On August 7th, Meng Qiao only saw 5 people. After all, Mong Qian's business always wanted to see it. It took too much time to see too many students obviously impossible.

But just 5 people, everyone has become inexplicably after returning, and I have just finished the big treasure sword.

The student is not very much. In addition, Sun Xiaomi has been engaged in activities. Everyone has a conversion, through these 5 people, the image of Meng Qian has a vision and attractive image spread out.

When the second summary of August 17th, everyone's seriousness has improved a grade, and many people compete for Meng Qian.

Meng Qian met 5 people, then flicked, did not stop the child, did not stop, manage your Microsoft Apple's quasi-offer, did not dig the corner, only the small number of small numbers.

The student's summer camp is still continuing. On August 18th, Meng Qian took out time attended a activity.

The establishment ceremony of Zheshang Bank.

As a river, the company is in Hangzhou, and it is the richest rich, naturally, is invited to participate in the Zhejiang Bank of China.

His history, Zheshang Bank is also formally established on August 18, 2004. After all, the days, this world has not changed, including the shareholders of the year, there is no change, the only change is that everyone has changed. And there are more big wind groups such a shareholder.

The Great Breeze Group became the second largest shareholder with a total of 10%.

The biggest historic meaning of Zheshang Bank is that although it is the 13th National National Shareholder Commercial Bank, it is the only commercial bank with a private holding of 85%, so it is also known as the first true meaning of Huaxia. Commercial banks, because all commercial banks are holding big shares before Zheshang Bank.

The Zheshang Bank can do so, it is also catching up with domestic financial reform. However, Huaxia has always been very strict, even if the private capital reaches 85%, in fact, the entire management team of Zheshang Bank is also a government, Many policies are still subject to government restrictions, such as shareholders' loan policies, the country's hand still plays.

This is also the reason why these well-known Jiang provinces in Geely, Oaks, and Datun, Southeastern Group have no participation. In the years, they are euphemistic to express the first step in the important financial reform of domestic financial reform, but they only run One step ...

And a large number of bad debts left by Zheshang Bank, these bad debts require shareholders to pay, in fact, this time Zheshang Bank is not a good thing in many people.

However, the wind group should still vote, on the one hand, the wind group is too good, the registered capital of Zheshang Bank also accounts for 15 billion soft sister coins, and the wind group accounts for 10% of $ 10 million, which is right. The wind group is not what is wrong.

On the other hand, in order to give the Jiang Provincial official face, the establishment of Zheshang Bank is completely promoted by the official government, after all, as a provincial business bank, so your big wind group is to support it?

Well, of course.

As for the last reason, it is that the rebirth is that the Zheshang Bank has developed into a big tree in the future, not saying how high this tree is, but the roots under this tree in Jiangzhou Compass, with a large number of enterprises in Jiangsu Province with thousands of relationships, of course, also exposed some people who are unable to see.

But this world Meng Qian is a big shareholder, always a little bit of voice, you can meet less.

It is a very important part of the economic pattern of Jiang Xia's future economic patterns. Meng Qian needs a step by step to let the wind group build the status of the old brother in Jiangzhou, and let the wind group began from Jiangsu Province, slowly It is necessary to become a root base, and the giant tree with the outside world.

Therefore, after waiting in the morning to participate in the establishment ceremony of the Zhejiang Bank, Meng Qian took this opportunity to return to the company to announce another thing.

"On August 18th, it is a day that is very likely to make a significant day for the wind group." Meng Qian has begun to speaking his speech, "this morning Zheshang Bank was established. I have mentioned that the wind group wants to join Zhehang Bank, because Zheshang Bank will serve more private enterprises and small micro enterprises.

From the beginning of the Great Breeze Group, there is a consensus inside our company. If the wind group can succeed, it is just success, but if the wind group can make more companies succeed, the wind group can count great.

It is to do a successful company or to be a great business, and every big-hearted answer is the same.

Fortunately, the current wind group already has a certain ability to help more people. For this reason, I want to announce that the big wind investment of the big wind group is officially established, and the vision of Great wind investment is hope to help more companies. development of.

From today, if you need a loan, you can find Zhedhang Bank. If you need to invest, you can find big wind investment, as long as you have strength, we will race your brain to help you. "

The establishment of the wind investment once again pushed Meng Qian to hot search, or Meng Qian is very young, I always feel that someone has already called Dad.

The next day after the official investment of Great wind, the company's venturer will start to the market, and in this day, Geely Lao Li came.

Li Shufu has seen a side with Meng Qian yesterday, but because it is too much yesterday, Meng Qian is rushing to the company. The two are just simply talking. Today is to further communicate, "Meng He, I went back yesterday. One night, China's entire automotive industry is indeed a bit similar to the semiconductor industry, and the foundation is weak to make domestic brands. "

Meng Qian smiled and sat opposite Li Shufu.


See Li Shufu feeling, Meng Qian took the initiative to pick up, "Li always thought for one night, what did you want to have?"

Li Shufu smiled, "What can children do if the innate condition can do, can only be more effort to a smart child, and when he is a high school, he is more realistic, it is better than people. Maybe The college entrance examination can achieve a good result. "

"I found out how many companies in our domestic companies have been a bit." Meng Qian used a helpless tone. "I still remember that when I was in high school, our class has been taking the first Buddha to tell me, he is not more Smart, he just masters the skills of learning. "

Li Shufu is warned by the police, "Meng's meaning is?"

"Work hard is true, the wind group is also a business, but it is also hard, more useful, can't always think about the use of brute power, the main wind group change the key to the domestic semiconductor industry is the moment, but light At the moment, if the wind group relies on himself, it will not have today's achievements for ten years. We can make an immersion photolithography in three years, because we found the top top team in each field.

The overalls of the China Motor Industry are really backward, but if the car is separated from the clothes, it is difficult for us to evenice even a little bit, do not say the advantage, is the ability to fight against international brands? Our engine has created people, isn't we really can't build a screw?

I don't understand the industry, but I don't believe that we will fall behind to this point, even if we really go back to this point, is there possible to pick out several companies to cooperate to develop the product promotion speed?

Regardless of the industry, learn to build a group, learn to dig, through cooperation research and development, acquisition, etc., perhaps the result of the same effort will be great. "

Meng Qian did not understand the car industry. After all, it was another field. In 2004, he couldn't know, so he couldn't give Li Shufu's advisory suggestion, and only share some thinking methods in generous way to give him.

It is very deep in Lao Li to understand this industry. Meng Qian is a little bit. He immediately thinks what it is, shooting the thigh. "I am thinking about the development direction of the big wind group, how to develop the development of the wind group The pattern is forgotten, really. "

Maybe some people think that Lao Li is a bit stupid, but Meng Qian, who is reborn, found that the local boss of hundreds of billion billions of bodies in this era is a word, and.

Especially in the 1990s, what is it makes money, what corporate management, what development model, what operational strategy, what company vision, nothing, nothing, nothing.

Lao Li is already a very high-quality entrepreneur. After all, Lao Li is a doctor of Harbin Institute, but it is still affected by the great environment. Some of the commercial roads that may be said in the future. The bosses of this era are unclear. Just like Lao Li at least knows to analyze the wind group, go to learn the wind group, but just learn, and have not learned the essence.

Even if Meng Qian, Mingming shared a lot of self-esteem, there was no such concept, and people were easy to turn over. In 2004, the Chinese industry developed their own advantages as cheap labor. Think about it is quite helpless ...

After returning the god, Li Shufu, who is self-reliant, "The companies should now have a willingness, but ... Mumbai, can Break investment can give Geely?"

Meng Qian's tea cup is not very awkward. "I heard that you are going to market right away."

"Still walking the process, earliest, I have to first half year."

"This ..." Meng Qian pretended to be meditated, Geely eleveraged the future status, especially in Jiangzhou's status, this white-to-door relationship is definitely.

Meng Qian put down the tea cup, just prepared to go down the shelf, the mind is in the mind, and the body will flash before, "cough, Li Ge, since the honor, can help it."

Li Shufu is all, how can it be so smooth? You are embarrassing me ...

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