Didn't haven't, Hoying came to the small room with two men. After He Yuting pushed the door, the two men appeared in front of everyone.

"Hu Shushang, Ni Academician." Meng Qian got up to the door and greeted the two.

The two people saw the other two in the room, and they immediately greeted each other, and then they got together in the leadership.

Meng Qian gave He Yuting to bring his computer in.

At this time, the two is Ni Guangnan. Everyone is very familiar, and the other person is the initiator of the dragon core project, the chief scientist of Longqin project, Hu Weiwu.

At this time, the 40-year-old Hu Weiwu is already a white hair, and his white hair is starting from the establishment of the dragon core project. His friends will often mention the story of Hu Weiwu one night in the interview. .

If Meng Qiao is respectful to Ni Guangnan, then he has admired by Hu Weiwu, Hu Weiwu has a strong patriotic spirit, and Meng Qian is the favorite place to believe that he has transfers most people.

Meng Qiao has been in contact with Hu Wei, each time I talk about domestic technology development, Hu Weiwu is always we can do, there is no problem, sooner or later will solve, and more valuable is that his confidence is rational, he is in China. And abroad's technical gap analysis is particularly thorough, and the transcendence method is listed, rather than simple dryness with a group of people.

Just like he is a dragon core, he will continue to refine the purpose, method, demand for the dragon core project, and make Meng Qian admire.

As he has a strong self-confidence in Huaxia, in this era, it is still so firm and confident after the gap. It is also a phoenix, and Meng Qian encounters more people will say, we So much weak, what is confident?

We strive to work hard, but confidence is really not talking, even when you ask them to confident, you have to come to you, you are not realistic.

But someone can confident under the backwardness, it is because of his confidence, he will hold it. He has never thought about giving up, and let Huaxia have dragon cores, no matter how it is black, but It is true that the last dignity of Huaxia CPU is this era.

That kind of backward should not be confident, then it is a blind speech, it seems that it seems to be rational, standing in the so-called objective high point, but after the details ...

"What is the thing you said in your phone, what is going on?" Hu Weiwu just sat down.

Meng Qian knows his character, and it is not taking it. "In fact, when you see you, I want to talk to you, but considering that many things have not started, I will be in my heart. In that year, we would like to choose MIPS overhead, and it is a helplessness. "

"X86 is dead, and the original is indeed, MIPS has left us a lot of self-space." Hu Weiwu is extravagance with Meng Qian, what is said.

"But I last looked at the command set of Longxin, this is not a matter, from visible CPU development trends, the future chip must be developed in the easiest and lower direction, MIPS architecture is complicated, you There are so many independent expansion instructions, and the more important issues are still ecology, Microsoft Intel's ecology is getting more and more perfect. The MIPS architecture is almost uncomfortable, and the dragon core continues to go so, but also Ecology, this difficulty can be imagined. "

"So what is your suggestion?" Hu Wei asked directly, just a few words, he knew that Meng Qian had a good suggestion.

"To tell the truth, we will insist on our own write source code based on the MIPS architecture. It is not as you developed a structure."

"I developed myself?" Hu Weiwu's expression was serious.

Meng Qian continued, "In fact, for us, design architectures from scratch is not a problem, how is the problem to circulate professional barriers and standard barriers, how is it started to build their own ecology from scratch.

During the two years of development of the Great Breeze Group, we found a way to rely on the product revolution to promote technology change, using patents to balance the patented barriers.

Microsoft has been playing a law as a long time to fight the law for so long. It is because he also has a lot of infringement. I am infringed on you, but you also infringed me. Everyone is almost the difference in infringement, unless I really want to No fish is dead, or it will eventually have to hold hands and. "

Hu Weiwu nodded to recognize Meng Qian's statement, but also proposed questions. "What product revolution is now?"

"Yes, smartphones."

"Smartphone? Nokia?"

"Not the same as Nokia." Meng Qian took the computer with Hu Weiwu and Ni Guangnan to see his mobile phone system architecture program and the idea of ​​future smartphones.

Under Meng Qiao patient, the two have a certain understanding of future smartphones. "If you can really appear in the future, then this smartphone is not a simple product revolution, but the era revolution, this It is a major change in mobile devices, and the mobile phone will have an unprecedented value. "

After all, it is two gods. It is very good to digest Meng Qian's description of the future, and I can imagine probably.

"It can be said that foreign 3G develops have made me see the potential of mobile phones, but because our wind groups are also participating in 4G development, once the 4G era is coming, I think this is a revolution, and two are very clear. The wind group always likes to gamble, I bet is the new smartphone era.

In the face of a new system, facing the new hardware, the demand for the chip will be completely different, the architecture can also have a lot of operating space, and for mobile phones, I think the streamlined commander is more suitable, this is us Another long-standing consideration with IBM cooperation.

Then it is an ecology, we use the company's relationship between global hardware and software manufacturers with IBM, and we are also driving the rapid development of domestic hardware and software vendors. Computer ecology we may always fight Microsoft and Intel, but the mobile phone ecology can be said.

If I gambling, we can seize the opportunity of the mobile phone age, from the system, go to the chip architecture, to the hardware device to the ecology, step by step, step by step. "

"I understand." Hu Weiwu said to understand the expression of doubts. "You can completely complete the strength of the wind group. What is the purpose of this thing now?"

"The investment of the Longxin project every day is time and energy. If Hu Shi dares to accompany me, you can try to cooperate with us from the development stage." Meng Qian said this, looking at the other two, "Dragon Future application environment is definitely different from our wind group, we can speed up the progress through cooperation, and we can also develop in different fields. "

Meng Qian said, Hu Weiwu did not understand, but the leader on the side has already listened very well.

Meng Qian is very simple, the wind group will not let the shares, even if the country does not give, but the wind group must focus on the civilian field, the military field is engaged in joint venture with the country, core technology engaged in research and development, this Come, technology is transparent to the country, the right to discuss this piece of military is also in the country.

For the wind group, I don't want any words of the military. I can take a good scientific research capacity here. At the same time, the future of joint ventures in the country can be very good to bother the wind group, and don't use the wind. Group's shares.

Leaders and Luo Ma will nod, it is a good solution.


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