Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 355, Golden Lord Dad behind

On the morning of the 27th, the 793 students were collected in the Big Convention room. This summer camp was hosted by Sun Xiaodu and Qin Mo, Su Tianyue was responsible for the whole process, Sun Xiaomi first told you to the summer camp.

This summer camp is divided into three major sectors, which are learning, practical, and competition.

There are 12 learning classes, 26 practical issues, and 9 competition projects. This time, the person who came to the summer camp has already identified his own specialties, identified the learning classes you want to participate, and want to practice the topic group and the game you want to participate.

In addition to the three major sections, three days of field survival, one-day team event and some small activities arranged at night were arranged during the summer camp and promoted the relationship between each other.

As for the first day, the morning is a visit company. Everyone in the afternoon is sitting on the bus to visit a "program" that Meng Qian has always retained.

On July 27, 2004, the Pure Earth Laboratory was officially put into use.

"Grigo Pereman!" Just a few people got off the bus heard a scream.

"Hey, I remember there is a mysterious guest on the list of teachers in the mathematics, will not be Mr. Pereman!"

"My God, I am trying to change the course now."

"If it is Terrelman, I am willing to change money with their math class."

"You don't want to change people."

"As long as the money is enough, it is not something that can't be solved in this world."

"Friends, money is not universal."

"No, money is universal, when you feel that money is not powerful, your money is not enough."

"You have no water in the desert, what is the meaning of money?"

"If I have enough money, I can let the desert full of rivers, I can let the rescue team followed 24 hours, what you said from the beginning will not appear."

"What is the death? In addition to the death of the death, there is a significance in the face of death, what is the meaning?"

"If you have enough money, I can let everyone all the world to study how to prolong the birthday, or even longevity is not old, remember, all the roots of all problems are money."

"Then I ask you a very simple question, Wanlu family and your child's life, how would you choose?"

Summer camps have just begun, and some collisions on thinking have begun.

"Hey, see there, that is ..." Someone interrupted the debate on the scene.

"Is Hao Jin!"

"The one is Yuan old!" A few Sannan students screamed, and they covered everyone.

Sun Xiaoyi took all people into the Pure land laboratory.

A total of seven buildings in the pure land laboratory is designed in accordance with the Pattern of Beidou Seven Stars.

"Designed the pure land laboratory as a nostalgite of Beidou, this meaning is a bit mean." Zuckerberg, who has not spoken, suddenly opens.

"Especially put this design in a non-private project such as the Pure land plan, it is more unbelred." Andrew around Zakberg followed one.

"The Great Wind Group has always been famous, and every product is deeply used, and in our Chinese, it is called the most romantic company."

"But there is no less than, Meng Qian is not still in front of the media before the name of the netizen, was smashed into a dog."

"Ha ha ha, I also saw the interview video, listening to Heng Boss said that someone ran to the company to block him to change the name, laughing at me."

"Really fake? The big wind group named is very popular in our rice."

"This is you hot in your country?"

"We used to be your history for your Chinese, and I feel that the wind group is very in line with a company that goes out of the Chinese company, and then look at the technology companies in the rice, what Apple Google Microsoft, this is stupid name "

After the students chatted to the main laboratory, they did not only see a scientist, but also an entrepreneur. The first batch of donated companies in the Pure Land Lab reached 168, including 98 enterprises from Huaxia, 36 companies from neon countries, 19 companies from Russia, 11 companies from Goryo, there are some from Other companies in other countries.

However, there is no family in the country.

There are more money to donate this 168 companies, some people have a few billions, and some people only have hundreds of thousands, but they are all mind, all the names of all donations are engraved in the donation wall outside the laboratory, but there is also the lowest Standard, that is, 500,000, and will become a member of the Pure Earth Laboratory after donation.

In addition, 36 institutions donated the Pure land plan.

As for personal donations, there is no restriction, a piece of money can be.

At present, the total donation amount has reached 35 billion soft sister coins, but I really want to make the pure land plan, this is definitely not enough, and more companies will need more companies, especially large companies.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, all guests entered the seat, the Dean of the Academy of Sciences, the Tsinghua President, Perelman, Sony's out of the way, and Meng Qian was arranged in the second half.

"In 2004, it was a very special year of the science and technology industry. I saw many people in the industry called the first year of the year, and a large number of industry talents took the initiative to share their research and development results. Open source communities began to blow in the world, and the pure land plan can be At this time, I seem to be a fate and a trend. "

Meng Qian really didn't have a long, in 2004, the opening source began a wide range of outbreaks. The only controversial is that some people say that in 2004 is open source, some people say that in 2006 is the opening source, because the Open source in 2004 began to develop rapidly It is very confusing. In 2006, the opening source was standardized. Everyone had their own opinions and reasons, but Meng Qian said this in 2004, then said that 2004 is open source.

"But it is also the opening source. I want to say something in this occasion today. I have seen many people in the opposite side, and even some people questioned that I have an entrepreneur to drive open source. Well.

What I want to say is that open source and business should not be opposite, but two feet of technology development, business, because of customers, pay more attention to the technology to our lives, if technology is only stayed at the research level Can't serve human services, the technology is lacking.

However, excessive business will slow down technology, so open source can promote the development speed of science and technology, so you don't put these two in opposing, commercial technology and open source technology can completely cooperate and follow the road. "

Although Meng Qian said that Meng Qian said that there is no problem, but in fact, this is natural to say that it is to hear it, especially for these students, after all, most of the students are still ideal.

You must know that there are two big golden mains behind the world's open source, one is Google, maybe many people think that Google supports the opening source is quite reasonable. After all, Android open source ... so you can look at another big gold owner, Apple.

In addition to Google and Apple, there is also a name of a company, twice and other enterprises in the world open source promoters.

At this time, you can see a problem. Most of the support for open sources is a relatively short-range business, because the open source has two advantages, the first is to use open source technology to resist the private technology of the anti-Anti-IT Microsoft Intel.

The second advantage is that open source communities can integrate IT talents around the world, which is not available, only after driving the open source community.

More detailed content can be used to search for the open source power behind Google, the open source power behind the Facebook, etc., it is very good to understand what Meng Qi is so insisted on soon.

Therefore, after the on-site relationship is balanced, Meng Qian began to throw more support for open source. "The Open Source Alliance has officially opened up, we have created online version of the Pure land laboratories in the open source alliance. Some of the projects in the laboratory will share with friends around the world.

We believe that in such a way, we can make the pure land plan to achieve the goal of all human services. At the same time, the wind group will increase the investment in the open source alliance, we will set up more paid service positions from now until now, welcome Everyone joins the open source alliance, we create an open source holy place together.

On the occasion of this year of open source, let us hug a new model, let us look forward to the birth of a healthier global technology environment, and the wind group will pay for this. "

If this is the best to translate this, this world, the Great Breeze Group should do the golden master behind the open source power.


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