Zhang Shuxin did not have seen the "Extreme Challenge" and did not understand Meng Qian's stalk, but it didn't matter.

On the evening, Zhang Shuxin first returned to Yanjing after eating, and Meng Qian returned to the company to pay attention to online news.

There is a lot of reports on the exhibitors of the wind group now, but there is an interesting polar differentiation. In the mainland, almost all media are holding the wind group, but in the province, almost all media are looking for the angle to destroy the wind group. .

"We are now in the province to see it so ..." Meng Qian looked at the news on the province, couldn't help but self-ridicule.

Xiao Bo hooks on the side, "How many companies in Taiwan can't hate us, and I want to see us too difficult to see us in Taiwan."

Meng Qian didn't have any other things in the evening. It simply took the time to look at the TV show on the province. As a result, it was attracted by an expert named Wenli.

"I will talk to you, the products of the wind group can only support one year. Wait until next year, you will then see if the wind group will come back next year. His product will definitely let you down.

why? Because the product of the wind group is coming out of the company that is acquired by our province.

However, the provincial enterprises will never have a good development after falling into the mainland enterprise, because the mainland company itself is too backward, driving the development of our provincial enterprises. "

The female host on the side asked, "The most money of the four mainland groups, the boss of the big wind group, the boss of the wind, is still very powerful."

"We must see the essence through the phenomenon, how is the wind group succeeded here, I can give you a resolution here, simply, the wind group then puts a layer of skin by purchasing foreign technology, saying is independent research and development. Then become a domestic independent brand.

Through national strength support, the mainland gives a large number of orders to the wind group, and the wind group is like this. But in fact, there is no core technology of the Great Wind Group. "

"You can compete with Oracle before the four winds, and Oracle seems to be hit."

"That is all fake, these news about the wind group is in mainland media and hybrids in promotion, Oracle has indeed encountered some problems, but that is because his old opponent is caused, it doesn't matter to the wind group.

I can tell you this way, the current environmental roots of the mainland cannot have a high-tech company, because they have not been solved in the economic issue, they are at least 50 years behind us, they have a poor you can't imagine. "

"Can a teacher talk to us?"

"Of course, Meng Qian is a river. Then I will take Jiangsu as an example, Jiangzhou is already a place in the mainland, and there are still many bosses, but the rich people are just a small part, let's see See what is going to eat in ordinary rivers. "

"Ah! It's terrible, what is this ?!"

"This is shrimp, live shrimp, they throw these shrimps into wine, and then eat after drinking and drunk."

"It's nausea, why do they eat raw shrimp?"

"Because most of the Jiangsu people are very poor, they don't have a house, the streets, naturally there is no place to open fire, but in their coastal, they will go fishing with fish and shrimp, but they have I didn't dare to eat directly, so I came up with such a way, I was drunk with alcohol, of course, in their understanding, I can sterilize.

These people have almost no difference with the wild, that is, such a poor place, you tell me what he will give birth to a high-tech company? They can only do some cheap labor, and high-tech is not related to them. "

"Hey." He Yiping, who is sitting in Meng Qian, can't help but laugh.

Meng Qian is very interesting, "Hey, how do you say this video?"

Gu Junhui's brain quickly rotated, "Not necessarily the product promotion, but at least be played into a memory point, just ... this person is stupid is not a little too much ..."

Meng Qian means a deep smile, "I believe in me, you will see more fun over the province."


In the next few days after the Taipei International Computer Exhibition, the wind group seems to be relatively low, and the opposite is more concerned about the macro's Ferrari notebook, Ferrari 3200.

This is definitely one of the most classic five notebooks in 2004, and the red exterior is very different.

The configuration is AMD-M Athlon64 2800+ processor, with VIA K8T800 chipset, 512M DDR333 memory, 5400RPM 80G hard drive, 128M independent memory R9700M display module, 15-inch SXGA LCD panel, priced of more than 20,000.

At the Taipei International Computer Exhibition, there was a report of many media.

After the five-day exhibition, the Great Breeze Group began to speculate on his own computer, a large number of media or money or spontaneously opened a crazy tracking report.

Today, I burst into the drama of tomorrow, and I am infused by the media to instill a big wind group. It seems to be expected.

The consumers in this era are really easy to be guided by the media, the Great Breeze Group's computer has become the highest in June.

Why is the operation of the later generations will sigh if it is too easy to go back to 20 years ago, in addition to operating costs, it is important to trust the user's trust.

This year, a family of holidays this year, the gift is only backed by platinum can guide consumption ...

In addition, the provincial expert Wenli is fired.

Under the promotion of the wind group, the video of Wenli Qun first got a brilliant network, soon he was hot, and became a topic that netizens were hot.

Interestingly, although the Wenli Group, he also uses a letter, and often text, so a bunch of people run to his hypersin.

After a continuous ridicule, the Wenli Group finally sent a message, but did not apologize: Thank you for the popular science, I have the opportunity to go to Jiangzhou to taste the taste of the drunken shrimp.

In the face of the reply of Wenli, many netizens do not buy, and the official wind signal of the wind group immediately issued a message: sincerely invite Mr. Wenli Group to participate in the Great Wind Group computer post conference, we prepare the most delicate drunk shrimp, I hope to don't drunk with Jun.

The wind group news came out, and the melon netizen immediately started the Eit Wenli Group.

Although I don't know what kind of mentality of Wenli Group is, he chose to accept the invitation.

On July 1st, the Great Breeze Group's computer post conference finally met in the world, although this all expected that it was guided.

The breeze network is still broadcast all over.

The main conference is Fang Chen. After the hot field, Fang Chen wears a suit to go to the stage. "From last year, we have received information on many friends, come to consult our big wind group's computer.

Many people are very curious, is the wind group really want to do a computer? Why do you want to do your computer? What can the wind group do?

In fact, these problems you have made, I have been asked inside our Great Breeze Group.

But in the end our answer is to do, because in our view, the computer is in this area, consumers want anything, in fact, our hearts are very clear, but a lot of things is really not easy to make manufacturers.

This is not easy to limit manufacturers, and limited consumers, which limit this industry.

So we decided to enter this field because the wind group always likes to challenge.

Because the belief that the Great Breeze Group has always adhered to the beginning of the establishment of the era.

The wind group hopes to promote the computer industry to a new era through our efforts. "

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