Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 357, the biggest selfish

Meng Qian wants to see some people, but you can't see it directly, because this will look very deliberate, so you need to create a reason, even if the other party can see, the world of adults is to make it clear.

So, on August 7, the Great Breeze Group arranged homework to all students, requiring everyone to write a temporary summary after the wind group, this summary side does not do specific requirements, but it can be sentimental. It is a suggestion, or you can put forward your own problems.

After this summary, Meng Qian found a reason to see a few students alone. The first person he saw was Wang Xin, because he wrote a summary of 10,000 words, is the longest and most detailed and most detailed And Wang Xin is the only person who directly wrote to Meng Qian directly.

This kind of active is actually Meng Qian likes.

"Your summary is very careful." After seeing Wang Xin, Meng Qian deliberately used a relatively serious attitude to Wang Xin, "Do you want to see me, what is a special thing?"

"I want to ask Mngtheng how to make the wind group to do this today." Wang Xin speaks directly, sincere look at Meng Qian, there is a clear desire in his eyes.

This is very in line with his "people".

"You said that you want to start this business?" In the later generations, I saw Meng Qian, which was introduced by Wang Xin from various channels. Wang Xin has always called himself to start a business, from his It is also a qualified entrepreneur character.

Wang Xin replied very simply, "think."

He is only a summer camp, and it is not the staff of the wind group. It is not a thing that cannot be entrepreneur.

"What is your entrepreneurial direction?" Meng Qian began to ask questions.

Now Wang Xin faces Meng Qian's gas venue or not, it is not even a bit, unconsciously begins to answer Meng Qian's question, "I have not completely thinking about it yet."

Meng Qian smiled and responded, "You are lying."

Wang Xin is actually two years older than Meng Qian, but before Meng Qian deliberately showed a panic, Wang Xinzhan exposed a panic.

Seeing Wang Xin not talking, Meng Qian took his summary in his face, "Seriously, it is a good habit. You have a constructive proposal to the hymn, I also recognize your ideas. The greater the current hymths, the functions are more complicated, but this is the positioning of the hand, it is almost impossible to change.

So this has left a big market space. In the future, this market needs some simple and more focused social platform. If I have not guess, should this be your entrepreneurial direction? "

Being is broken by Meng Qian, Wang Xin no longer hide, "I don't want Meng, I always feel particularly kind, it seems to have something you call me, sometimes I feel this thing should be It is the only thing I created. "

"Cough and cough ..." just coughing a few coughs in Meng Qian who drinking tea.

"Meng always don't work?"

"No ... cough cough ... Nothing ... you continue ..."

"So social software is indeed a field I have always paying attention to, but the main reason I really want to try is not a problem, but when I empty a market, I didn't see there. What company enters this market.

This is the real chance. "

Meng Qian nodded and said, "In fact, you can say it greatly from the beginning, and social intersection can be more than too much, and the wind group cannot always account for all."

Wang Xin smiled and covered it.

Meng Qian also no longer chased this problem, "But I might want to fight you, this market is not no one, but the product has not yet been made, in some focus, I have I have thought of the wind group to open up new social platforms. "

Wang Xin is somewhat lost, "So the wind group is actually in the layout?"

"Yes, nor."

"What does it mean?"

"Now there is a team of social platforms in the development of exclusive fields, but what is the direction, I don't know, because this thing is not internal to the wind group, but a few teams from the wind group out of business. The company gives financial support. "

Wang Xin quickly understood it, "Meng Mong is in training with you with you?"

"I can understand so much."

"This is the wind group." Wang Xin couldn't help but sigh.

"So you still plan to do this?"

Wang Xin thought about it for a while, it seems to be anyway, it is easy to say, "Although the wind group is already doing this, the market is so big, I think the opportunity is still here."

"Which step is your business?"

"I have contacted several intentive partners."

"What about funding?"

"I don't know."

"Is there a business plan?"

"I haven't written it yet."

"Do you make it easy to explain one of you ever said in your customs?" Meng Qian took a picture of a printed picture, which is a message from Wang Xin, writing, maybe users Need a more strange social environment.

Wang Xin hesitated, and several times, Meng Qian had to take the initiative. "If you can say it, I am willing to invest your project, I think I still have the credibility."

Generally, people who started at the initial business will be more important, and they will be more excited to be known, even when they face investors, half of it.

In fact, as long as you find professional investors don't have to worry about this, professional investors are dry investment. If you plagize your business ideas, and you don't say that the idea is just the idea, the key is that you can smash your own brand, this is not worthless.

As for Meng Qian, even if it is a professional investor, if the richest riches of Huaxia goes to the entrepreneurial point of others, Wang Xin is not afraid of things make a lot of things, it is clear that Meng Qian is not worth the loss.

Moreover, Wang Xin is not a cautious person. When many entrepreneurs in this year, Wang Xin did what to say when investing in investment, just like Ma Yu to find investment, he said he wanted to do with many people. The result is not to say, no one is doing, but also saying that Ma Yu is a liar.

Mainly the wind group is to do a letter. This special point will let Wang Xin hesitate. If you find another investor, you will say it, people want to do it, don't necessarily know how to do, but the wind group wants Take away your own ideas to achieve it too easy.

But since Meng Qian has opened this mouth, Wang Xin is not entangled. "Now all social products are doing very open, everyone share their lives in social platform, but they also realize that their lives are actually Snown, especially the platform like hymths, relatives and friends students are playing, although the pre-hyacinth is added to the grouped group function, but this deliberate grouping method does not psychologically give the user Come true private sense.

So maybe for some users, they hope to put this show on a platform without acquaintances, or only a few acquaintances. Everyone is more in this platform and the display of others and the display of others. "

"I need more detailed things."

"In fact, we have made a product prototype."

Meng Qian touched the Pakistan, "This way, you write a detailed business plan for me, let's talk about it."

"Well." You can get the investment of the wind group, Wang Xin is naturally very happy, because he is really no money, it is necessary to invest in the investment, although it seems to have a certain competitive relationship with the hand, but people are willing to invest ourselves? I think, "I have to ask Meng, I can ask you again, what is your success?"

Meng Qian smiled and responded. "It is actually very simple, it is constant to help others, people achieve more people, it is to achieve themselves, selfless, maybe it is the greatest selfish."

Combined with Meng Qian, I took the initiative to throw an olive branch to my competitors, Wang Xinma realized Meng Qian, "I understand, thank you Meng."


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