Wang Xin is full of walking by himself, saying that Meng Qian feels very relaxed, after Wang Xin, Meng Qian met Zuckerberg, this legendary genius.

The summary of Zachberg is just the opposite of Wang Xin, which is very short, but add up to 500 words, and it is almost all problems.

"The Internet is being smashed with the dignity of ordinary people. You are very interesting. Can you explain it?" Meng Qian found a entry point to exchange with Zakberg.

"I am born in an ordinary town, so I know that in a small range is very easy to get respect, maybe you just sing, maybe you just write, maybe you just know a little program, but the Internet Expanded everyone's field of view, making a little bit of ability.

The best listening to the original border is suddenly flattering on the Internet. The carpenter who wants to be renovated in the original home, suddenly a lot of better choices through the Internet. "

Meng Qian does not determine that Zachberger really thinks like it is still in deliberate "find", simple smooth, "So you think that the development of the Internet is those specially excellent people, but to ordinary people For the development of the Internet, they make them mediocre, more worthless. "

Zuckerberg stalls, "Perhaps the only benefit is to let the mediocre have got some cheap entertainment, such as games."

"But what can you say can only be a look, how is it good? In addition to the extremely talent, the vast majority of excellence is exchanged, then from this perspective, the Internet is not Give it a better return platform? "

"No." Zachberg shook his head directly, "mediocre people are mediocre, because they don't want to work hard, but in fact, most people don't want to work too much."

The Internet really makes special efforts have a better return, which is a good thing, but those who are slightly trying to work hard, especially those who don't want to work hard?

Lazy is really not a good habit, lazy is really something that should be rebuked, but this world has a lot of mistakes is reality, lazy is like this, he is most people will look, no matter how we tell everyone to work hard, Most people are lazy, so?

We hope to destroy lazy, but I am afraid that we are eliminated in the future, but the lazy people are still different. If you let go of the Internet, I guess the future Internet will turn into a very heavy place, which is lazy to the Internet's anti-anti-anti-anti-anti-anti-anti-anti-anti-anti-anti-anti-anti-anti-anti-anti-anti-anti-anti-anti-anti-anti-anti-anti-anti-anti-anti-anti-anti-anti-anti-anti-anti-anti-anti-anti-anti-anti-anti-anti-. "

At first, Meng Qiao is actually more inclined to think that Zuckerberg is in "finding", but after listening to his understanding, it feels that this is actually a very interesting idea. "Do you have any good suggestions for this phenomenon?"

"I don't know." Zachberg returned.

"If we can make people with different capabilities to find the corresponding value returns through the Internet?"

"Well?" Zachberg said curious.

"For example, gradually build professional platforms in various fields, rating the professional, and people with different capabilities can obtain corresponding rewards, and the Internet is more like a matching function."

Zachberg tried to understand Meng Qian's idea, "Is this the Internet instrument?"

Meng Qian thought about shook his head. "I think more accurate statement should be Internet thinking, if you want to take a name to this mode, you may be called Internet +."

It was originally a little lazy Zuckerberg expression in front of Meng Qian, and Zachberg was a person who specially liked to accept new thinking, especially like people who thought of interesting people.

Seeing Zuckerberg's changes, Meng Qian asked further, "Since I said that I have elected lazy inert this topic, I saw that you have given a very interesting question, and artificial intelligence will not destroy human."

Zachberg has created a Facebook, more people naturally intend to intend to organize him, may not know that Zakberg is a hacker before creating a Facebook, but also an artificial intelligence.

The music software developed in high school is because the use of artificial intelligence learning users listening to singing habits, they are paid to Microsoft, and the mysterious laboratory exposed by Facebook 14 years is also confirmed to be artificial intelligence laboratory, and later Zuckerberg It is a key project that is simply in the next decade of the next ten years. Meng Qian further determines that Zakberg is very interested in artificial intelligence is that this time he has chosen the topic of the Great Wind Group is Artificial intelligence project.

"I re-examine the deep learning algorithm of the wind group in these few days. This made me can't help but think of my teacher asked me like this. If we let go of artificial intelligence, will not destroy like a movie Humanity?"

"What do you think?"

"I don't know, so I put this question."

Meng Qian also didn't care what Zakberg was thinking, I answered his question. "If you want my answer, my personal point of view is almost impossible."

"Why are you so definite? I heard that the European is an anti-artificial intelligence organization in several years."

"The Europeans have a few people in your rice should be clear. The main gathering place of the surcharge supporter is in Europe, the main gathering of the extremely environmentally friendly organization, and the main gathering of the artificial intelligence destruction is in Europe. The European people are too full. "Meng Qian ridiculed," We now all the artificial intelligence research directions are the operation mode of the algorithm to simulate the human brain, and the essence of the algorithm is rules.

Therefore, we will not change this fundamental of artificial intelligence. The artificial intelligence created by human beings can only cope with regular things, and the change is nothing more than the speed of data processing, the accuracy of data processing, and the breadth of data processing. Artificial intelligence is very powerful when facing an irregular events.

Of course, I know that there is now a way to control human brain behavior. Human is just a product created by God. Everything in the whole world is regular. We think that there is no regular thing is just our degree. It is seen that the laws like many stocks have been looking for the Holy Cup. They always believe that the stock market is not an uncontrolled market, but a regular market.

This is also the reason why I don't think about death. I don't deny that the essence of the world is really like this, but there is a logic here that human beings as a product in God, and I still see this world in our own brains. When can we create a God algorithm? I think this is almost impossible.

So in my opinion, artificial intelligence will not destroy humanity, but artificial intelligence will change human. "

"Do you mean that artificial intelligence will replace a lot of human work in the future?" Zachberg guess Meng Qian's meaning.

However, Meng Qian once again shook his head again. "This is not accurate. The three industrial revolutions in history have caused a lot of unemployment, but after a while, every industrial revolution has produced more tools, the essence of technology is tool, The same is true for artificial intelligence, and it doesn't have to be afraid of it. It is an important tool in the future human development process.

As everyone will use computer handling work, everyone will work with artificial intelligence, and the unemployment is inevitable. This is the pain of every scientific and technological revolution. From a long time, unemployment will not last for a long time. But there will be some people who have become the victim of the revolution. There is a lot of losses, and there will be someone will become the beneficiary of the revolution. No one can predict, but this is like the dynasty, the era, who can stop Have you live? "

Zachberg caught the focus of Meng Qian, "Do you think artificial smart will be the next industrial revolution?"


"I am a bit curious, what is the future artificial intelligence era?"

"Future ..." Meng Qi is a shame, "should be very interesting."

Next, Meng Qian began to depict the future, intelligent medical, intelligent office, intelligent industry, intelligent education, intelligent assistant, big data mining, virtual reality, no driving, Internet of Things ...

Put a slam of Zuckerberg.

Moreover, Meng Qian has an absolute advantage when talking about these things, that is, it is a firm, and the excellent speaker will be confident and determined when the excellent speaker speaks, and the inner self-recognition can become a strong individual. The charm affects the audience, just like the Zuckerberg, I feel that Meng Qian has a firm in other entrepreneurs.

The big entrepreneur he has ever seen is also a few, and the bragging will be blown, but how many other people will blow me to see some spider marts, but he can't see a little flaw in Meng Qian at this time. Meng Qian was talking about the future generation of the wind group to create, Zuckerberg felt like Meng Qian personally went to the future.

This powerful firm emotion is agitating the ambition of young Zachberg, especially Meng Qian's future than 2019, in 2004, this is a interesting future, this What is the future of people ...

After the Zuckerberg is embarrassed, Meng Qi has asked casually. "I see your information to write the annual salary of 950,000 gold in the same year, Microsoft wants you to do?"

"product development."

"What product?"

Entertainment products. "

"Entertainment products?" Meng Qian's smile, "The wind group is not lacking in entertainment products, but I saw you in the artificial intelligence, I can't give 95 million gold annual salary, I can only give You have a fun future, do you want to play? "

Zakberg began to move, but this is not in his expectations, he came this time to come to the wind group is purely in curiosity, even if he graduated from his ability, even if you don't start, you will find a company annual salary in Silicon Valley. I have never thought about going to a Chinese company to come to work, and even before Meng Qian, he still didn't think about this.

But this will have an inexplicable heart, the Internet +, the intelligent era, and these things in Meng Qiaogue make Zachberg feel interesting.

And Zakberg always feels what is the bottom card, but it is not possible.

"I am this ..." Zuckerberg's heart, strive to let himself calm down, "It seems that I heard that someone gave up millions of years to pay for a salary, what is the Chinese people who have a horse, is it? Really do it? "


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