As Meng Qian said, after experiencing a round of Trojan viruses, by early November, Microsoft's patch bag has not come yet, but the overall impact, especially for personal users, has fallen.

The reason is that everyone's self-protection consciousness has become stronger, even if the best friends have sent a link, they will not go, and the documents sent will not receive.

People who love to watch the little movie have recently nested, temporarily eating stock, many people complaining that the learning data folder has not been updated for a long time.

In fact, because the Internet development has also been short-year in these years, there are many hackers who have not infringed their personal users and privacy. Everyone has no sense of prevention, and the Trojan virus outbreak in these years. After that everyone is cautious, this is why these years can control the Trojan virus.

In these years, the anti-virus software is actually not in time. A lot of new Trojan viruses and communication methods have never been touched before, and I want to pure anti-virus software in this year to prevent Trojan virus. The effect will not be very good. .

However, under the deliberate promotion of the wind group, the concept of the West is spread is, the network fraud and fraud are the same, it will be anti-fight, you can be cheated, you may be deceived, this thing is definitely can't affirm it.

And the Internet is not exposed to hackers attack through the vulnerability of the Windows system and IE browser. The key is to be completely perfect.

This may encounter a gangster, why we dare to go out, because there is a certain public security guarantee, encounter a gangster is just a small probability event, we drive out, if you really encounter, you can only say that you are not lucky, The alarm is equal to it.

Microsoft is a social environment we surf. We can't weird softness, but Microsoft does not have a good security guarantee. If you don't dare to go on the Internet, you can't say it. Is it a bit basic guarantee?

This idea promoted by the wind group, listening to it completely no problems, plus this festival on the eye, I hope to control the network security issues as soon as possible, so it is said.

After this transmission, it is now expecting the expectation of Microsoft patch than that of the previous world. In the face of the expectation of the public, Microsoft has his own consideration, and actually has been speculation, indicating the company's attention, let users rest assured, Microsoft has used the most comprehensive strength and resources, will be in the fastest time Take a solution to protect users' security.

On November 10, Microsoft Patch Bag was shining in all expectations.

"Great is too good, finally came."

"This is Microsoft's efficiency, it is the greatest business in this world."

However, users and Microsoft don't know that when everyone is looking forward to Microsoft patch packages, the world's hackers are also looking forward to, Meng Qian is to promote panic, in addition to improving users, there is another reason is He knows too much about hackers' mentality.

Of course, Meng Qian's hacker is the hacker that truly pursuing, rather than those network criminals staring at individual users.

Because there are two particularly important driving forces for those hackers who truly pursue, especially this generation hacker.

The first is that the greater the influence of things, the greater the sense of accomplishment, the higher the attention of things, the higher the challenge of hackers, the pursuit is this thing.

The second is that this generation hacker is very annoying Microsoft, and Microsoft's long-term development has been summed up. It is a two-piece things, monopolizing and suppressing open source.

Who is open source? It is this generation of hackers to grow. In this era, those who can bring truly valuable open source technology, almost all of the hackers.

So as the event starts, as Microsoft began bragging to make the package.

Hakes: I heard that Microsoft should resist me? Ok? What anti-resistance?

Next, Meng Qian will witness the new history.

Of course, those hackers for personal users have also worked as they once in the world, such as how long after users have installed patches, many people have received a mail from Microsoft, when the user follows the mail Require operation ...

The computer is locked.

The people who are recruiting are forced, what is it? ? ?

People who have escaping the email are fortunate enough to be vigilant, then wait for them to be BT Trojan, software bundle, social spread, download point fall, website forum hanging horse, file camouflage, extended component camouflage ...

This Meng Qian does not have a way, how to do this for the criminal, these criminals have long prepared to wait for Microsoft patch to start, Meng Qian is suppressed, and Meng Qian is only It is possible to protect users with Kunlun systems and users with high wind anti-virus software.

As for Meng Qian promotes panic, will it enhance the crime rate? Their purpose is to sin, in fact, there is no relationship with the face, Microsoft, and there is no relationship with personal achievements, but I didn't think that Microsoft's patch bag was useless, and it was successful.

It is really going to face Microsoft, which is the group of hackers that Meng Qian pushed. Now it has already been shot.

At this time, Microsoft Headquarters.

"Attack is still outline, this is this? We have never encountered so many attacks."

"Is these hackers going crazy today?"

"Everyone has come to the spirit. If there is a problem today, our Microsoft is big."

On the other hand, Meng Qian looked at a strange dynamic video in the office. Sitting two people on his two sides are James, founder Lin Yonghe, Founder Lin Yonghe in the Mathematics Conference, respectively.

Experts in the end of the external public opinion is still almost, to further mobilize the emotions of the hackers, it is best to push it from the circle. At this time, Meng Qian went back and saw it.

Senior consultant of the Great Breene Group Security Department, Lin Yong, a person who has appeal in the Huaxia hack.

Great Breeze Group Safety Departments Chief Consultant, James, a person who has appeal in the global hacking circle.

Well, since everyone is so appeared, the call called call.

"I really didn't expect to move so many people's enthusiasm."

"Everyone's resentment is not two days a day. Some people have a head, throw a glory, no one is interested. Who can attack Microsoft's door today, who can be famous in the circle." James taste Laugh.

"I want to see how much Microsoft's defense ability is." Lin Yong's eyes flashed, "I am a bit itchy."

Meng Qian smiled and responded, "Let's endure, your current identity is not suitable."

Lin Yong was silent for a while, "I went downstairs to eat a meal."

"Don't you just have finished eating?"

"I am hungry." Lin Yong said, he left.

James saw it from the chair, "I go to the opposite gym to run a step."

"Isn't the company have a gym?"

"The company is not easy to make some money, save some electricity bills."

See James is also gone, Meng Qian helplessly shook his head, "these people are really ... He Yianting you always report to me the latest situation, I went to the Internet cafe."

He Yaxing, "???"


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