On the evening, many students were really fooled by Meng Qian back. I feel that Meng Qian is very great. After all, most people seem to engage in the source of the net plan. It is to smash the money, it seems that the light is good, there is no. Just as the public welfare is the same, especially the wind group own is a technology company, driving the open source power back, may also limit the development of their own enterprises, um, how to see how selfless love ...

This is not, many students spontaneously send today's experiences to the letter, with the praise of the wind group to Meng Qian, the news spread out through everyone's personal hymth, more and more students across the world Joching Mumbang In the modest camp, I didn't call Meng Qian as a science and mare.

In addition to the personal communication, the wind group naturally has less information, after the news came out, many companies responded, after all, spent 500,000 can leave a name on the donation wall, I don't understand the source, I can put it anyway The name of your company hangs very cool.

But no one can see the things behind, Zuckerberg's room, the third employee of the face book, Zachberg's roommate Dastin Moscow, "Great Wind Group Enough, not only find the way to fight the old card, but also earned a reputation for yourself, and the benefits are full. "

See Moscowvitz Some acts that are somewhat asgens that Meng Qiao, Zuckerberg is very interested, "Meng Qian is a businessman, as a businessman, he can do this, can only explain him very smart."

"This is hypocritical."

"Which is not hypocritical?"

Moscow Weitz stunned, "It can't be indulged because there is no such phenomenon."

Zachberg stacked clothes to bed, "You think about it is because the lion is too cruel, so you want the lion to change vegetarian, you are no longer changing the lion, you are changing the law."

Moscow Weitz has always respectd Zachberg, listening to him, and then digested.

"Take a break early, I hope this summer cash can see more inner things in the wind group." Zachberg said the lights.

Similar scenes have occurred in some rooms. Some of the Summer Camps in the wind group are indeed a Chinese dragon and phoenix, and even the Andrew House has begun to start business, but the company just started, they are willing to accept the wind group invitation. The reason is basically the same, it is curious, curious this is a kind of company to create another miracle in just a few years.

Since the 28th, the students participate in the corresponding courses and projects. In addition to arranged some of the big breeze, the summer camp has also arranged a lot of special guests, all the wind groups were invited. Top scholars in various fields.

Just like the Olympics, it seems to be a summer camp, in fact, a display opportunity of the Great Breeze Group, and the object is a student in colleges and universities.

As for the practice project, the summer camp students directly follow the high-wind group's employees real guns, but the core confidentiality of the wind group must have no way to reveal, but the Great Breeze Group's public or semi-open development direction is completely displayed. .

Judging the strength of a technology company, first go to its R & D center. In this two-six subjects, there are 21 projects directly enter the Great Breeze Group's R & D centers, and students can work together with the R & D staff of the wind group.

The first feeling after the students entering the R & D center is the spacious atmosphere equipment. Of course, the wind group is now larger, and there is such a R & D environment in everyone's expectations.

In the next period, students who entered the R & D center will have a true immersion experience.

7 days later, Andrew in the cloud service group was a little surprised to watch a university intern around. "You can apply for a topic of your internship?"

"Yes, you can apply for questions in the Great Breeze Group intern, as long as the review will be funded."

"Then, after the internship, what should I do?"

"A problem is impossible to have only my own research. I am not there still."

"I understand, the wind group is actually encouraging more ideas, then screening out of the company's valuable topics from more ideas, it is to relax the conditions for propose topics, which is hard to review personnel." Andrew is very good at Communication, in recent days, it is quite familiar with everyone, and talking directly.

"It's not that the wind group is not only relatively loose to the problem, but also relatively relatively relatively relatively on the subject." The other side of the topic is relieved.

"Yeah, I feel that I feel that it is really open in Microsoft, I feel that it is easy to get the topic of the problem as long as your idea is not too long. In fact, I feel that I can't feel any research and development atmosphere. I don't let you do it, and I am responsible for the part of my own work, very boring.

But here you should also feel that the top-level relationship between the R & D center is weakened, everyone has a certain right, everyone has obvious sense of participation. "

"Microsoft laboratory has been very good, don't give up, I miss my previous R & D center, what is the R & D center, for a project leader, you die, I am still living. I haven't been working before. Engage in research and development, but how to help my leadership asks for money.

When I came to the wind group, I really didn't know the benefits of this side. It is my old colleague to tell me that the R & D center here is coming to develop, there is no chaos, I will come. "


Unlike Andrew, the other side of Zuckerberg is not a lot, but is named by the same person, "small tie, talk about your thoughts."

Xiao Ju is a small name that everyone gives him. In fact, he doesn't know what it means.

"Hey, you said this, which person we are here is not to learn, don't suppress your thoughts here, everyone learns to share, everyone can make better progress together."

"The thing I learned in school is not enough to support me to make a constructive opinion." Zachberg deliberately modest.

"You can't say this. Do you know who is the algorithm of the video group to overcome? A student who has just been bigger, if you really don't think about it, you will review it with a student's perspective. Suggestions. "

After two seconds, Zuckerberg had a serious proposal.

Compared to foreign students, domestic students are obviously invested, such as the motherboard issues of this will,, Chen Tianhan and Wang Tao are arguing with the company staff.

"It's actually very simple, it is a graphics card bracket. If it is exposed to the outside, the graphics can be fixed like a chassis." Chen Tianhan pulled the voice.

"But this will create unnecessary contacts."

"The material is not finished." Wang Tao on the side is also anxious. "You look at it, I will sway the motherboard, this is not the excessive measures, this is a very simple manner but can Largely improve the user experience. "

"That is, do you do a good job?"

If you say that you speak, I am embarrassing the original motherboard team, and the facts prove that their suggestion is really valuable.

Summer camp is presented in the wind group, Meng Qian will look at a thick student tracking report every night, thus thinking about how to perform it.


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