Like Meng Qin James and Lin Yong, it is actually itching, but it will not be able to do it, but after all, once it was found by Microsoft, it was engaged in him, then this is Microsoft It is absolutely able to get the wind group to death.

The two people connect the mood in the circle to do a few online relationships, and they cannot give the Microsoft to leave evidence. It's all the gods, this thing is still the time.

But for those who have decided to make Microsoft, it is possible to do anything.

On the morning of November 11, Meng Qian, who was on the dark circle, received a call from He Yuting, "Meng He, Microsoft official website was black!"

Meng Qian's entire spirit is very spiritual. He is flattering. He is looking forward to the Microsoft official website being black, but it is only looking forward to it. He only remembers that the Microsoft British official website is black, but the official website of the rice is still boiling. It is not impressed by Blame Mengqian, maybe have been pressed down by Microsoft, which is not known.

After the phone is hung, Meng Qian can't wait to see the latest situation of the event. At this time, he is full of curiosity.

Microsoft's official website is indeed black, and there is a pass on the official website:

Really disappointed, Microsoft claims that they are in the unprecedented strength and investment in developing effective safety measures, helping the majority of users to defeat information security threats and improve the safety of the business work environment during this special period.

However, your company's own official website security is low, so such safety measures, what protect users, what to give users safe?

How do we trust Microsoft?

I didn't have any damage, nor did any data, and I have renamed the real home file.

Internet enthusiasts from a desire truly safe guarantee.

"Old driver." After reading the message Meng Qian couldn't help but sigh, this is obviously a old driver in a black world. This paragraph is very beautiful. It is not to be black and soft, and it has not been invincible.

After all, it is necessary to black Microsoft's official website. The difficulty is on the one hand. On the one hand, it is to bear the price. I really want to do this. It's really imposing Microsoft's face to rub it on the ground. Once I was caught by Microsoft. What is hard to say.

So the hacker who did this thing is that it is not a consequence of the consequences. It does have such a batch of hackers. They are pursuing glory and freedom, anything else, there is a bit similar to those who have a high honesty in the movie, but not every It's so glomeware, some hackers will protect themselves. It is clear that this successful breaking of Microsoft's official website is the latter.

On this paragraph, on the united front of the interests of yourself and the people, also specifically stated that you have no doing things, in the public, this is a knight, in the circle, this is a god, For Microsoft, even if he caught him because he did not engage in other damage, there was no violation of the user's information and property safety. No matter which country's law, the top handling will not be too severe.

Moreover, Meng Qian's understanding of this circle, this person will definitely leave the backhand, once being caught, the public opinion will protect him, Microsoft is not to do things because the official website is black, unless the back of this person is also a company. So Microsoft will kill the company.

Under the double effect of public opinion and public opinion in the circle, there is really a person who brings Meng Qian, although Meng Qian still doesn't know who he is.

A slum in Thailand, a female man wearing a hot pants tie the chest closed the computer to come to the abandoned wicked chair, let himself face the direction of Huaxia, "Meng Qian, I hope you will not it disappointed me."

At this moment, he suddenly received a call, "the latest goal, Iraq."

Lousha hanged a room behind the phone, on his bed, it was a cover Ivfort mask, if Meng Qian came here, then he would definitely guess this mask. Go to Gozha identity.

Back to the event itself, Microsoft official website is black-changing public opinion vortex, especially this message is short, but it is very infectious.

"So Microsoft did not solve the vulnerability at all? The patch is completely lie to us?"

"Don't protect your official website, what to protect users?"

"Xiaobai doesn't understand the teaching, is it really difficult? Why is the NS system has a problem?"

"It is quite difficult to do the system itself, but if the maintenance system does not know, I don't know if I have a negative development incident in that year, everyone should remember it. If it is Huaxia out of the browser, what is it now? I do not know."

"A company that is strong in monopoly development, do you expect to have any service?"

"Microsoft is not to take him with us, no way, anyway, Trojan viruses can not blame the head, it is our own fault."

"Don't pull what Microsoft is just a selling system. Is it not your vulnerability? I don't look at it, I just see news, just find a few small news websites, I am poisoning, so easy Hames, do you really have to be responsible for Microsoft? "

"Yeah, we have no way to get Microsoft, so I just want to ask us if there is any way to face hackers? So I don't dare to open the Internet in the future, what website does not dare to log in?"

"Is this the end of the Internet? Who will protect us?"

I don't know why, human beings will always be more efficient, panic, fear, hate and other emotions often easily form a group effect. Maybe it is not so blameful to Microsoft. Seeing everyone is embarrassed, just follow insulted.

In fact, the big wind group of this will not do anything. It is a black event that has been black eventually inspired by the black event. The panic of the global netizens focuses on outbreak.

And in panic, a little bit of micro-light will be amplified unchanged.

An article on a headline is suddenly spread online, more amazing is that this article is really not written by the wind group.

The title of the article is: Kunlun system, the last defense line of human beings?

Meng Qian looked at this title and couldn't help but ask the company's operation team several times. This is really do you do?

However, Meng Qian is understood after the article is published. This article is a non-known evaluation company in the rice country. This company is five years, and I don't know where it is, I can't do it. In this special time, they saw the net to Microsoft's grievances and found the advantages of the Kunlun system.

For this kind of non-fired company, it is far from talking about politics and capital station, they need to survive now, it is a topic.

And this time, what is more topic than network security.

A long text, a comprehensive comparison of the Kunlun system and NS system, and also made a comprehensive comparison of the Ju Peng browser and browser. As for comparison content, natural is safe.

As can be seen from the article, users who use the Kunlun system also have some virus attacks, but more people are actually protected by the firewall, and users are using the Xi Peng browser. Everyone is open some websites. There will be risk tips, and even have a certain interception.

Everyone will also have risk tips and certain interception measures when receiving documents, and at the moment of overall defense, the main related products, including emails, browsers, hyconsive, and games in the overall defense level. Preventing the announcement, when logging in to these things, I will receive a user say that the channels and ways that may be called, remind everyone to pay attention.

In some user behaviors, such as receiving files, because the Kunlun system now firewall can't do all viruses, no matter what the other party, a small word will remind the user to confirm the send.

Especially when involving cash transactions, there will be language reminders, let everyone be careful.

Such small operations do not require what technology, but it has got a good review of users.

Through technical security, add intimate tips, from two directions to fight network security, obviously more effective.

Throughout the global technology development, many products are hot in facts need an opportunity.

The success of the wind group all the way is that the product is really good, and in the past few years in the Internet crisis, Meng Qian knows that the reaction of the next global anti-virus software company is a bit slow, and Microsoft is in this field. It's really unscrupulous. The public needs a safer guarantee. This advantage of the Great Wind Group becomes exceptionally prominent in this era.

In just a few days, the advantages of the Kunlun system and the Ju Peng browser began to ferment globally.

However, in just a few days, there is more and more negative news about the Kunlun system.

The Microsoft Pressenant is shot.

Perhaps Microsoft is really slow in other fields, but in the system, Microsoft's reaction is absolutely in place.

If Microsoft is still observing, then Microsoft has decided to shoot, real confrontation, start.

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