The immersion photolithography machine of the wind group officially started, and there was no great sensation in China. Although the importance of these core equipment beforewards, these years have not yet been there, netizens have not yet been there. The attention is not so high.

But in the industry, this can be an industrial earthquake, and the immersion photolithography starts to mass production. The two years of market inspection results must prove that this idea is indeed feasible, that is, the entire semiconductor process The bottleneck is extremely broken.

Intel, AMD and other enterprises will not sit a bit.

On the day after the Great Breeze Group announced the amount of light engraving, many companies in the Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology Strategic Alliance were gathered together, and the Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology Strategic Alliance of the Miraki Semiconductor Manufacturing was a league in the year to suppress neon semiconductor. The alliance manages a world-leading partner international network, including foundry, IDM, wafer factory, test, packaging and assembly company, materials and equipment suppliers, can provide the whole industry when challenges facing the chip manufacturing Range solution.

Nowadays, the chip manufacturing industry in the rice country has obviously encountered challenges, and the core equipment has fallen into the hands of Huaxia.

"From the information coming from the neon country, the high-wind group's illuminating machine is indeed perfect for the improvement of the process, so the problem is now in front of us, we must buy a lightning machine from the wind group. ? "

"We gathe it today is not because we don't want, it is impossible to buy lightning machine from Huaxia."

"I agree, if the light moment is in the hands of the Chinese, it will be very passive, China is different from neon, we have a weak intervention in Huaxia, and the neon countries have tossed us. It is also because of the precedent of neon, in the face of Huaxia, we should take a break, don't give them too much development space. "

"But in the past few years, we have more frequent economic circles with Huaxia. We have more comprehensive cooperation with Huaxia. At this time, it may affect the trade between the two countries."

"If you are other devices, I think it is completely able to make a lot of money from the market in China, and the potential of Huaxia market is very large, but the lighting machine is not good, this is the product of the semiconductor life."

"Do you want to talk to the wind group, pull the wind group?"

"I can tell you very clearly, our Intel has gained with the wind group, which is absolutely impossible to give his own words to others, you can only cooperate with him, but cooperation is obviously not us The result. "

"How much time does it take?"

"Half a year, the news that just came today. The moment of lightning machine, feedback from market, to the revision, to the production line, each ring is less, so the wind group can be relatively fast realization , By the people who rely on the people who don't want to live. "

"Then I suggest that I will wait for Asa, and I don't have to be so embarrassed, first restrict the development of the lightning machine of the wind group, take the material for sale, see what he has."

"This method is probably nothing, this is the detailed analysis of the lightning machine products of the wind group. You can look at it. Their at home, lens, laser transmitter, operating system, operating table, etc. It is independently developed. "

"This is impossible, where is Huaxia foundation?"

"It is said that the Great Wind Group integrates the highest level in all fields in China. At the same time, the wind group wrapped in Canon, Canon helped the wind group to solve many technical problems."

"So if you don't take over tough measure, there is only one thing you can do, market restrictions."


Compared to the nervous atmosphere on the other side of the country, Meng Qian has also been very comfortable, and I will go to the industrial park in the early morning to condolence my employees. At this time, the microelectrics in Shanghai is not only producing the lightning machine, but also begins. It is important to be some future, but the equipment that can't be made in China.

For example, in a vacuum vapor deposition machine, this later generation is also the equipment of the neck, the technical vapor deposition machine technology is that the wind group is exchanged with Canon with the lightning machine technology, which was originally sold to a domestic company, but The company is not very vying, other companies don't want to pick up this life, plus the wind group, anyway to do the screen, Meng Qian will do it yourself.

Employees have seen themselves very enthusiastic, and Meng Qian with employees with the employees is very good.

In the afternoon Meng Qian, began to see the door in the park, see new friends, talk about the latest development, and planned the plan.

From the evening, Meng Qian was invited to eat with the leaders, and there were another five entrepreneurs in the peers.

The atmosphere of the evening is very easy. Everyone doesn't talk about something, talking some parents' short things, and even leaders want to introduce Meng Qian. After the meal, there is a leader inserted with some of the entrepreneurial experience of everyone, but it is not very formal, it is also the meaning of communicating.

I have been waiting until the evening is over, the leaders of the propaganda department that have not been talking have suddenly asked Meng Qian, "I have a small granddaughter who specializes in Meng, my little granddaughter specially likes to watch your big wind group to create a cartoon about the ancient myth, he Usually on holiday, I also like to play your game, called "ancient mythology", right? "

"My honor." Meng Qian was a cup.

"Meng Qian should not be so polite, but it is true, I also specially study this ancient myth of your big wind group, your company defined called IP right?"

"Yes, a big IP operation."

The leaders of the propaganda department looked at the other leaders around him. "Let's learn to be fun before, I think Meng has done anything, it is called the enchantment, and the way of this culture through the entertainment. I am spread out, I think it is really helpful. I also mentioned the small Li Tong on the neon country a few days ago. He also mentioned this.

In the young people in the neon country, they now set off a gap. They manage it called Huaxual. Xiao Li also sent me a picture, now neon national young people specially like to wear some of our Huaxia ancient clothing, meet Say a few words, it is very tidal, and even told me a data, and the neon country has increased by 16% in these two years, and many of them are going to class out.

That is to say, they are not to learn or do anything, it is simple to learn. I feel that Huawen is very cow, very fashionable, I think it can spread a country's cultural dissemination, this is a great thing.

I personally think that we should take this momentum to promote the development of this industry from the national level, and we should do something in the cultural industry. "

The leaders of a part of the Ministry of Culture immediately accepted, "said that the domestic cultural industry has indeed encountered some problems in the past few years ago. Everyone is clear, but the cultural output of the wind group is indeed in the eyes, I think I think back We can communicate well. "

The leaders of the propaganda department turned to Meng Qian, "Guan Meng, your big wind group is doing now, I personally ask questions, if we want to make a column from the official this mouth, from you to cultural communication What is the understanding and understanding of this matter? Is there any good theme? "

"If it is from the official mouth, my suggestion is either directly tall, showing our five thousand years of history, like our cultural relics, buildings.

Either life, there is a panic, but it is deeply precipitated in deep Chinese culture. "

"Oh? The flatness between the flatness is deeply deprecated, and the Meng has to say more specific?" I got a leader to be more interested in this thing. After all, he has already asked others before, almost everyone. It is recommended to be cultural relics, ancient buildings, history.

Meng Qian smiled and asked. "If you are in other countries, what do you think is the most likely to hit your homesickness?"


Everyone looked at each other, but no one was confirmed, so no one gave an answer.

After all, in the face of a leader, Meng Qian will no longer sell Guan Chi. "For me, my most nostalgic is the dish of my mother. So I have a small suggestion, I can make a column , Called "Huaxia on the tip of the tongue". "


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