Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 168 is coming to hurt each other.

Microsoft calls a team to excavate the Qunlun system. Is there any problem with the Kunlun system? There is definitely, such a large system is not possible.

And when Microsoft collects problems, various statements begin to appear. For example, if there is a very reasonable perspective, it means that the Kunlun system is a system just launched, so it has not been concerned about the hackers, in fact, there is also a bunch of vulnerabilities in the Kunlun system, once hacked, result Wild worse than Windows.

Now everyone can intercept the virus with the Kunlun system, because they are all old viruses, so they are very good. The wind group took advantage of everyone's current panic psychology, avoiding light, truly valuable technology is the reminder function.

Of course, these words are impossible to say that Microsoft personally said, is to find someone else, because Microsoft himself says, the wind group can counterattack, but through some messy experts and scholars, The wind group is going to die with them.

This is better than writing a book than a well-known writer, and another well-known writer criticizes him, then start the debate directly, always argue a wrong mistake.

But in the face of thousands of comments in the book review area, the author is impossible to explain one by one, not only no energy, it is unclear, but other people who read books will be influenced by these comments, because everyone is not professional, Everyone doesn't know that the author is right or the pair of these readers.

In this way, most of the users do not understand technology. When they see so many statements online, they have begun to doubt the Kunlun system. This thing is really problem ...

But this is also expected, the competition, public relations, there is no way to avoid things, at least the visibility of the Kunlun system has gone, the Great Breene Group's public relations department and operations center have also shot, using its own resources to start Iron with Microsoft.

At the same time, the allies of the wind group began to come out.

At the Global Network Information Security Conference, Kaspersky Direct Profile Kunlun System is the safest system in the world, and for some of the online sayings, such as interception is old virus, Kaspersky uses the truth directly,

At the European Information Industry Annual Meeting, Opera expressed strong condemnation of the vulnerability of the Ju Peng browser and explained the core technologies developed by the Chief Technology Officer to study Opera and Ju Peng browser, and showed reliable safety. Sex and stability.

The most basic public relations war continue to break out, and some other movements have begun.

"Meng Da, already have cooperative hardware and software business to start a difficulty." In late November, Fang Chen took the latest news to report with Meng Qian.

Pressing more hardware and software vendors is one of Microsoft's most commonly used means. In 2002, Microsoft has exposed Microsoft to press the hardware and software manufacturer, and the threat retaliation hinders them to cooperate with Linux, thus suppressing Development of Linux.

The similar things have been constantly exposed, but even if you know that Microsoft is doing it, you can't take him. What can I do?

The lawsuit is also lost money, and Microsoft is not bad.

"What news?"

Fang Chen's focus, "I mentioned a thing at a meeting yesterday, they said that the Kunlun system infringed Microsoft more than 300 patents, and is considering us."

The patented barrier is still coming.

The patented barrier is more desperate. I have said before introducing Qualcomm, the system, the big wind group is late, and it is too late, to completely avoid all the patents of Windows is not possible. .

Fortunately, Microsoft did not have Qualcomm on the patented barrier, but there will definitely there will be some patent issues.

In fact, the Apple system also has a lot of infringement Microsoft systems. Similarly, Microsoft systems also have a place where the Apple system is infringed.

However, Microsoft and Apple signed a patent cross-authorization bill, everyone does not provoke anyone.

What is wrong, Apple has this ability to make Microsoft compromise, but the wind group?

When the news came out, the worry of the wind group on the market was coming.

"If patented infringement, this big wind group is not a matter."

"It's entirely a dead bureau, and the wind group is probably facing the system offline and high compensation."

"I just bought SG computer, if the system couldn't use it? My computer was abolished?"

"Fortunately, I haven't bought it yet. Once Microsoft is true, the wind group is definitely can't hold."

"It's scattered, it is a company who died in Microsoft monopoly. Although I hate Microsoft, but tell the truth, it is really fighting, Sun is so disabled by Microsoft."

"The patented patents who can take a hand in the hands of the wind group seem to have failed to fight with Microsoft."

"Is it next to the IBM out of horse? But what can he do? Help the wind group to fight the lawsuit?"


Eating melon people in the curious wind group next practice, Microsoft is also curious, many people don't know, this system confrontation is personally commanded by Ballmer, on the one hand, Microsoft attaches importance to the system, and on the other hand At the importance of the wind group, but they watched the wind group how to make Oracle in the present half.

Moreover, Microsoft's MSN and IE are smashed by the wind group, so Microsoft should pay more attention to the wind group than many people.

On November 28th, Ballmer worked as usual, then opened a meeting to understand the situation of the wind group, he heard that the wind group should convene a reporter conference, but what is the content of what is current I don't know.

At the same time, he saw a new report for a survey that has lasted for a while.

There are still no more hackers attack the wind group.

"Strange, the firewall of the Kunlun system puts their attacks outside the door. Why don't they attack? Does the madman not pursue glory to pursue a reputation? Staring at Microsoft, now being controlled by the wind group Do you demonstrate yourself? "

This is a problem with many people in Microsoft in the microsoft. How do these hackers don't go to the wind group, I stared at Microsoft? It is true to be so big with Microsoft.

Yes, why hackers suddenly became so gentle in the Great Breeze Group ...

On November 30, 2004, hundreds of media reporters on the Great Breeze group came to the scene. At three o'clock in the afternoon, Meng Qian took Fang Chen and others, but standing around Meng Qian is a foreign man. .

Some people have recognized this foreign man and can't help but exclaim, "Li Nas Touroz!"

Suddenly I suddenly.

Meng Qiao smiled and did a hand to show it. Don't be excited. "The hard media friends run this, I will not delay everyone's time, today, today's reporter release, we must announce three things, first Things is that the Great Breeze Group will reach a deep cooperation with the Linux community. "

The voice just fell, the photographers in the scene were mounted, and only heard a slap.

In 2007, Microsoft said that Linux infringed Microsoft 235 patents, but Microsoft did not take prosecution behavior, because it is like the above, there will be infringement.

Li Nas Totoz also responded at the time. If you checked a Windows system, its infringement would only be more serious.

So Microsoft is impossible to sue Linux, because you can complain, Linux can prosecute you through the system alliance of the Linux kernel.

This is also the reason for Microsoft, I really want to sue the wind group, because the Great Wind Group seems to be in the eyes of Microsoft.

But now it is different, the wind group is standing with Linux.

The system of the solar microfit system is better than Microsoft. At this time, the public acknowledges that in addition to Microsoft's failure, it is really a big problem in decision-making, that is When I do my own system, I don't have to win my position. I actually ran to suppress other UNIX kernel systems.

Meng Qian, who has a front car, certainly does not do this kind of stupid thing, as a Linux kernel system, he will not only go to prevent other Linux kernel systems, but also stand together with everyone.

The Linux at this time is being suppressed by Microsoft, or it is accurately said that from Linux, it has been suffering from Microsoft.

As an open source system, Li Nas Towsworth is hard to work with any commercial company, but the wind group is different.

The Great Wind Group is the harvest of the Pure land plan, which is the creator of the open source alliance.

In the past few years, Meng Qian has continuously created open source, and he is strongly open source, and the hacker has long been there in the hearts of the world.

If any business company can make the open source have a good sense, it is a wind group.

Because Microsoft has been pressing source, and the wind group has been supporting open source.

Meng Qian rely on this advantage and reputation established in these years, will start the power of open source by using the microsoft to fight the system.

Now, open source power will be with the wind group, against Microsoft.

Media barrier? Application barrier? Patented barrier? Ecological barrier?

Come, hurt each other.

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