Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 386 Edition Search Engine

End the "Shanghai Tour" Back to the company, the Empire Fitness is still going to accept attention from eating melon people, when the heat is hot, and the wind group, Ali and Haiwei have been taken out by netizens. , Called Huaxia Sanyxion.

This netizen is really anime.

On July 3, Taobao high-profile released a data. In the first half of 2005, Taobao realized 15.23 million registration, beyond eBay, and in the first half of the year, Taobao transaction volume exceeded 2 billion, surpassing eBay, Yes, in the first half of the year's most popular online trading platform voted, Taobao beyond eBay with 67%.

Of course, eBay also has its own advantages, eBay became the highest-end Internet enterprise in the first half of 2005.

On July 5, the staple released a poster, congratulations to the nail user registration to exceed 10 million.

On July 8, I have always seem to have no action, I have opened a conference, Meng Qian is supported. After all, Meng Qi made Yan Haili to search engine.

Yahaiwei's launch conference product is a new version.

Originally, there will be no too many people concerned. Whoever makes the recent confrontation have been there, and the live audience of the has millions.

At the scene of the conference, a point of searching for the project is full of passionate and full of enthusiasm. "We have recently received a lot of friends, many of whom are asking questions, do you have a search engine?

Of course, many users think that the search engine used is almost the same, because there are two reasons, the first is that everyone is still not very high for search engines, and there is very few people who can have no products. Pay attention to excessive details, the overall difference between the product is not very large.

However, we can see from the data on the big screen. In the past two years, users have shown a rapid growth trend through search engines. We believe that future search engines will become an indispensable product in everyday network activity.

So in the face of this trend, we upgrade the product to provide users with better services.

Then let's take a look at the search engine for the search engine, the criteria are divided into three aspects, product core, product interaction, and product expansion. The core is simple, fast, accurate.

The so-called whole, is more comprehensive, since it is a search engine, then how much content is the most basic, before, Yahoo claims that the number of web pages and images provided by the search index is currently 20.8 billion, and is known as the huge search index of Yahoo. Curry contains 192 billion network documents, 1.6 billion web images and more than 50 million videos and audio information.

So what is the truth? We all don't know, only Yahoo knows that if it is true, we must admit that we don't have so much, our search index provides only 12.3 billion.

Interestingly, however, in order to test the search engine, our researchers have created a script containing 176,539 words, and randomly combines any word as search keywords, and the results of the search engine return each time will be recorded. In 16018 tests, only 239 Yahoo search engines produced more search results than us.

We don't know where the problem is, but this time test data will announce in the official website of Haowei, you are welcome to find this phenomenon.

And everyone should pay attention to a keyword, word, our test is not done in China, but in the UK, this is to avoid everyone feels that we have local advantages, so we chose the UK, this Yahoo is better than us. Earlier in the country.

All the tests will be mentioned later, they are done in the UK. "

The first data came out of the scene.

"Again, the so-called fast response time, we have the feedback time of the results when searching for the same keyword, and we join hands with the British Computer Association for 12931 keyword tests, everyone to see the results.

Yahoo's average response time is 1.1 seconds, and Google's average response time is 0.9 seconds, our average response time is 0.8 seconds.

And in fact, it is the most important point. For users, as long as you can give me the answer, your response time is slow, we have tested it for this, we invited 5 global 5 10,000 users participated in the test, for the same keyword results, we can watch data, Yahoo, 68%, Google, 72%, a little search, 73%.

We chose to test and compare products with the most direct fool but the most convincible way. All of the test data will be all open, which is our most direct product advantage. "

"Hey." The Taiwan has a warm applause. After all, the Haiwei is a generation of people. Zhang Shuxin has followers, and can see that Hai Wei has such performances, many people are from the heart Zhang Shuxin is happy.

However, today's release will not end, wait for applause, pay for continuing, "product interaction this concept is more and more familiar, telling the truth, in this matter, is our whole search The biggest pride of the project team, let us see the interface of several mainstream search engines in the market, this is the login interface, this is the search interface, do you see the difference? "

"Advertising!" Some people shouted in the stage.

"Yes, our Haiwei is the only product in the mainstream search engine in the world without using a bidding advertising."

The bidding advertising ranking is not the unique whiteness, not white invented, but the foundation of Google, and the mainstream search engine in the early years is playing, including Yahoo.

It is only white to optimize the bidding advertising ranked this game and "carry forward the light".

"We always adhere to the most traditional billing advertising mode from the beginning, and do not take up the main interface of the user search. Maybe someone will ask if you still make money? If I say you can't make money, do you believe? So these Not important, it is important to bring the experience of the user.

Finally, let's talk about the development of services, search engine as a search product, providing users with a product, but we are also rationally realized, not all answers can be obtained by search engines, for Such an original intention, we have created a further platform, know if it is.

By searching for the main interface of the search engine, you can enter the question, the positioning is to provide the user with a more professional answer platform. We will invite professional people in all fields to set up the questions, at the same time, we Welcome to the professional to take the initiative to stand in the platform, the platform will have a strict audit to protect the reliability of the profession, and provide more professional help for our users. "

Yao Haili's conference, successful sucking a wave of powder, some more real people really went to see the Haiwei public is test data, and then they also test, but Haowei really didn't lie, and they did test or Foreign abroad, the domestic users tested in China, the advantages of a little search will only be more obvious.

At the same time, a little search without a large number of advertisements is really very good. People are annoying, even if the platform is always making money.

Finally, I have justified it. After the launch conference, I broke out a wave of users. Because many people want to get a professional solution, there is no resource, I don't know where to ask, what is the long-term development, Meng Qian feels that you can look forward to it. The premise is that Hainway must hold the bottom line of the audit standard, or sooner or later will become a new spacecraft in Mars.

After the press conference, the excellent performance of Haihe Wei gave Yahoo's head, Huaxia Sanyxiong successfully, but the Empire's four inba is in the country, it seems awkward ...

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