In June 2005, because Meng Qian's rebirth changed the development of the Huaxia semiconductor industry, at the same time, in June 2005, the original history is a very important historical node, and this historical event happened in this world. And through the development of this semiconductor, the promotion of this incident may be faster.

On the afternoon, I gathered a hand of dozens of enterprises in a meeting room, including high-wind integration, Gree, Haier, Huawei and other enterprises. At the same time, there are more than a dozen leaders from above, Meng Qian recognizes one People, Chief Engineer of Liaoning, Luo Majun!

On April 26, 2005, the Walker Gray, which was not easy to drag, and finally started to build, as for 3 years, the later generation report is very much, whit there is white, I don't know how to get The Valley is an empty shell. Huaxia is too difficult to make a aircraft carrier in the case of almost no experience, so the light is studying and setting the direction for 3 years.

A leader started to speak, "I am very happy to see our Huaxia Semiconductor has made great progress in the past few years. In the development of semiconductor fields, our private enterprises in China have played a lightweight role, and we also have to see the power of private enterprises. .

At the beginning of this year, after discussions of various ministries, in order to further encourage the development of private enterprises, everyone also knows that the state decided to pilot national enterprise cooperation reform, try to open the national strategic industry, and achieve domestic industrial upgrading through the strength of the country and enterprises and private enterprises. Promote the development of the national strategic industry.

The previous suggested drafts believe that all entrepreneurs have also been seen. Today we invite all entrepreneurs to gather together to make an interpretation and introduction for specific open industries and target industries. "

And in today's speech, one of the most intended topics is the military.

In fact, most domestic strategic industries are also caught in the country's hands. In 2005, it is the military, which is the famous aircraft carrier to force the industrial upgrade event.

When Huaxia began to decide to make a car, we discovered a core problem. We have a high technology gap in the high-end field. After the aircraft carrier competition, it is not only economic strength, more is the high-end equipment manufacturing, cutting-edge materials and even fuel industry. Such as competition in the field. When we start challenging something like aircraft carrier, the problem will begin to expose.

As the military expert said, "We want to make aircraft carrier, so I took out more than 40 million meters to the shipyard, repair road, built the dock, and the work room, just waiting for these infrastructure, and found that we did not make a navigator. Use steel. "

In the past 20 years, Huaxia has always adhered to the principle of market replacement technology. It is the problem that people don't change in the high cutting-edge field, people don't change.

So just forced the Chinese yourself, but what you do, it is also a long-term discussion.

At that time, the experts of the Academy of Sciences mentioned a thing, and most of the consortium of neon countries involved the military workers. In the case of the cooperation of national and private enterprises, on the one hand, more funds can be guaranteed, on the one hand, more talents can be cultivated, the other In terms of civilian enterprises can take this to achieve military transit, neon automobiles and electronics industries to rely on a large number of military transit civil developments.

This is the army theory.

Domestic exquisite in the past few years, the private enterprises began to force, so in June 2005, in June 2005, Huaxia opened the era of private enterprises into the military, waiting until the 17th year of the year, clearly proposed to adjust the reform of the national defense technology system and weapons Equipment procurement system, establish and improve the combination of military and civilians, army people, come out of the military and civilian integration development path of Huaxia characteristics, to achieve the supply and demand docile and resource sharing of military and civilian industries, driving the technical advancement of private industries.

In this world, a big fan of the Great Breeze Group has driven the joint development of China's entire scientific and private enterprises, which makes the country tend to the direction of the army.

But as an obsession, it is very clear that the development of this thing is not as smooth as it is, mainly the core industrial country of military workers or dare not put, especially security threats, and private enterprises are always existing, and then The neon country of Mi-Dang is starting to engage in the army from the war years. It has long formed a set of systems. For example, in the neon, military development between the military and enterprises, and the development of industrial cooperation through the national unified dispatching. But there is no one in charge of enterprises to complete the entire core closed-loop industry independently.

There is no foundation in Huaxia, before the military is a country, so I really want to build this system, may need to slow grind for decades, but for some private enterprises, I am still very happy to enter the military field. Do not earn, not to mention that military transit people and military markets are very attractive, although it is not as easy as they do now.

In addition, it is possible to take the line with the country. Some people do not want to give the shares to the country, but some private enterprises have not actually enterprises.

After the unified explanation, everyone began to communicate, some entrepreneurs and leaders convers alone, Meng Qian was shouted in the small room alone, and Luo Sha will be.

The leaders praised the development of a big wind group in these years and the important contribution to the national semiconductor industry and then began to cut into theme. First, the material, two is the system and software.

Does Meng always see? "

Meng Qian's direct saying, "I am a line in the construction of aircraft carrier, but I know that the domestic material development is indeed relatively weak, so in these years, the country is more important, the development of the company is also growing, I believe as long as it is from the country To enterprises can keep this value now, our material progress is only a matter of time.

As for the system and software, I have no chance to observe the system and software of the military, so it is not good to evaluate. If I only have it from civil software, I think we have shrunk the gap between foreign countries, and even in some areas have reached the international Leading level. "

"What is the idea about the army of the people in the army?"

"Single from the purpose, I am absolutely supported. The only suggestion is that from the beginning, I have to set a big system, give the people enterprises a clear development direction, and use the market and other policies to give the people corresponding support, the military is a Sensitive industries, I believe that every private entrepreneur in Huaxia will not expect too much, but which step can you go, be sure to make it clear in advance, in advance.

Military products are different from civil products, and the previous R & D cycle is generally longer. If it is improper, it is easy to cast the enthusiasm of private enterprises, and it is a waste of talents and funds.

So the entire army of the army is to do it from the top, don't go down. "

"Meng Mong said it is very reasonable." The leader nodded very recognized. "This is really what we need to consider, the Meng Gong is not intended to the army?"

"If there is a chance, the Great Wind Group is looking forward to the research and development of more military electronics, of course, the core of the system and software, if possible, the wind group is definitely the same."

See Meng Qian released a positive signal, the leadership is also very safe. In fact, some words don't know how to open, I can't directly take the country's righteousness to press Meng Qian, this is not suitable, but the system and software are too core, how to Operation, this is a big problem, "Meng Chong has this intention, then we will further explore the development mode."

Meng Qian looked at a watch. "Hu Shi should arrive, just, I have another thing to talk to Hu Shu, two are not as good, talk together."

Everyone is a smart person, Meng Qian said, two people know that there must be deeply, nodded.

In fact, Meng Qian does already have his plan, and the country deal with the country in Meng Qian does not have to cover it. It is not necessary to cover too many sets. He is ready to directly capture his idea, the country can accept, accept Can't talk about it again.


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