Zheng and other mainland manufacturers have also all participated in the exhibition, the mainland, last year, the star business greater wind group will also participate in the exhibition for the first time, and provide more expectations for this year's Taipei Computer Show.

Next, let's take a look at the lens. See which surprises have brought us this year. "

The reporter first visited Intel, Super Micro, Texas Instruments and other big plants, but in fact, the more the big factory did not give everyone too many surprises, because the news broke the news on the Internet.

After that, the reporter went to the exhibition area of ​​the province of the province. "You can see that this is the 3915 motherboard of the 3915 chipset 8915 motherboard, which was previously on the Internet. This motherboard integrated display system It is Intel brand new RRPS3, so image performance will be greatly improved than before, while users can also use slots and PRSS interfaces on the motherboard to expand the graphics.

The motherboard on the side is Gigabyte 925 motherboard 8. The processor supports the above, the motherboard supports the 775 packaged RS4 processor, and provides the PRSS16 graphics slot, memory support, and the maximum 4 2533400 memory support. It is very powerful. "

After shopping, it is ASUS, this year, this year, this year, the ASUS, showed 8 motherboards, 300 graphics cards, 5750 graphics cards such as 3 chips.

At this year's show, MSI performance is relatively dim.

After recenting several provinces manufacturers, the reporter came to the mainland manufacturer display area.

The reporter said while turning, just turned over, he saw a pre-exhibition area.

Because the mainland manufacturers have been unlikely, the mainland manufacturers are not arranged very well, even if Lenovo, the largest computer brand, even if the wind group is a richest enterprise, or have a relatively poor The location is displayed.

But at this time, people standing in front of a continent is more than people in front of any big factory.

The reporter saw so many people, the occupation's instinct made him awareness, just squeezed into the group, saw four big characters of the wind group, and there was a slogan: quality, from the first eye.

With the more comprehensive display of the wind group exhibition area, the reporter quickly instructed photography to record, "the audience friends, we are now in front of the exhibition area of ​​the wind group, we can see that the wind group has attracted a lot of procurement, this home Why is the company to participate in the exhibition in the first year? Let us follow the lens. "

The reporter let the picture open, a completely different image of other exhibitions entered the lens, although the wind group can only be divided into a general location, but the Great Breeze Group has made one of his exhibition area under the consent of the organizer. Second decoration, compared to other exhibition areas very simple arrangements and layouts, the wind group made the exhibition area, simple, refreshing, white background, is inexplicably comfortable.

In the booth and showcase, most products will be equipped with some small props, such as a rotating station under several motherboards on the desktop, while also equipped with a comfortable small light.

At the same time, the staff of the Great Breeze Group wear unified dress, including all the feminine staff wearing cheongsam, all the facade of the wind group carefully selected, each with exquisite makeup.

In addition, the exhibitors of the Great Breeze Group are not asking others like other people in most exhibition areas, but will arrange the personnel to give everyone a publicity to everyone and take the initiative to invite everyone to visit.

The reporter also took a brochure, the exquisite brochure formed a sharp contrast with other manufacturers.

In addition, a TV is hung on the column of the entire exhibition area, and the TV is played in the TV. The propaganda film of all the products of this exhibit is very useful, and each product's propaganda film is very useful. I saw a few minutes of 3 blockbusters at the scene.

In 2004, most manufacturers in this scientific and technological exhibition have not publicized awareness and service awareness. Even if they are also the same, many manufacturers have the main propaganda to find a few beautiful models to attract the eyeball, find a few experts. On-site, doing answers, basically relying on branding in competition, not so paying attention to live publicity, and will not pay such a detail arrangement of the exhibition area.

And some auxiliary decorative products have not yet, and Meng Qian accounts for some beautiful layout props and arrangements to make employees to purchase or even find manufacturers customization.

It can be said that from financial resources to energy, this exhibition of the wind group has a great effort. In fact, there are many employees who feel unnecessary, because many people in this exhibition come, everyone wants What is going to purchase is actually decided in my heart, but the exhibition will generally have discounts, deliberately waited for this opportunity to take advantage of the cheap.

But Meng Qian tells everyone, the wind group must pay attention to the details, pay attention to the image, have their own characteristics, we don't want to manage others, if we always go to see how others will decide your own behavior, Then we will never become guidelines.

It turns out that regardless of the final order results, on June 1st, the Great Wind Group has become one of the most focused districts of the scene in mainland computer manufacturers.

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