Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 353 avoids no avoidance

Shortly after the Great Breeze Group launched, Shenzhou immediately launched his own products immediately, and Huabi's first time price cut, Sony Toshiba followed the price reduction, the computer market was not very flat in this summer vacation.

However, when everyone puts his eyes on the computer, when everyone thinks that the wind group is just simply entering the computer industry, Meng Qian once again came to the rice, once again came to IBM.

In the President of IBM, Samuel is working with Meng Qian to have a profound talk about two companies.

"This is your system." Samuel placed a popular F3200, but the innermost of this computer is very different, it uses IBM computer chip and system of wind groups.

This year Apple Powe

The market performance of OOK G4 is very bad, especially in our Chinese, there is almost no sales. "

Samuel's expression has changed several seconds, it seems to be hesitant to express his emotions in front of Meng Qian.

Apple Powe

OOK G4, Apple Flight Notebook Series 2004, the only laptop with IBM PowerPC processor in 2004, as for the market performance is naturally a mess, there is almost no application to use, the developers under the Power architecture There are few days after many years, Apple is not willing to mention this history.

But even if Apple at this time is still IBM's life-saving straw, because it also mentioned before, Power architecture does not support Windows system, that is, IBM must find an independent system cooperation, this time meets the conditions clearly There is only apple.

"What is the idea?" Samuel took the initiative to consult Meng Qian's ideas, but did not mention more Apple things.

Apple used the POWER architecture of the computer to perform such poor, and the previous history is an apple to abandon IBM in 2005, Meng Qian didn't believe that Samuel didn't realize Apple's attitude, but he didn't want Meng Qian. Ask, everyone understands well. "In fact, my idea is very simple, play our strengths to the extreme, and make up for our disadvantages as soon as possible."

"Meng Tong said."

"Our company's team is aware of a problem in this time of the Cell processor project. In fact, the Power architecture has a great advantage, that is, the integrated convenience, and the R & D team of our wind group has been developing a thing before Then, the next development direction of the computer chip is integrating.

When I came to Miko this time, I took the previous R & D team together, now they have docked, and combine our research on computer chip integration and Power architecture in integration, this It is our first advantage.

Second, the high performance performance of the POWER architecture is that the X86 is unparallable. The experimental data of our wind group in Sony and Toshiba is now available. From the data, the immersion photolithography is at least Promote the process forward three generations.

If we accelerate the development of the process, we will concentrate on behalf of the performance, this punch will make the Intel measures. "

Samuel tapped with a finger, "Meng always wants to bet?"

"If Mr. Samuel is willing to face a strong barrier that Microsoft Intel Alliance has established, then it should be recognized that it is difficult to break the development of this barrier, it is necessary to gamble."

"Is this the reason why the Great Breeze Group came to success?" Samuel was called this sentence.

Meng Qian normal responded, "Under the trend of the times, people with no counseling are not died by the opponent, but they are scared by themselves."

"How do Mr. Meng want to gamble?" Samuel has been throwing a problem.

Meng Qian's eyes are determined, "" directly at the same time 90nm and 65nm process production line. "

"This is a billion investment."

"May not be more than not."

"Well?" Samuel looked confused Meng Qian.

"It is necessary to build, you can't just build a production of ç, you can't just build a production line in one place."

Samuel is serious, "What is Mr. Meng?"

"Yu Gong, this is to ensure that the latter production, in the private, the wind group is since the bureau, my ambition is not just a momentary moment."

Samuel can guess Meng Qian's selfishness, but because Meng Qian said directly, let Samuel feel that Meng Qian will have such ambition. It is really normal. Entrepreneurs have no ambition. Sad, "Mr. Meng, please continue."

"Let's talk about our disadvantages. It is the application. We need to attract developers, so I recommend free open documentation, establish a development community, and vigorously support the development of communities. At the same time, the wind group can help make the underlying development, and then With our system development, quickly develop our developers.

Regarding the architecture, wait for us to output natural prices, this is not a problem, the only IBM increases to overcome the power problem, the future power consumption may become a small trouble. "

"There is also a little." See Meng Qian does not speak, Samuel added, "We need a computer brand that supports our alliance, global influence."

Meng Qian's heart, Samuel can take the initiative to let Meng Qian have ‰, why do Meng Qian should do a computer, and it is necessary to say that it is the alliance of IBM.

At that time, the two companies made a hot fire, and they found the computer chip to make the system. As a result, there was no computer brand cooperation, and it didn't pull the scorpion. After all, the Microsoft Intel Alliance has been very good for so many years, so we have to break this ecology, you have to give the products from the bottom to the terminal.

Which computer brand can be a good choice, IBM seems to be a good choice, but Meng Qian is sure to be this thing, just in the two years, IBM has already placed the computer business department, this is coming to the Chinese brand It is a business.

It can be seen in the Chinese brand, you can have the opportunity to develop global, it seems to be Lenovo, um, Lenovo ... that is still calculated.

Of course, let Sony and Toshiba are also a choice, but do not say Sony and Toshiba have been going down the downhill, I am afraid nothing, let alone IBM Meng Qian doesn't want to give them two things, so This is only a big wind group.

This is also the reason why Meng Qi and other self-employed computers came to find Samuel.

The key is that IBM can sell the computer business to the wind group.

Meng Qian did not help but nervous a few points, what should I say, "Mr. Samir said yes, so I want to promote the wind group with IBM in this matter."

Samuel is actually weighing, but in the end, I decided not to put IBM's decision to sell the IBM to sell the computer business department, telling Meng Qian, he needs to listen to the opinions of the people of the computer business department, and then transfer the topic "If we do what to do, we still need allies."

Samuel has two understandings, you can understand that it is necessary to find new allies, you can also understand that you need to don't need Sony and Toshiba. Instead, it is to tell Meng Qian's attitude. .

Meng Qian did not hesitate to respond, "I think Sony and Toshiba are very good allies, we can do this well."

It is very clear about Meng Qimes, now, now there is no need to kick the Sony and Toshiba, anyway, it is the opponent. After kicking out, I can tell the IBM allies, this alliance, this favorable thing is not as good. Let it be natural, there is a contract, anyone who doesn't care anyone.

What's more, Sony and Toshiba's technical reserves can help have a lot of busy.

Meng Qiao stayed in Miki for a whole week, IBM has experienced a round of conferences. After all, it is not satisfactory to each shareholder with a Chinese company. It has a significant difference in IBM, more The people will definitely hope to find a company to cooperate.

In fact, Meng Qian is not this mentality, but there is no way.

The current situation is the case, no way, Apple does already put forward the will of cancel the cooperation, once Apple is withdrawn, how should IBM's ecology develop, keep your computer to do system?

Doing the system and doing the application, doing the application and do the developer community.

But these things, the wind groups are basically done, from the starting application layout, to the open source alliance layout, Meng Qian has been playing the foundation.

One week later, I couldn't take a conclusion of IBM put out the well and Xiyu Hou Cong also invited the rice country, and I also opened a meeting together.

IBM is deadlocked, so some people think of the breakthrough point that pulls Sony and Toshiba can find something.

For Sony and Toshiba, the future of this project suddenly became more meaningful, and their hearts are obviously supported.

Coupled with the need for IBM itself, it is in this, and after a week of the four-party talks, everyone finally took out a solution after "bargain".

Four companies will set up three new companies around the CELL processor project, respectively, precision semiconductor, future software, and sunlight.

Precision semiconductor IBM accounts for 60% of the stock, and the future software wind group accounts for 60% of the stock, and the sun is 60%, and the remaining shares have other companies.

Mutual binding and constraints by shares cross, technology intersection, market intersection.

IBM took the architecture, and the wind group took the system, Sony and Toshiba pinched the process. For IBM, the wind group did not reach his head.

In Sony and Toshiba, this is the opportunity to turn over.

For the wind group, the launch system has the best platform. When the table is getting closer, but the world does not know that Meng Qian has a bottom card.

A transaction is finally finalized in this summer.

After finalization, it is necessary to clean up 90nm and 65nm production lines in rice, neon and Huaxia Three countries. At the same time, the Great Wind Group will prepare the market test of computer systems during the year.

A difficult war is not far away.

But this battle is avoided.

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