Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 354 Continues Outstanding

Meng Qian returned to China, which was on July 23. He didn't have time to rest at all. He immediately saw the leadership of the Ministry of Science and Technology and the Ministry of Commerce. He saw Zhang Rujin.

One problem in front of the next thing is that these two production lines will be given.

Regarding this problem, Meng Qian is discussed with the leaders before looking for IBM. Huaqi International is obviously the easiest to associate, but the semiconductor development of this world has changed, especially the country. The ten-year plan for the triangular layout has played a strong role in the development of the entire industry, and even some companies that have not been there.

More importantly, if Huaqin International is responsible for this big, some things must be clear.

After the prosecution of Taixiao, Huaqi International has been deeply informed of the patented lawsuit, and the lawsuit is six years. In order to play, it is not only lost, but also is still kicked out. From the patent laws, this is the rebirth of Meng Qian, which is not affected. So the big probability This loss is still defeated.

However, the harm that the loss caused by the loss is not a loss of money or takes 10 points of TTEP. The key is the dispute of the equity of the equity that is unclear.

China's largest shareholder Datang Telecom has only a dozen points, and the 2009 Huaqi International is not a shares of Tang and Hua Tan, because of the public, because in the international environment, because in the international environment Enterprises are very don't like to cooperate with Huaxia Enterprises in China's state-owned enterprises. Datang and Hualou's shareholding has made Huaqi International have encountered too much trouble in Western markets.

But for the country, although the private enterprise began to support semiconductors in the 21st century, some residual problems are not solved in a great evening. Some controversies have never been broken. Even if the wind group is hinted to have a few times, let alone Huaqin International business.

The existence of this contradiction allows you to see that Huaxin International is always swaying throughout the development.

But now you have to be hard, just can't swing, so some things must be firm, this is also one of Meng Qian's reasons for Huaqian International, he wants to see what Huaxi International and the country do Reaction.

For the previous Huaqi International, he has to rely on himself. If he is back to the state-owned enterprise, he will always resist, the company will always develop, but this will have a little different, because of the big wind group Three factors, more immersed lightning machine, the third factor.

When Meng Qian just came to meet the leaders, the state-owned enterprises had added investment in Huaqixiao, but Meng Qian got another news. This time, a total of 12% of the shares have been added.

More, Meng Qian did not get it from the leader. After everyone started to introduce the production line, since it is necessary to engage in semiconductor ten years in the Yangtze River, the two production lines must be placed in the long triangle, secondly, Leaders' bluntly supported this thing to Huaqi International.

Meng Qian determined that after the above meaning, he went to see Zhang Rujin.

I thought that Zhang Rujin is now more complicated. When I really meet, Meng Qian found that he was very narcotic, the mental state is particularly good, and the two people have dinner, and the seats have been talking to Meng Qi, everyone share each other. Experience, until Meng Qian mentioned some things that this time with IBM cooperation, Zhang Rujin suddenly sighed. "Huaxia's business is really hard to go to the West. If you don't give them some control, they will not put the gate at all. turn on."

Meng Qian is sighing, "They are advocated by the jungle rule, and they will not give the small seedlings under the body."

"So Meng Qian should be careful, some shares will be difficult to get it back."

"I understand." Meng Qian screamed to drink, he knew that Zhang Rujin was not in relation to himself, but explained with himself, although Meng Qian did not understand Zhang Rujin and explained to him, think about it, did nothing, follow It's okay to make things clear.

It suddenly came until Zhang Rujin finished the cup, "" Huaqi International should be developed, it must keep an independent private enterprise fundamental. "

Meng Qian couldn't help but guess Zhang Rujin, this is a wine after the migration ...

"Huaqi International now needs a domestic shareholder who has no contradiction and has certain international influence and international resources."

Meng Qian, who just thought, went back to the god, slightly unexpected, "Zhang Zong means ..."

"Huaqi International wants to take a production line of 90nm and 65nm, but Huaxia International is still difficult to support this investment, I don't know if the wind group can pull one?"

Meng Qian can't help but think of the afternoon leadership covering the way while talking to himself. I think that this is, it is, it's all right, quickly analyze the situation, Meng Qian can't help but laugh, when it is a prison.

Huaqi International needs to be clear, but at the same time can not lose the Western market. At this time, if there is a company that has certain influence in the West, it can become the major shareholder of Huaqin International, and this company is very sensible in China. Unrest, will not take power, then the most perfect.

In line with this condition, it is not a wind group.

As for the stock China, Meng Qian is naturally interested. "I will push Huaqi International twice for two consecutive times. As long as Zhang always opens, I will help."


In 2004, the market value of Huaqi International has exceeded 10 billion soft sister coins. The company's valuation has exceeded 15 billion, but because two production lines were pulled back, they also took the relationship from IBM and Sony Toshiba, and then In addition, this relationship is a stronger, so the final wind group acquired 15% of China's 15% in the price of 1.8 billion prices and became the third largest shareholder of Huaqin International.

The first shareholder is Datang Telecom, holds 22% of stocks, and the second shareholder is China's investment and 18% shareholding.

After returning to the company, Meng Qian first looked at the financial situation of the company. In the first half of the year, the company made a lot of money but burning money.

The company's final report showed that the turnover broke through 50 billion, up to 51.5 billion, which allowed Meng Qian's most exciting that intellectual property revenue reached 35 billion, and the improvement of intellectual property revenue not only means using the high wind group intellectual property. More means that more companies have more companies to go out, because the main buyers of Great wind intellectual property are domestic enterprises, accounting for 72%.

For the Great Breeze Group, it is the most stable and most stable for the sale of intellectual property rights.

When I was happy, I made Meng Qian helpless that the gross profit of the first half of the year exceeded 15 billion. As a result, the company has no money! A Cell processor project, the establishment company after project investment is burn 5 billion, After the acquisition of Huaqin International, I have to go out to 1.8 billion. In the first half of the province's violence, I spent more than 2 billion, and I burn 4 billion in R & D for half a year, coupled with various daily costs, advertising promotion costs, etc.

"Qian really earned it, it is not enough to spend ..." Meng Qian sent a true sigh.

"Meng Zheng, the students' sorting is arranged." Su Tianyue chronped the door to Meng Qian's office.

"How many people?"

"It should go to 800 people, it is 793, and 7 people have not come."

"Is there a list of these 7 people?"


Meng Qian didn't care after the list of 7 people from Su Tian Yue, "You will go back to rest early, and you will follow Sun Xiaomi tomorrow."


After Su Tian Yue, Meng Qian called a list from the computer.

On July 27, 2004, the first student summer camp of the Great Breeze Group will open.

The summer camp invited 800 students from the world, including 600 college students, 100 high school students, and 100 graduate students.

Meng Qian's list is now a few foreign faces, including Zuckerberg, which once founded Facebook, including cloud storage giant Dropbox, Andrew House, including Global Entertainment Service Platform Spotify, Exci et al. .

At the same time, there are also some Huaxia faces. For example, Wang Tao, who has created Dado, created by Chen Zhen, who has created Jumeiyou, for example, in 2003, to create a group of people in the future and created a US group in the future. Wang Xin et al.

Nike has a very classic advertisement, which is C Luo to interchange the body. Later, he has become a superstar. The advertisement tells the audience, and people who are self-discipline, even if they change the environment, he will still excellent.

Meng Qian believes that although his butterfly effect changes a certain history, he reaches this age, has been established, pattern, three views, knowledge, ability, self-discipline, people and other good foundations, will make the probability of probability of excellent people Continue to excel.

The problem is how to fliculate people to the wind group.


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